Research on the Preparation Process and Binding Performance of the Oxidation Modified Industrial Lignin-Wood Fiber Composite Material Woody Components and Enzymatic Hydrolysis Property of Tamarix ramosissima under Various Intensity of Steam Explosion GA-BP Neural Network Estimation Models of Chlorophyll Content Based on Red Edge Parameters and PCA Comparative Analyses on Different Mingling Indices Effects of NaHCO3 Stress on Photosynthetic Capabilities and Seedling Growth in Populus bachofenii×P. pyramidalis ‘ROZ’ Antifeedant Activities and Effects of Tutin and Its Derivatives on Mythimna separate (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and Its Physiological Parameters Responses of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters in Four Garden Tree Species to Desiccation Stress and Analysis of Their Drought Tolerance Effects of Picloram, ABA and TDZ on Somatic Embryogenesis of Banana The Relationship Between Parameters of Electrical Impedance Spectroscopyand Some Physiological Parameters in Pinus bungeana Zucc. Needles DuringDehardening Research of Programmed Cell Dea th Under Wa ter Stress in Malus robustaRehd. and Malus hupehensis ( Pamp. ) Rehd. Influence of Trampling Stress on Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics in Four Species of Landscape Ground Covers MORPHOLOGICAL STUDY ON GIRSIUM SETOSUM COMPLEX Cloning and Characterization of Beclin1-like Gene in Eupatorium adenophorum Buds Programmed Cell Death in the Process of Nicotiana benthamianav Leaves Callus Inducement Comparison of 5 Species C4 Enzymes Activities, Pigments Contents and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters in Leaf and Branch Chlorenchyma of 3 Species C3 Woody Plants Effect of Space Mutantion on Morphological Parameters,Photosynthetic Capacities as well as Contents and Compositions of Secondary Metabolites of Rosmarinus officinalis L. A new alkaloid from Corydalis Rhizoma Antimicrobial activity of endophytic fungi isolated from leaf and fruit of Eucommia ulmoides Effect of exogenous carbon monoxide donor Hematin on photosynthesis parameters and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of Coptis chinensis seedlings under NaCl stress Study on specific chromatograms of Crocus sativus and authenticity identification rDNA-ITS Sequence analysis of traditional Mongolian medicinal plants in Vicia L. Correlation between high expression of hepcidin and vascular endothelial damage as well as intervention of tetramethylpyrazine Studies on non-alkaloid constituents from Alstonia mairei Chemical constituents from Paliurus ramosissimus Refining processing of Radix Polygoni Multiflori Granula with ceramic membranes Effect of tetramethylpyrazine on hypoxic model in human umbilical vein endothelium cells and its functions of anticoagulation and fibrinolysis Advances in studies on antitumor effect of Chrysanthemum morifolium extract Quantitative determination of contents of flavone glycosides in Chrysanthemum morifolium Identification of Cornu Saigae Tataricae and its adulterant by gel electrophoresis Protective effect of total flavonoids of Choerospondias axillaris on rat myocardiac peroxidation injury caused by adriamycin Weibull Distribution and the Methods of Its Parameter Estimation A Study on the Drought Resistance of Three Shrub Spieces Studies on the Biology and Control of Cophoprora Cinnamomum cassia Estimation of Genetic Parameters and Evaluation of Good Families in Pinus massoniana Effects of Cadmium and its Subcellular Distribution on the Photosynthesis of Cauliflower The Physiology and Biochemistry Analyzing of Programmed Cell Death under Drought Stress in Malus hupehensis and M. sieversii Study on Root Mitochondrial Character istics and Root CellDeath o f Malus hupehensis Rehd. under Water Stress Hayman Genetic Ana lysis of Y ield and Qua lity Characters in Pepper ( Capsi2cum annuum L. ) Flower Bud Differentiation and Changes of Carbohydrate in New Shoots inAverrhoa carambola Flower Bud Differentiation and Changes of Carbohydrate in New Shoots inAverrhoa carambola