Photosynthetic response to different irradiances of undergrowth plants in tree-herb plantation Photosynthetic characteristics of Sarcandra glabra On Shade Tolerance of 741 Poplar EFFECTS OF LIGHT ON SEED GERMINATION AND SEEDLING ESTABLISHMENT OF A TROPICAL RAINFOREST CANOPY TREE, POMETIA TOMENTOSA The Relationship of Shade Tolerance of Poplar and Biomass Production under Different Plantation Density Diurnal change of photosynthetic characteristics and response to light intensity of seven ornamental grasses A study on the shade tolerance of Lauraceae obtusiloba Differentiation of Chlorophyll Content and Its Relationships with SPAD Value for the Main Greening Tree Species in Northwestern Liaoning Province Photosynthetic Characteristics of Chenopodium album Ecological and Biological Characteristics and Cutting Propagation of Hydrocotyle nepalensis Hook Dynamic changes of dominant tree species in broad-leaved Korean pine forest at different succession stages in Changbai Mountains. A preliminary report on the ecological performance of Desmodium heterocarpum DC vat.strigosum Van Meeuwen Evaluation of shade tolerance of nine warm-season turfgrass and selection of their shade tolerant indices EFFECTS OF SHADING ON THE PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS AND LIGHT USE EFFICIENCY OF PHELLODENDRON AMURENSE SEEDLINGS Leaf Photosynthetic Pigment Contents and Quantitative Evaluation of Shade Tolerance Among 50 Plant Species on Karst Rocky Mountain in Guilin Influences of ABA,Sucrose and Silicon on Enhancing Shade Tolerance of Two Lawn Grasses Comparison of Carotenoids Content in Different Turfgrass Species THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE MORPHOLOGICAL AND ANATOMICAL CHARACTERS OF VEGETATIVE ORGANS OF DESMODIUM INTORTUM AND THE HIGH NITROGEN FIXATION, SHADE TOLERANCE AND CONSERVATION OF SOIL AND WATER Size-symmetric competition in a shade-tolerant invasive plant