THE CHANGES OF ANTIOXIDANT ENZYME ACTIVITIES AND SOLUBLEPROTEINS DURING DIFFERENTIATION OF SHOOTS AND ROOTS FROM PROTOCORM-LIKE BODIES (PLBs) IN Dendrobium nobile in vitro Characters and its authentication value of stem epidermal cell of medicinal plant in Dendrobium Sw. and their adulterants Effect of temperature on growth and metabolism of Dendrobium nobile Primary Screening of Differentially Expressed Genes During TDZ Induced Floral Initiation with SSH in Dendrobium nobile Primary Screening of Differentially Expressed Genes During TDZ Induced Floral Initiation with SSH in Dendrobium nobile Optimization of sequence related amplified polymorphism system in Dendrobium nobile based on orthogonal design The Effect of Dendrobium nobile Lindl. on Gastric Acid Secretion.Serum Gastrin and Plasma Somatostatin Concentration Characters and its authentication value of stem epidermal cell of medicinal plant in Dendrobium Sw. and their adulterants Study on chemical constituents in stems of Dend}obium nobile Effect of temperature on growth and metabolism of Dendrobium nobile Elucidating hypoglycemic mechanism of Dendrobium nobile through auxiliary elucidation system for traditional Chinese medicine mechanism Authentication of Dendrobium nobile by allele-specific diagnostic PCR Phenolic components from Dendrobium nobile Mycorrhizal Fungi Promote Growth and Nitrogen Utilization by Dendrobium nobile (Orchidaceae) Effects of four species of endophytic fungi on the growth and polysaccharide and alkaloid contents of Dendrobium nobile Construction and Identification of a cDNA Expression Library from Dendrobium nobile Histochemical localization of alkaloid in Dendrobium nobile Construction and Identification of a cDNA Expression Library from Dendrobium nobile OPTIMIZATION OF CULTURE CONDITIONS FOR GROWTH AND ROOTING OF PROTOCORM-LIKE BODIES OF Dendrobium nobile in vitro Study on chemical constituents in stems of Dendrobium nobile Study on population genetic variation of Dendrobium nobile in Yunnan by DALP Tissue culture of stem segment and plantlet regeneration of Dendrobium nobile Effect of Light Intensities and Temperatures on Growth of Dendrobium nobile Lindl. A SEP3-like Gene in Dendrobium nobile(DnSEP3-like):Cloning,Characterization and Vernalization-induced Transcription Patterns A SEP3-like Gene in Dendrobium nobile(DnSEP3-like):Cloning,Characterization and Vernalization-induced Transcription Patterns Interaction between a Dark Septate Endophytic Isolate from Dendrobium sp. and Roots of D. nobile Seedlings A new sesquiterpene from Dendrobium nobile Effect of plant growth regulator on medicinal constituent of Dendrobrium nobile Sesquiterpenes from Dendrobium nobile

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