Biomass Allocation of Scirpus mariqueter Along an Elevational Gradient in a Salt Marsh of the Yangtse River Estuary Life history characteristics and spatial distribution of Populus pruinosa population at the upper reaches of Tarim River Biological characteristics and habitat requirements of Parnassius imperator (Lepidoptera: Parnassidae) Relationships among light conditions, crown structure and branch longevity: a case study in Osmanthus fragrans and Metasequoia glyptostroboides Biological Characteristics of Blackhead Fire Worm Infesting Ligustrum sinense Relationships between plant reproductive strategy and disturbance Effects of long- and short-term successive parthenogenesis on life history and genetics characteristics of Brachionus calyciflorus The Relationship between Mating Factors with Mycelial Growth Rate of Agrocybe salicacola (Bolbitiaceae) Adaptation of Brachionus calyciflorus (Rotifera) occurred in winter in Lake Tingtang to water temperature:a life table demography study Temporal variation in composition of Brachionus calyciflorus complex and life history traits of sibling species in Lake Tingtang Equal Sex Ratios of a Marine Green Alga, Bryopsis plumosa (Hudson) C. Agardh. Phenotypic Plasticity of Life History Characteristics: Quantitative Analysis of Delayed Reproduction of Green Foxtail (Setaria viridis) in the Songnen Plain of China Reproduction Diversity of Enteromorpha prolifera Life History of Monostroma latissimum Parasitization preference and developmental performances in the ectoparasitoid Dastarcus helophoroides (Coleoptera:Bothrideridae) Comparative studies on life history characteristics of three sibling species in Brachionus calyciflorus species complex Comparative studies on life history characteristics of three sibling species in Brachionus calyciflorus species complex Study on biological feature of Panzerina lanata J.Sojak complex Studies on the Biology and Ecology of Chorthippus fallax (Zubovsky) Review of research on seed heteromorphism and its ecological significance Effect of irrigationfrequency on life history strategy and yield formation in Jerusalem artichoke(Helianthus tuberosus.L) in oasis of Hexi Corridor Population regulation and dynamical simulation of annual plant Eragrostis poaeoides in desert region A discussion on the non-hydraulic root-sourced signals and life history strategy of wheat crops Invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides: biology, ecology and management Effect of temperature and food concentration on the population dynamics of three Brachionus calyciflorus strains ON THE LIFE HISTORY AND PREDICTION OF CITRUS LEAF MINER PHYLLOCNISTIS CITRELLA STAINTON EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON FATE OF LARIX GMELINI SEEDS IN THE SOIL IN OLD-GROWTH LARCH STANDS Review on relationship between invasiveness of plants and their DNA C-value Plasticity of reproductive strategy of dioecious Humulus scandens in response to variation in water deficit stress Studies on the Biology of Euchorthippus cheui Hsia Occurrence of Tibetan Migratory Locust:Locusta migratoria tibetensis Chen Effects of glyphosate on life history characteristics of freshwater rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus Comparative on the life history characteristics of Brachionus rubens and B. urceolaris Biological Studies on the Du-ensiform Gall Aphid, Kaburagia rhusicola Ⅰ. Life History Research on life history and phenological period of wild-stimulated cultivated Gastrodia elata f. elata in Guizhou Convergent adaptation of desert plants to their arid habitats A New Species of Genus Chloromonas (Chlamydomonadaceae, Volvocales) and Its Life History ECOLOGICAL STUDIES ON POTAMOGETON MALAIANUS MIQ. IN CHINA Effects of Temperature, Supplementary Food and Body Size on Longevity of Chouioia cunea (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) Biological Characteristics of Casmara patrona(Lepidoptera:Oecophoridae) THE LIFE HISTORY AND BEHAVIOR OF ALLOTHROMBIUM OVATUM Morphological and Biological Characteristics of Galeruca daurica Joannis Advances, trends and challenges in seed bank research for sand dune ecosystems A Study on the Life History of Kerria chinensis and Its Encrustation Phenslogy