Effects of Peganum harmala Extract on the Growth and Antioxidase Activity of Wheat Seedlings Study on Allelopathy of Aqueous Extract from Peganum multisectum (Maxim.) Bobr. on Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and Its Physiological-biochemical Manifestation Tissue culture and plant regeneration of Peganum harmala Breeding System of the Endangered Species Psilopeganum sinense and Its Pollination Process in a Botanical Garden Effects of Extracts from Peganum multisectum on Seed Germination and Seedling Physiological Characteristics of Cucumber Effects of Exogenous Nitric Oxide Donor on the Ascorbate-glutathione Cycle in Peganum multisectum Seedling Leaves under NaCl Stress Investigation on representation methods of dissolubility property of total alkaloid extract from Peganum harmala A STUDY ON THE SEEDS MICRO-MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PEGANUM FROM CHINA NORTHWEST AND ITS TAXONOMIC AND ECOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE Effects of Peganum multisectum Maxim Bobr extract on seed germination and fatted shoot in maize Insecticidal activity of alcohol extracts from Peganum harmala Germination responses of three desert plants to temperature and water potential Effects of Ni and Cu on antioxidative enzymes in Peganum harmala Analysis of AFLP Variation of the Endemic and Rare Species Psilopeganum sinense in Central China A STUDY ON THE CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF ESSENTIAL OIL OF AN ENDEMIC AND RARE PLANT PSILOPEGANUM SINENSE HEMSL.IN CHINA Establishment of different origin Peganum harmala qualitative discrimination model based on near-infrared spectroscopy The Synergistic Inhibitory Effects of Recombinant Peganum Harmala Lipid Transfer Protein and Cisplatin on the Proliferation of Melanoma B16 Cells in vitro Influence of different concentration Ni and Cu on the photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of Peganum harmala. Allelopathy of Peganum multisectum Maxim Bobr on edible podded pea Ameliorative effect of exogenous Ca2+and GA3 on Peganum harmala alkaloid inhibition in germinating cucumber seeds Determination of Total Alkaloid in the Seed of Peganum harmala by Bromophenol Blue Colorimetry The relationship of between release of ethylene and concentration of polyamines and the accumulation of reactive oxygen in Peganum multisectum Bobr leaves under drought stress New record for China of host plant of Cynomorium songaricum- Peganum multisectum Differences of Cynomorium songaricum seed quality and mutual parasitism in different host plants Xeromorphic Characters in the Vegetative Organs of Peqanum harmala Effect of Peganum multisectum on seedling growth and cell protective enzyme system inmaize A STUDY ON THE CONTENTS OF THE CHEMICAL ELEMENT IN PEGANUM IN CHINA NORTHWEST The Isolation and Structural Determination of r-harmine from the Seed of Peganum harmala L. AN ANATOMICAL STUDY ON XEROMORPHIC STRUCTURES OF PEGANUM IN NORTHWEST CHINA

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