Gene expression profile of wheat germplasm Edinburgh-b infected by Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici The activities of polyphenol oxidase in Populus simonii×P. pyramidalis ‘Opera 8277’ leaves in response to insect herbivory and volatiles exposure Jasmonic Acid is Induced in a Biphasic Manner in Response of Pea Seedlings to Wounding Disease preventing and growth promoting mechanisms of Bacillus cereus strain AR156 on pepper Primary researches on dry mycelium of Penicillium chrysogenum-induced defense responses of tobacco BY-2 cell suspensions Cloning and expression analysis of a chitinase gene PnCHI1 from Panax notoginseng Relationship between the Changes of Active Oxygen Species and Defense Enzymes in Suspension Cultured Cells Treated by Different Inducers Research Advances about Signaling Pathway in Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Symbiosis with Plants Activities of POD, PPO and PAL in Poplar(Populus simonii×P. pyramidalis ‘Opera 8277’)Leaves Exposed to Different Volatiles Gene Expression of Maize Terpenoid Phytoalexin Metabolism in Response to Southern Leaf Blight Induced resistance and mechanism of protein elicitor PevD1 against Verticillium dahliae in cotton Review of recent advances on the production and eco-physiological roles of green leaf volatiles Proteomic Analysis of Rice Plasma Membrane-associated Proteins in Response to Chitooligosaccharide Elicitors Mapping of Defense Response Gene Homologs and Their Association with Resistance Loci in Maize Overexpression of AtWRKY71 Affects Plant’s Defense Response to Pseudomonas syringae Effects of Tomato Psyllid Infestation on Activity of Anti-oxidant Enzymes and Expression Levels of Defense Response Related Genes in the Tomato Carrying Resistance Gene Mi-1.2 Studies of Innate Immunity Mediated by Lysin Motif Protein and Its Signaling Priming The Mechanism of Lentinan Enhancing the Resistance of Cucumber Seedlings to Colletotrichum orbiculare Screening Resistant-Related Genes to Powdery Mildew in Haynaldia villosa Using Barley Genechip and Studying Its Mechanism of Resistance Cloning and Expression Analysis of a Pathogenesis-related Protein 10 Gene from Juglans sigillata Riboflavin-induced Priming for Pathogen Defense in Arabidopsis thaliana An Investigation on the Mechanism Involved in Defense Response Induced by Methyl Jasmonate in Grape Cell Suspensions ACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES GENERATING IN PLANT DEFENSE AGAINST PATHOGENS Active Oxygen Species in Plant Disease Resistance Effects of Culture Broth from Fusarium mairei on Defense Response and Taxol Accumulation in Suspension Cultures of Taxus cuspidata Overexpression of AtWRKY71 Affects Plant’s Defense Response to Pseudomonas syringae Progress in the Oviposition Behavioral Ecology of Herbivorous Insects Cross talk between Defence Phytohormones Mediated Signaling Pathway

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