Review on growth of locust and soil water in Loess Plateau Study on Fine-Root Nutrient Dynamics in the Mixed Plantation of Poplar and Black Locust Decomposition of leaf litter in pure and mixed stands of poplar and black locust Effects of Water Stress on Biomass and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Tetraploid Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) Clones Study on Root System of Narrow-Crown Clone of Black Locust Nutrient cycling and balance analysis of blacklocust forest ecosystem in gullied loess plateau area Study on Cutting Propagation of Robinia pseudoacacia Clones Selection and Breeding for Narrow-crown Clone of BlackLocust ( Robin ia pseudoacac ia ) The Comparative Analysis of Biomass and Calorific Values among Four 5 -Year-Old Locust Clones WATER TRENDS OF YOUNG REGENERATED FORESTLANDS OF BLACK LOCUST ON GULLY SLOPE Phosphorus transfer between mixed poplar and black locust seedlings THE RAINFALL CHARACTERS UNDER CANOPY OF SEVERAL TREE SPECIES HUMIC SUBSTANCES CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MIXED PLANTATION OF POPLAR AND BLACK LOCUST IN SANDY SOIL STUDY ON THE PRODUCTIVITY POWER OF RUNOFF IN THE LOESS PLATEAU STUDY ON THE FLOWER MASS OF BLACK LOCUST AND MANAGEMENT OF NECTARIFEROUS FOREST IN TAI HANG MOUNTAIN A STUDY ON ECOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF LOCUST NODULATION AND NITROGEN FIXATION Growths and Mineral Nutrient Balance of Black Locust Clones under Salt Stress Modeling of the daily transpiration variaton in locust forest by Penman-Monteith equation Natural Development Pattern of Robinia pseudoacacia Plantations in Loess Hilly Region Laboratory Bioassay Experiment of Calliptamus abbreviatus and Myrmeleotettix Palpalis After Dealing with Different Formula of Paranosema locustae and Metarhizium anisopliaeacridum The mass Production and Application of Nosema Locustae Against Grasshoppers Control Effects of Applying Nosema Locustae Bait Mixed with Cascade Bait on the Populations of Rangeland Grasshopper The Effect of Nosema locustae Infection on Flying Ability of Locust (Locusta migratoria manilensis) Occurrence of Tibetan Migratory Locust:Locusta migratoria tibetensis Chen The litter decomposition rate of mixed forest of poplar and black locust SUBMICROSTRUCTURE AND DROUGHT RESISTANCE OF BLACK LOCUST LEAF A study on the efficiency of nutrient utilization in black locu st plantation Feeding habits and economic threshold of Locusta migratoria tibetensis Canopy Interception Effects of Three Stands of Black Locust with Different DBH Ranges at Jingchuan, Gansu, China A Comparison of Different Quickbird Image Information for Estimating the Effective Leaf Area Index of Robinia pseudoacacia Plantations The Research on RNase Activity Increasing Reason in Black Locust Seedling Results from Water Stress Ecosystems carbon storage and carbon sequestration potential of two main tree species for the Grain for Green Project on China‘s hilly Loess Plateau Study on Economic Evaluation of Coppice Forest of Black Locust Growing on Mountainous Region in Central-south Area, Shandong Province A Study on the Biomass Production of Populus,Salix,Ulmus and Robinia on the Reclaimed Arca by Coal Ash The Accumulation of Poisonous Elements in Populus×euramericana,Salix matsudana,Ulmus pumila and Robinia pseudoacacia Growing on Coal Ash“Soil” ON THE SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF ORIENTAL MIGRATORY LOCUST DWELLING IN ABANDONEDLAND ECOSYSTEM IN HAINAN PROVINCE ESTABLISHMENT OF GENETIC TRANSFORMATION SYSTEM OF FAST_GROWING BLACK LOCUST Simulation of Interception Quantity by Black Locust Canopy in Loess Hilly and Gully Region Water Use Efficiency and Carbon Isotopic Compositions in Tetraploid Clones of Black Locust under Drought Resistance Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on calorific value and contents of carbon and ash in Robinia pseudoacacia Effect of revegetation on soil organic carbon concentration in deep soil layers in the hilly Loess Plateau of China Effect of EPV on the Development and Fecundity of the Host by Use of Grasshopper A Preliminary Survey on the Epizootics of Infection of Nosema locustae among Grasshoppers in Rangeland ULTRASTRUCTURE AND PATHOGENICITY OF A MICROSPORIDIAN FROM LOCUST IN CHINA Stand Productivity and Ecological Effects of Black Locust in a Coal Waste Pile Aboveground litter contribution to soil respiration in a black locust plantation in the Loess Plateau STUDY ON TISSUE CULTURE OF TETRAPLOID BLACK LOCUST CLONE Studies on Pathogenic Fungus of Canker of Black Locust Simulation of water productivity and soil desiccation effects of different planting density black locust forestlands on the Loess Plateau THE CORRELATION BETWEEN MICRO AND MEGA SPOROGENESIS‘S DEVELOPMENT AND MORPHOLOGY OF FLOWER ORGAN OF TETRAPLOID BLACK LOCUST EFFECT OF GIBBERELLIC ACID ON THE ACTIVITY OF RIBONUCLEASE FROM BLACK LOCUST SEEDLINGS THE SOIL AMELIORATION EFFECT OF POPLAR-BLACK LOCUST MIXED PLANTATION ON SAND SOIL AND THE INTERACTION OF MUTUAL SUPPLEMENT OF NUTRIENT BETWEEN TREE SPECIES

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