Effect of Selective Cutting on Soil Partitioning Respiration in a ConiferBroadleaved Forest during Growing Season Components separation of soil respiration in two typical shelter forestlands in silting coastal area, Northern Jiangsu Province Seasonal dynamics of root respiration in poplar plantations at different developmental stages Soil respiration characteristics of four primary Korean pine communities in growing season at Xiaoxing′an Mountain, China Soil respiration rate of farmland ecosystem in Taihang Piedmont Variation Characteristics of Respiration Efflux of Soil Components in Betula platyphylla Plantation Partitioning of autotrophic and heterotrophic soil respiration in southern type poplar plantations Characteristics of soil respiration components and their temperature sensitivity in a Pleioblastus amarus plantation in Rainy Area of West China. Effects of nitrogen fertilization on soil respiration during maize growth season. The dynamic response of plant root respiration to increasing temperature and global warming Heterogeneity in fine root respiration of six subtropical tree species Effects of short-term cold-air outbreak on soil respiration and its components of subtropical urban green spaces Adjustment of Forest Ecosystem Root Respiration as Temperature Warms Characteristics of Soil Respiration in Three Types of Stands in Lanlingxi Small Watershed in Three Gorges Reservoir Area Separating Root and Soil Microbial Contributions to Total Soil Respiration in a Grazed Grassland in the Xilin River Basin RESPONSE OF SOIL RESPIRATION TO SIMULATED NITROGEN DEPOSITION IN PLEIOBLASTUS AMARUS FOREST, RAINY AREA OF WEST CHINA Affecting factors of soil microorganism and root respiration Seasonal Dynamics and Influence Factor of Root Respiration of Fraxinus mandushurica in the Changbai Mountain Correlations Between Plant Biomass and Soil Respiration in a Leymus chinensis Community in the Xilin River Basin of Inner Mongolia Contribution of Root Respiration to Total Soil Respiration in a Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel. Grassland of Northeast China Review of methodology and factors influencing plant root respiration Seasonal dynamics of root respiration of Fraxinus mandushurica Rupr. seedlings with different nitrogen rates Effect of nitrogen supply on biomass accumulating and root respiration dynamic changing of Glycyrrhiza uralensis RESEARCH AND PROSPECTS FOR SOIL RESPIRATION OF FARMLAND ECOSYSTEMS IN CHINA Regional patterns of soil respiration in China’s forests Effect of Cutting on Soil Respiration in Phyllostachy edulis Forest, Mubushan, China Root respiration in a natural forest and two plantations in subtropical China: seasonal dynamics and controlling factors Total belowground carbon allocation in Castanopsis kawakamii and Chinese fir plantations in subtropical area of China Methods for the determination of CO2 flux from non-photosynthetic organs of trees and their influences on the results Seasonal Variation of Root Respiration and the Controlling Factors in Pinus massoniana Plantation Effect of sod cultivation on mineralization of soil organic carbon in nectarine orchards Partitioning soil respiration of temperate forest ecosystems in Northeastern China CHARACTERISTICS OF ROOT, STEM, AND SOIL RESPIRATION Q10 TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS IN FOREST ECOSYSTEMS CHANGES IN BELOWGROUND CARBON ALLOCATION IN A CHINESE FIR CHRONOSEQUENCE IN FUJIAN PROVINCE, CHINA Progress on techniques for partitioning soil respiration components and their application in cropland ecosystem Morphological and Functional Heterogeneity of Fine Roots among Three Tree Species in the Hilly Region of Central Sichuan Spatial heterogeneity of soil respiration and contribution of root respiration in a maize (Zea mays L.) agricultural field Research review on the pattern of carbon allocation to roots and environmental factors in forest ecosystem