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Effects of Sulfur and pH on Photohydrogen Production of the Green Alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa
EMS mutagenesis of
and the conditions of producing EPA research
Breeding of A
Strain With High Yield of Polysaccharide and Its Effect on Growth and Immunoregulation of
Litopenaeus Vannamei
Gene Cloning and Expression Analysis of
Fesod Gene from Chlorella pyrenoidosa
Cultivation of Chlorella protothecoides Using Pichia pastoris Fermentation Waste Liquor
Effects of Fe
on the Growth and Oil Content of Chlorella vulgaris for Biodiesel Production
Change of Cell Structure of Chlorella pyrenoidosa Grown under Different CO
Effects of different salinity and iron concentration on growth, nitrate reductase activity and its expression in Chlorella
Pilot study about effects of Copper nanoparticle on phytoplankton growth
Photoacclimation of Chlorella pyrenoidosa:changes in rapid light curves
The responses of Spirulina maxima and Chlorella minutissima to enchanced UV-B radiation
Effect of light intensity on the total lipid contents and fatty acid composition in 4 strains of marine green algae
Effects of plant hormones,IBA and 6-BA,on flask fedbatch heterotrophic culture and constituents of Chlorella vulgaris
Effects of Nitrogen-limited Culture on Water Content and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters in
Chlorella sorokiniana
Effect on nitric oxide messenger under UV-B radiation in Chlorella pyrenoidosa
Molecular Identification of Algae and Their Use in Landfill Leachate Purification
Cloning and Expression Analysis of Cyclophilins A(
) Gene form Chlorella
Inhibitory Effect of Algae Growth and HPLC Analysis of Allelochemicals from
Stephania tetrandra
Biosorption of lead (Ⅱ) and cadmium (Ⅱ) from aqueous solution by
Chlorella pyrenoidsa
and its influential factors
Effects of initial biomass ratio on the interspecific competition outcome between three marine microalgae species
The effects of physical and chemical factors on the growth and lipid production of
Impacts of Elevated CO2 Concentration on Biochemical Composition, Carbonic Anhydrase, and Nitrate Reductase Activity of Freshwater Green Algae
Effect of environmental factors on growth of
sp. and optimization of culture conditions for high oil production
Studies on chemical compounds of
Chlorella sorokiniana
A comparative study on effects of three freshwater algae species on rotifer
Brachionus calyciflorus
Effects of CO
enrichment on growth, photosynthesis and activities of antioxidant enzymes of two marine micro-green-algae
Purification and Characteristics of Antimicrobial Protein from Chlorella pacifica
The allelopathic and inhibitive effects of extracts from medicinal plants on the growth of Chlorella pyrenoidosa
Accumulation and biodegradation of anthracene by Chlorella protothecoides under different trophic conditions
Compaitive Study on Liposoluble Compoands in Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Chlorella protothecoides
Extraction of active substance from
Chlorella vulgaris
cells and its physiological effects on Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Sensitivity of Chlorella vulgaris to metribuzin,puma and alachlor
The effect of cadmium on phosphate removal by immobilized Chlorella
Effects of Environmental Factors on the Photosynthesis of
sp. XQ-20044
The Effects of Light Intensities, Temperatures, pH and Salinities on Photosynthesis of Chlorella
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