Determination and Comprehensive Evaluation on Cold-tolerance of Wild Citrus from Guizhou A comprehensive evaluation of nutritional value of nine shrubs in the karst area of northwest Guizhou Indexes screening and comprehensive evaluation of low nitrogen tolerance of hybrid maize cultivars at seedling stage Deep-sowing tolerance and genetic diversity of maize inbred line Describe relationship among multi-components of Siwu decoction using game theory Numerical evaluation of soil quality under different conservation tillage patterns. Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with Aluminum Toxin Tolerance in NJRIKY Recombinant Inbred Line Population of Soybean (Glycine max) Analysis of Stability Evaluation about the Main Forest Communities on the Habitat of Giant Panda in Qinling Mountains Early selection of drought-resistant  superior families of Reaumuria soongorica based on the analysis of osmoregulation substances and chlorophyll. An entropy weight approach on the fuzzy synthetic assessment of Beijing urban ecosystem health,China Resistant Physiological Responses of Four Species Young Trees to Sulfur Dioxide Stress Leaf Anatomical Structures of Different Regional Amygdalus pedunculata Pall.and Their Drought Resistance Analysis Comprehensive identification of saline-alkaline tolerance of 16 Jerusalem artichoke accessions at seedling stage Photosynthetic adaptability of the resistance ability to weak light of 2 species Spiraea L. Screening in Southwest China of drought-resistant varieties of maize at the seedling stage Studies on Drought Resistance of Different Regional Amygdalus pedunculata Pall. Comparative study on drought resistance and salt tolerance of Medicago ruthenica and Medicago sativa at seed germination period Comparison of Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics Related to Cold Resistance in Sugarcane under Field Conditions Deoxyschizandrin and γ-Schizandrin Content in Wild Schisandra sphenanthera to Determine Potential Distribution in Qinling Mountains Physiological responses of different cucumber cultivars seedlings to iso-osmotic Mg(NO3)2 and NaCl stress. A COMPARISON OF FUZZY C-MEANS ALGORITHM CLUSTERING AND TWINSPAN IN VEGETATION CLASSIFICATION Physiological Responses of Three Contrasting Plant Species to Groundwater Level Changes in an Arid Environment Indices selection and comprehensive evaluation of salinity tolerance for peanut varieties. Effects of salt stress on physiological characters and salt-tolerance of Ulmus pumila in different habitats. Different transforms of fuzzy membership values of sampled soils and theirs influences on resulted interpolation prediction