The Caloric Value of Main Plant Species at Dinghushan, Guangdong, China Caloric values and ash contents of some mangrove woods THE CHANGE OF CALORIC VALUES OF A MANGROVE SPECIES, KANDELIA CANDEL IN CHINA Study on Biomass and Energy of Two Different-aged Eucalyptus Stands Caloric Value of Northeast Aneurolepidium chinense Grassland Species Caloric values and carbon contents of dominant trees in Xiaoxinganling forest region Study on Dynamic of Casuarina equisetifolia Plantation Litter and Its Caloric Value on Coastal Sands Study on Energy of Castanopsis eyrei Community in Wuyi Mountains Energy Characteristics of Five Eucalyptus Species in Zhangmutou Forest Farm, Guangdong Province Characteristic Analysis on Caloric Values and Carbon Contents of Dominant Trees in Karamay Region Combustibility of Four Young Vegetation Restoration Stands in the Rocky Desertification Area in the Southwest Region of Hunan Province Caloric values, elemental contents and correlations between them of some plants on sea-beach salinity soil in Tianjin, China Seasonal and Annual Dynamics of the Gross Caloric Valueof Eleven Poplar and Willow Clones Dynamics of caloric value of Robinia pseudoacacia L. energy forest in the west of Henan Province Ash content and caloric value in the leaves of Sinocalycanthus chinensis and its accompanying species Study on energy of Pinus taiwanensis community in Wuyi Mountains THE ENERGY OF CYCLOBALANOPSIS ELEVATICOSTATA COMMUNITY IN SUBTROPICAL ZONE Comparison of caloric values and ash contents in three palm species Relations between Main Wood Chemical Compositions and the Caloric Value of Robinia pseudoacacia Cl.‘Hennansis 8’ Caloric Values of Pinus koraiensis Population in Broad-Leaved Korean Pine Forests in Changbai Mountain Energy situation of Sonneratia apetala-S caseloris forest in Futian of Shenzhen Caloric value and energy allocation of Chloris virgata in northeast grassland Impact of substrate salinity on caloric value, energy accumulation and its distribution in various organs of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza seedlings The caloric value of the dominant plant species of a Heptacodium miconioides forest at Bei Mountain, Zhejiang Province,China Study on reproductive biology of the invasive plant Solidago canadensis Effects of dietary nickel on the energy reserves in the hemolymph of different developmental stages of Spodoptera litura Fabricius Heavy metal accumulation and caloric value characteristics in two populations of Potentilla griffithii var. velutina CALORIC VALUES AND ENERGY ALLOCATION OF A TROPICAL SEASONAL RAIN FOREST AND A MONTANE EVERGREEN BROAD-LEAVED FOREST IN SOUTHWEST CHINA GROSS CALORIC VALUES OF DOMINANT SPECIES AND LITTER LAYER IN MID-MONTANE MO IST EVERGREEN BROAD-LEAVED FOREST IN AILAO MOUNTAIN AND IN TROPICAL SEASON RAIN FOREST IN XISHUANGBANNA, YUNNAN, CHINA CALORIC VALUES ALLOCATION OF DOMINANT SPECIES IN FOUR SECONDARY FORESTS AT DIFFERENT AGES IN XISHUANGBANNA, SOUTHWEST CHINA Influences of salinity on mass and energy dynamics during decomposition of Kandelia candel leaf litter Biomass- and energy allocation in Eucalyptus urophylla×Eucalyptus tereticornis plantations at different stand ages. STUDY ON ENERGY OF MICHELIA FUJIANENSIS COMMUNITY IN SUBTROPICAL ZONE The Quantitative Analysis of the Caloric Value Dynamics of Two Rice Varieties Under Different Nitrogen Application Levels Characterization of caloric value in fifteen plant species in Leymus chinensis steppe in Xilin River Basin,Inner Mongolia On caloric values and ash contents of ten weed species in Jinhua suburb and its adaptive significances STUDY ON CALORIC VALUES AND ASH CONTENTS IN THE LEAVES OF TEN FICUS SPECIES AT XIAMEN BOTANICAL GARDEN MONTHLY CHANGES IN THE CALORIC VALUES AND ASH CONTENTS OF FIVE PHOENIX SPECIES IN PALMAE Studies on the Mixed Fuelwood of Eucalyptus Ⅱ. the Allocation of Biomass and Energy in the Stands Space-time distribution pattern of flavonoid content and caloric value in ginkgo leaves in Shaanxi province Effects of nitrogen fertilization on biomass, caloric value and ash content of Helianthus tuberosus L. Changes in the Caloric Values of Kandelia candel Seedlings Under Salt Stress Caloric Values of Main Species in A Tropical Mountain Rain Forest at Jianfengling, Hainan Island Study on the Caloric Values of Dominating Plants in a Subtropical Rain Forest in Hexi of Fujian Study on the Caloric Value and Ash Content of Some Mangrove Species in China Studies on Energy in Two Mangrove Communities, Bruguiera sexangula and Kandelia candel, in China Caloric values of plant propagules at Niumulin Nature Reserve Zone of Fujian Province Classification of plant functional groups based on the energy attributes: a casestudy on the steppe community in Xilin River basin, Inner Mongolia Dynamic Caloric Value of Casuarina equisetifolia Litter Fall During Decomposition on Coast Sandy Land Study on the dynamics of matter and energy during the decomposition of Ficus microcarpa leaves Dynamics of caloric values of major plant species in Leymus chinensis steppe of Inner Mongolia Monthly changes in the caloric values of the leaves of four shrubby and four tree-dwelling palmae species A study on the dynamic change of gross caloric value and ash content of the several tall grasses Monthly changes in caloric values of five shrubby Palmae species leaves Seasonal Changes of Caloric Values in Different Organs of Butia capitata Comparison of Caloric Value, C/N Ratio and Ash Content in the Leaves of Seedlings of Nine Species under Air Pollution Stress CALORIC VALUES OF ABOVEGROUND ORGANS IN EVERGREEN BROAD-LEAVED FOREST IN HEISHIDING NATURE RESERVE Analysis on the Caloric Values of Bambusa wenchouensisand Dendrocalamopsis vario-striata