Effect of the Epichloё endophyte on the soil nematode community in the rhizosphere of Achnatherum inebrians Effects of Neotyphodium endophytes on seed germination of three grass species under different pH conditions Ergot Alkaloids Content of Symbiont of Epichlo gansuensis Achnatherum inebrians under Different Mn, Zn and Fe Conditions Spatial variation of ergot alkaloids in drunken horse grass infected by Neotyphodium gansuense Competitive effects between Medicago sativa and Achnatherum inebrians Effects of the Epichloё gansuensis endophyte on the disease resistance of drunken horse grass to powdery mildew Identification and determination of biological functions of endophytic bacteria from Achnatherum inebrians in Alpine grassland of East Qilian Mountains Effects of Achnatherum inebrians infected with Neotyphodium endophyte on accompanying species of Stipa capillata and Poa sphondylodes Interactive Effect of Storage Time and Endophytic Fungi on Seed Physiology of Achnatherum inebrians(Hance) Keng Allelopathic Effects of Endophytic Fungi of Achnatherum inebrians Keng on the Seed and Seedling of Three Turf Grasses Effects of Manganese and SA on Germination of Achnatherum inebrians Seed Containing or Free of Endophyte The Allelopathic Effect of Achnatherum inebrians Keng on the Seed Germination of Bromus inermis Effects of Different pH on Growth and Ergot Alkaloids Concentrations of Symbiont of Epichlo gansuensis Achnatherum inebrians Seedling Endophytic bacterial diversity in Achnatherum inebrians by culture-independent approach Effect of Temperature and Moisture Condition on Seed Germination of Achnatherum Inebriants(Hance)Keng Interspecific Relationships of Achnatherum inebrians Communities in the North Slope of Tianshan Mountains

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