THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION AND FLORESTIC CHARAC TERISTICS OF GENERA ENDEMIC SPERMATOPHYTES TO CHINA IN QINLING Differences in photosynthetic capacity among different diameter-classes of Parrotia subaequalis populations and their implications to regeneration limitation Distribution Change of Craspedolobium schochii and Unacceptability of Its Endemism to China Genetic Diversity of Camellia changii Ye (Theaceae) Using ISSR Markers Pollen Morphology of Bauhinia Species Endemic to China (Caesalpiniaceae) CAUSES OF THREAT TO SPECIES MONIMOPETALUM CHINENSE REHD ENDEMIC PLANTS OF HAINAN ISLAND A Study on the Population Structure and Dynamics of Tetraena mongolica Endemic to China The endemic species and distribution in Xinjiang Molecular systematics of four endemic Batrachospermaceae (Rhodophyta) species in China with multilocus data Inferring the biogeographic origins of inter-continental disjunct endemics using a Bayes-DIVA approach Eastern Asian endemic seed plant genera and their paleogeographic history throughout the Northern Hemisphere The endemic wood-plant and its distribution in Gansu The diversities and value of present situation of Paeonia delavayi ANALYSIS OF THE PRECIOUS RARE AND ENDEMIC PLANTS IN XILING GORGE REGION OF HUBEI THE PRECIOUS RARE AND ENDEMIC PLANTS IN QINLING MOUNTAINS AND THEIR FLORISTIC CHARACTERISTICS ENDEMIC HIGHER FUNGI WITH A NOTE ON CHINA AND ADJACENT AREAS FLORISTIC STUDY OF YUNNAN PROVINCE TWO BIG BIODIVERSITY CENTRES OF CHINESE ENDEMIC GENERA OF SEED PLANTS AND THEIR CHARACTERI- STICS IN YUNNAN PROVINCE Physiological response of water stress of Guizhouendemic plant Camellia delicate Early growth performance of 15 indigenous broadleaved tree species in Leizhou Peninsula Preliminary study on the endemic genera to China of spermatophyte in Dabashan Nature Reserve Validation of Morinda shuanghuaensis and Lectotypification of Morinda howiana (Rubiaceae) Sagittaria lichuanensis — A Newly Recorded Species in Alismataceae from Guizhou Province THE BIO-DIVERSITY AND CHARACTERS OF SPERMA- TOPHYTIC GENERA ENDEMIC TO CHINA Population structure and dynamics of the endemic plant Acer guizhouense in Guizhou Province Population pattern and community characteristics of endemic and rare plant Magnolia zenii in Baohuashan National Forest Park STUDIES ON THE BIODIVERSITY AND PROTECTION OF ENDEMIC GENERA OF CHINESE SEED PLANTS IN JIANGXI PROVINCE INVESTIGATION AND STUDY ON THE ENDEMIC PLANT MYRICARIA LAXIFLORA IN THE THREE-GORGE RESERVOIR AREA A STUDY ON THE ENDEMIC VASCULAR PLANT SPECIES OF THE THREE GORGES RESERVOIR AREA OF CHANGJIANG RIVER On the Genera and Families of Spermatophyte Endemic to China in Sichuan Region Geographical Distribution of Magnoliaceae Plants in China On endemic genera to China of spermatophytic flora from Mt.Wulingshan region Studies on genetic diversity of Scutellaria tsinyunensis of endemic species from Mt.Jinyun of Chongqing On Distributional Features of the Genus Aconitum in Sino-Himalayan Flora Rediscovery and Supplemental Description of Ombrocharis dulcis (Labiatae), a Species Endemic to Hunan, China High Genetic Diversity in a Rare, Narrowly Endemic Primrose Species: Primula interjacens by ISSR Analysis Reproductive biology and spawning habitats of Megalobrama pellegrini, an endemic fish in upper-reaches of Yangtze River basin Floristic Characteristics of Endemic Seed Plants in Chongqing Revised description and new distribution report of Trailliaedoxa gracilis (Rubiaceae), an endemic species of China Niche characteristics of Phalaenopsis pulcherrima (Orchidaceae)with two ecotypes in Bawangling Nature Reserve, Hainan Island STUDY ON SPECIES DIVERSITY AND PRIORITY AREA OF WILD OROHIDS IN HAINAN ISLAND THE FLORA OF XYLOPHYTA IN HENAN Traightened on Chinese endemic seed plant species of medicine plants used in Tibetan medicine A Reclassification of the Genus Clematoclethra (Actinidiaceae) and Further Note on the Methodology of Plant Taxonomy On Genera Endemic to China and Occurring in Xizang Plateau Flora Quantitative Analysis of Genera Endemic to China Endemism in the Flora of China—Studies on the Endemic Genera Endemism in the Flora of China—Studies on the Endemic Genera THE MATHEMATICAL STUDY ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE ENDEMIC GENERA OF THE Bambusoideae IN CHINA Genetic Diversity of Plant Allium tubiflorum and Allium neriniflorum Endemic to East Asia by ISSR Markers Revision and New Distribution Report of Gyroweisia yunnanensis (Pottiaceae),an Endemic Species of China A Revision of Corydalis in Qinling Mountains Population Structure and Dynamic Analysis of the Rare and Endangered Plant Camellia longistyla STUDY ON THE ENDEMIC PLANTS FROM SHANDONG PROVINCE A reclassification of Notopterygium Boissieu (Umbelliferae) A Cytotaxonomic Study on Chinese Endemic Species of Hemerocallis (Liliaceae) On the Areal-types of the Chinese Endemic Genera of Seed Plants Areography of the Endemic Genera of Seed Plants in China The Origin, Dispersal and Formation of the Distribution Pattern of Swertia L. (Gentianaceae) Population Ecological Characteristics of the Rare and Endangered Plant Camellia rhytidophylla from Guizhou Community structure of endemic woody plants in tropical montane rainforest of Jianfengling, Hainan Island, China STUDIES ON THE STATUS AND AVAILABILITY OF SELENIUM IN SOILS IN SHENXAN,ZHEJIANG PROVINCE The analysis of Chinese endemic genera of seed plants in Hanzhong area of Shaanxi Province Flora Diversity Characteristics of Seed Plants of Dawei Mountain National Nature Reserve in Yunnan Province,China Development of SSR Markers in Giant Lobelia (Lobelia deckenii) Based on Next-generation High-throughput Sequencing Molecular phylogeny of Glyphochloa (Poaceae, Panicoideae), an endemic grass genus from the Western Ghats, India Pollen morphology of three Chinese endemic genera in Gesneriaceae A STUDY ON THE ORIGIN OF SPERMATOPHYTIC GENERA ENDEMIC TO CHINA The Endemic Genera of Desert Region in the Centre of Asia Analysis of geographical elements of seed plant species in northeast China The Distribution of Fagaceae in China and its Relationship with Climatic and Geographic Characters Seedling emergence, survival and growth of five endemic species in the dry valley of Minjiang River The reproductive ecological characteristics of Sinosenecio jishouensis (Compositae) and its endangerment mechanisms Study on the Chinese endemic genera of seed plants distributed in Jiangsu Province THE CHINESE ENDEMIC PLANT ANALYSIS IN WEST-NORTH DESERT OF CHINA STUDY ON GERM PLASMA RESOURCES AND UTILIZATION EVALUATION FOR GUIZHOU ENDEMIC SPERMATOPHYTE Tissue Culture of Echinocodon lobophyllus Hong AN INVESTIGATION ON THE HABITATS OF RARE AND ENDEMIC AQUATIC PLANTS AT WANNINGCOUNTY IN HAINAN PROVINCE Archakebia—A New Genus of Lardizabalaceae from China