Drought resistance evaluation system for backcross lines of Dongxiang common wild rice (Oryza rufipogonGriff.). STUDIES ON THE NULLISOMIC BACKROSSING PROCEDURES FOR PRODUCING ALIEN SUBSTITUTION LINES OF TRITICUM-AEGILOPS POSSIBILITY OF "DIRECT GENETIC TRANSFER" OF DESIROUS GENES FROM AEGILOPS TO COMMON WHEAT BY USING phlb GENE INTERGENERIC HYBRID OF TRITICUM AESTIVUM WITH HORDEUM DISTIOHUM AND THE SELECTION AND CHROMOSOME STABILITY OF ITS BACKCROSS PROGENY QTL Analysis of Resistance to Bacterial Spot Race T3 in Tomato Effects of SSⅢ 1,SBE3 and PUL on Eating and Cooking Qualities of Rice under the Background of Backcross Inbred Lines Genetic Background and Environmental Effects on Expression of QTL for Sheath Blight Resistance in Reciprocal Introgression Lines of Rice QTL Mining for Sheath Blight Resistance Using the Backcross Selected Introgression Lines for Grain Quality in Rice Studies on Breeding Value of Three Intergeneric Hybrids Between Chrysanthemum and Tanacetum,Ajanina and Crossostephium Studies on Breeding Value of Three Intergeneric Hybrids Between Chrysanthemum and Tanacetum,Ajanina and Crossostephium THE GENOMIC IDENTIFICATION OF THE DOMINANT MALE STERILE GENE OF TAIGU WHEAT Effectiveness of phlb in Hybrid between Bread Wheat and Ae.ovata A Study on Improving the Main Morphological Traits of Annual Ryegrass by Backcross Resistance of backcrossing lines with lysozyme gene to rice blast The Establishment of Technique System for Hybrid Wheat Quality Improvement The Development of Backcross Introgression Lines (BILs) and GeneticAnalysis for Brassica campestris Development of Soybean Lines with α‘-Subunit or (α‘+α)-Subunits Deficiency in 7S Globulin by Backcrossing Analysis of Esterase Isozymes of Elymus dahuricus,Hordeum brevisubulatum Their Hybrid F1 and BC1 Several Problems Concerning Poplar Heredity and Breeding Creating Wheat Germplasm for High Quality Breeding by Monosomic Backcrossing Creation and Identification of Wheat-Barley Alien Substitution Line Mining Favorable Salt-tolerant QTL from Rice Germplasm Using a Backcrossing Introgression Line Population Quantitative Trait Locus Analysis of Lodging Index in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Breeding for PGMS Line by Using eui Gene from Recessive Tall Rice 02428h Locating QTLs for Plant Water Status under Drought Condition in Over-lapping Introgression Lines of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) QTL Analysis of Resistance to Bacterial Spot Race T3 in Tomato Studies on convergent breeding of many good HMW-GS into Xiaoyan 6 The Development of Backcross Introgression Lines (BILs) and GeneticAnalysis for Brassica campestris Meta-analysis and Validation of QTL for Resistance to Gray Leaf Spot in Maize QTL Analysis of Cold Tolerance from Solanum pimpinellifolium During Seed Germination and Seedling Stages Using Advanced Backcross Population A research on nullisomic backcross method for breeding alien substitution lines Intergeneric cross-compatibility between Dendran-thema ×grandiflorum and Ajania pacifica and the seed sets of their F1 progenies in different conditions of backcross, selfing and open pollination Study on Crosses and Backcrosses of Common Wheat(Triticum aestivum)Mutants ph1b、ph2a、ph2b with Rye (Secale cereale) Detection of QTLs for Resistance to Rice Stripe Virus and Small Brown Planthopper in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) The New Red Apple Cultivar‘Guo Hong’ The New Red Apple Cultivar‘Guo Hong’ Utilization Potential of the Temperate Maize Inbreds Integrated with Tropical Germplasm Development of Introgression Lines and Identification of QTLs for Resistance to Sheath Blight Genetic Dissection of Segregation Distortion in Interspecific BC1 Populations of Cotton Effects Contributed by Different Donor Parents and Backcross Times on R08 Improvement A New Rice Cultivar“Wulingjing1” with Resistance to Rice Stripe Virus Bred by Marker Assisted Selection Study on Transfer a New Type of Cytoplasmic Male Sterility Line in Purple-Caitai Genetic Variation Analyses on Brassica napus×Purple-Caitai Hybrids and Their Backcross Progenies Development and Evaluation of Two Link-up Single Segment Introgression Lines (SSILs) in Zea mays Effect of Successive Backcrossing on Eliminating Somaclonal Variation Caused by Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation in Rice

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