GCA/SCA of Seedling Growth and Root Parameters in Pinus massoniana and the Phosphorus Environment Influence Preparation and Characterization of Laminated Woodceramics Pathogen identification of Populus × euramericana Canker Disease A COUPLED ONE-STEP METHOD OF REVERSE TRANSCRIPTION(RT)FOR GENERATION OF OPEN READING OF G PROTEIN αSUBUNIT GENE THE THEORY OF CANONICAL CORRELATION ANALYSIS IN ECOLOGY STUDIES ON THE SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY OF Zizania L. (GRAMINEAE)——LEAF EPIDERMIS STUDIES ON RUBUS LACINiATUS CULTURE IN VITRO——Ⅰ. The effect of various growth regulators on adventitious bud formation from leaf explants STUDIES ON ESTERASE ISOZYME OF HYBRID RICE IN DEVELOPMENTAL PROCESS THE ROLE OF HYBRIDIZATION IN PLANT EVOLUTION AND METHODS OF RECOGNIZING AND NAMING HYBRIDS EXAMINATION OF CHROMOSOME NUMBERS AND KARYOTYPE OF XANTHIUM STRUMARIUML Association Analysis for MixographProperties in Ningmai 9 and Its Derivatives AN ANATOMICAL STUDY ON THE FLOWERING MECHANISM OF MALE FLOWER OF RAMIE (BOEHMERIA NIVEA) A STUDY ON THE DYNAMIC CHANGES OF ISOZYMES IN PEROXIDASE ENZYMES BLYXA LEAF IN CHINA A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE APPLICATION OF THE LINEAR PROGRAM METHOD TO THE ESTIMATION OF PARAMETERS IN PLANT ECOLOGICAL MODEL A SUGGESTION ON THE STANDARDIZATION OF KARYOTYPE ANALYSIS IN PLANTS Electroantennogram and behavioural responses of two varieties of Leis axyridis from three types of habitats to aphid-damaged tea shoot volatiles and aphid kairomones On the Current Research Status, Problems and Future Framework of Ecological and Environmental Water Use Yield Ecology Simulation and Information Parameter Application of Leymus chinensis Grassland in Northeast China During Growing Season The effects of nitrogen and phosphorus on the water sensitivity and physiologica l parameters of summer maize Study on soil erosion and deposition of black soils on a sloping cultivated land using 137Cs tracer method The occupied rate of microhabitats,sampled percentage of species and relative abundance of butterfly community in the Three Gorge Reservoir Area of Yangtze River Effects of shades on the photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of Urtica dioica Effects of temperature on the population parameters of Stegobium paniceum (L.) Discussion and analysis on the geo-ecological boundary in Qinling Range Responses of growth and chlorophyll florescence of Emmenopterys henryi seedlings to different light intensities Chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of photosystem Ⅱ of two cultivated poplars seedlings NEW TAXA OF Arthraxon BEAUV. (GRAMINEAE) Effects of Enhanced UV-B Radiation on Antioxydative Enzymes in Gentiana straminea Leaves Application of Farinograph Quality Number (FQN) in Evaluating Dough and Baking Qualities of Winter Wheat Pathogenicity of Four Varieties of Gaeumannomyces graminis to Gramineal Grasses Growth Characteristics of Tamarix ramosissima in Arid Regions of China Comparative Study of the Effects of Four Divalent Metal Chlorides on the Physiological Parameters of Maize Seedlings Optimized CTAB Protocol for Extracting the Total DNA of Ramie Chemical Constituents of Equisetum ramosissimum Diurnal Comparison of the Net Photosynthetic Rates and Chlorophyll Fluorescent Parameters of Gentiana straminea Maxim.in Xining and Haibei Determination and evaluation of two iridoids in Gentiana straminea herbs by HPLC Study on pyramiding quality subunit of wheat by chromosome engineering Research of essential oil in Corydalis straminea Maxim by GC-MS Preliminary study on water parameters of Populus euphratica and P.pruinosa by using P-V curve Effects of irrigation and fertilizer application regimes on photosynthetic characteristics of flag leaves and yield traits of wheat The effects of pyramiding 14+15 and 5+10 subunits on wheat quality in sister lines Study on the influencing factors of callus inducement and plant regeneration of Populus euramericana in vitro Genotype and environment effects on farinograms of winter wheat variety Effect of Silicon on Photosynthesis and Its Related Physiological Parameters of Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis(L.)Makino Grown Under Cd Stress Studies on the Optimum Parameters for Mineral Nutrition in Newhall Navel Orange Leaves Influence of Inoculating Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Growth and Salinity Tolerance Parameters of Maize Plants Genotype Difference and Early Evaluation of Drought Resistance in Ramie Cloning and Sequence Analysis of the Promoter and Signal Peptide-coding Region in Sporamin Gene from Ipomoea batatas Cytological Observation on Different Ploidy Plants of Ramie (Boehmeria nivea) Simulation on Marginal Effect of Rice Experimental Plot ON COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS OF FORESTRY PROJECTS RESEARCH ON RPIMARY PRODUCTIVITY QUANTITATIVE PARAMETERS AND STRUCTURE OF MANGROVE COMMUNITY IN DAYAWAN BAY OF GUANGDONG PROVINCE STUDIES ON THE OCCURRENCE AND CONTROL OF RAMIE ANTHRACNOSE Genetic Diversity of Capsicum frutescens in China as Revealed by SRAP and SSR Markers Characteristics of the Populations Age Structureof Three Typical Plantin Kumtag Desert Characteristics of Photosynthesis and Thermal Dissipation in Mentha haplocalyx Briq.in Qinghai The Response of Pressure-volume Curve Water Parameters of Four Desert Shurb Seedlings to Drought Stress Effects of NaCl and Drought Stress on Quality and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters of Kentucky Bluegrass Photosynthetic Physiological Characteristics and Ultrastructure of Salvinia natans Leaves under Cr6+ Stress Recent Advance in the Study of Caspase-like Proteases Involved in Plant Programmed Cell Death Effects of Fusarium graminearum Crude Toxin on MDA Contents and SOD and PAL Activities in the Seedlings of Different Wheat Varieties STUDY OF ZENIA INSIGNIS CHUN. COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION EFFECTIVE OVERLAND ROUGHNESS COEFFICIENT CALCULATION FOR FORESTED INFILTRATING SLOPE ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSES OF HOLCECERUS INSULARIS STAUDINGER TO THE FEMALE SEX PHEROMONE EXTRACTS AND STANDARD COMPOUNDS A STUDY ON AGE STRUCTURE MODEL OF BAMBOO STAND AND ITS APPLICATION A STUDY ON THE DYNAMIC EFFECTS AND ITS PAEAMETERS IN A CHINESE FIR PLANTATION ECOSYSTEM VARIABLE RELATIVE TREE HEIGHT CURVE MODEL AND ITS APPLICATION IN TREE VOLUME ESTIMATION A DISTRIBUTION FREE METHOD TO ESTIMATE STAND DIAMETER CUMULATIVE DISTRIBUTION PCR ANALYSlS OF TRANSGENOSIS (P.×EURAMERICANA)PLANTS A PRIMARY STUDY ON THE RADIAL VARIATION PATTERNS OF WOOD PROPERTIES WITHIN TREES V.THE RADIAL VARIATION PATTERNS AND ITS VARIATION OF WOOD FIBRE LENGTH OF 15 CLONES OF POPULUS×EURAMERICHANA STUDIES ON THE CELLULASES RESOURCE IN SOME SPECIES OF LONGICORN BORERS (COLEOPTERA: CERAMBYCIDAE) RESEARCH ON WOOD PROPERTIES IMPROVEMENT V. GENETIC PARAMETER ESTIMATES FOR RING DENSITY COMPONENT TRAITS OF NEW CLONES IN POPULUS DELTOIDES×P.SIMONII CHARACTERIZING POPULATION SPACE-TIME STRUCTURE USING ONE-DIMENSIONAL SERIES METHOD STUDY ON ISOZYMES OF Cx-CELLULASE IN CERAMBYCIDAE THE FACTORS INFLUENCING THE FLUCTUATION OF THE POPULATION OF TRICHOGRAMMA DENDROLIMI MATSUMURA Effects of Different Dipping Solution on the Cuttings of Schefflera octophylla in Cutting Reproduction Study Programmed Cell Death of Tobacco Suspension Cultures Induced by Cd The Role of Arabidopsis AtDAD1 in the Tolerance to Hydrogen Peroxide Stress Chromosomal Localization of Programmed Cell Death Suppressor OsDad-1 Gene in Coix lacryma-jobi L. Comparison of the Effect of Different Extractants on Hordein and Gliadin Extraction by A-PAGE