WATER AND FERTILIZER COUPLING ON SOIL WATER DYNAMICS AND YIELD IN INTERCROPPED WHEAT AND MAIZE EFFECT OF COATED UREA AND NON-COATED UREA ON GRAIN YIELD, N UPTAKE AND N DISTRIBUTION IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF MAIZE EFFECTS OF RICE GROWING AND FERTILIZER UTILIZATION IN "T"TYPE TILLAGE INFLUENCE OF FERTILIZER APPLICATION ON YIELDING LEVEL OF WINTER WHEAT UNDER NATURAL RAINFALL Surface Water Contamination Potential of Seven Golf Courses in Beijing Ecological Adaptability and Cultivating Techniques of two Festuca Varieties Effect of Fertilizer Application on Agropyron cristatum Seed Physiological and Biochemical Characters at Different Developing Stages Effects of Fertilizer Application on Grass Seed Yield and Physiological and Biochemical Characters During the Seed Developing Period Studies on the Correlation Between Fertilizing and Fertilizer Absorbing of Zoysia japonica While Forming a Turf The Effects of Fertilizer and PGRs on the Seed Yield and Yield Components of Tall Fescue Effects of Straw-Returning Instead of Chemical Potassium Application on Oil Accumulation in Cottonseed Embryo in Wheat-Cotton Rotation System Genetic Analysis of Yield and Physiological Traits in Elite Parent Jing 411 and Its Derivatives under Two Fertilization Environments Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Planting Density on Yield Loss Percentage of Mechanical Harvesting in Rapeseed Effects of Water Management and Slow/Controlled Release Nitrogen Fertilizers on Biomass, Nitrogen Accumulation, Translocation, and Distribution in Rice Effects of Postponed Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield and Physiological Characteristics of Flag Leaf in Wheat under Post-Anthesis Heat Stress Effects of Nutrient Expert Recommend Fertilization on Yield and Fertilizer Efficiency of Summer Maize in Fluvo-Aquic Soil Effects of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Boron Fertilizers on Winter Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.) Direct-sown in the Yangtze River Basin Isolation of Fertilized Embryo Sacs and Zygotes and Triggering of Zygote Division in Vitro in Nicotiana tabacum Rational range and optimum proportion of energy input in farmland Relationship of NO3--N,NO2--N accumulation in some crop seeds with N fertilizers application Air quality improvement and sulfur fertilizer requirement in agriculture N2O emission from grassland soils and the teedback effect or nutrient changes resulting from global warming Effect of chemical fertilizer sources on uptake and accumulation of Cd by Brassica chinensis cultivars Relationship between contents in "Qinyou2" rape and pterygote rate of Lipahis erysimi EFFECTS OF Azotobacter chroococcum BEIJERINCK ON YIELD AND
Effects of Water and Fertilizer Coupling under Drip Fertirrigation Covered with Film Sheet on Tomato Growth in Solar Greenhouse Fertilizer-N Uptake and Distribution in Rice Plants Using 15N Tracer Technique ABSORPTION AND UTILIZATION OF DIFFERENT NITROGEN SOURCES DURING THE GROWTH OF SOYBEAN PLANT A PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION ON SENESCENCE MECHANISM OF FLAY LEAF BY NITROGEN FERTILIZER IN EARING PERIOD EFFECT OF COMPOUND BIO-|FERTILIZER ON FERTILIZER EFFICIENCY OF RICE AND ACTIVE NUTRIENTS OF SOIL AFTER HARVESTING BY ~(15)N TRACING SIMULATED STUDY ON MUTUAL EFFECT TO MOISTURE AND FERTILIZER AND YIELD Effects of Foliar Selenium on the Forage Yield of Alfalfa and Selenium Absorption Characteristics Effects of Se as Basal Fertilizer on the Selenium Absorption,Conversion and Utilization of Alfalfa at Different Growth Stages QUANTITATIVE STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF NITROGENOUS FERTILIZER ON THE INFECTION CYCLE OF RICE LEAF BLAST EFFECT OF FERTILIZER APPLICATION ON THE OCCURRENCE AND DAMAGE OF WEED IN WHEAT FIELD CONTRIBUTION OF FERTILIZERS TO YIELD INCREASE AND ITS EFFECT ON SOIL ORGANIC MATTER THE CHANGES OF CROP YIELD AND SOIL FERTILITY WITH LONG-TERM FERTILIZER APPLICATION Effect of nitrogen application and rice cultivars on forms of potassium in different purple paddy soils Changes of soil nutrient contents and input of nutrients in arable of China Mechanism of iron fertilizer by root-inserted to correcting chlorosis of fruit Effect of humic bio-active fertilizer on winter wheat and soil microbial activity Effects of different extract conditions on water dissolution rate of coated controlled/slowed-release fertilizer Effects of coated-compound fertilizer on the growth and nutrition characteristics of double cropping rice (Oryza sativa L.) The using conditions and developing directions of Chinese phosphorous fertilizer Effects of single basal application of controlled-release fertilizer on root activity and nutrient absorption of rice(Oryza Satava L.) Effects of different planting densities and fertilizer levels on quality traits of high-oil soybean Effects of original zymolytic conditions on nitrogen loss of brewer‘s spent grains-based bio-organic fertilizer Effects of different models of applying nitrogen fertilizer on yield and quality of tomato and soil fertility in greenhouse Effect of different furrow irrigation patterns on cotton nitrogen absorption and nitrogen fertilizer use Effect of long-term application of organic fertilizer on Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn and Cd in soil and brown rice Effects of co-situs application of polymer-coated fertilizers on grain yield, root distribution and soil residual Nmin in summer maize Effects of combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizers on soil nitrogen availability and movement under water and fertilizer saving management in cucumbertomato double cropping system Changes of soil biodiversity in Inner Mongolia steppe after 5 years of N and P fertilizer applications Law of field soil ammonia volatilization in summer maize under different fertilizer patterns EFFECT OF N-PROTECTING COMPOUND AMMONIUM BICARBONATE AND ITS MECHANISM EFFECT OF BENTONITE AND PHOSPHORUS FERTILIZER ON INORGANIC PHOSPHORUS TRANSFORMATION AND THEIR AVAILABILITIES IN CALCAREOUS SOIL THE FATE OF NITROGEN FERTILIZE IN WINTER WHEAT GROWTH SEASON UNDER HIGH SOIL FERTILITY CONDITION THE FATE OF FERTILIZER NITROGEN IN WINTER WHEAT UNDER DIFFERENT WATER AND NITROGEN LEVELS COMPARISON OF NET PHOTOSYNTHETIC RATE AND ~(14)C DISTRIBUTION BETWEEN DIFFERENT CULTURAL CONDITIONS ON DOUBLE CROPPING RICE SELECT OF MODEL AND RECOMMENDATION OF NITROGEN FERTILIZATION FOR RUMEX K-1 HYBRID DOCK EFFECTS OF THE TOTALLY BASAL DRESSING TECHNIQUE TO WHOLE PLOUGH LAYER ON FERTILIZER UTILIZATION OF DOUBLE HARVEST RICE BY ~(15)N、~(32)P TRACERS EFFECT OF PLANT DENSITY AND FERTILIZATION ON HIGH YIELD OF MAIZE( Zea mays L.) EFFECT OF FERTILIZER APPLICATION AND DEEP ROOTING MEASURES ON THE ABSORPTION OF 137 Cs BY RICE CONTRIBUTION OF SOIL 32 P, FERTILIZER 32 P AND VA MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI TO PHOSPHORUS NUTRITION OF CORN PLANT EFFECT OF PHOSPHORUS FERTILIZER APPLICATION ON GROWTH AND N UTILIZATION OF WINTER WHEAT IN FINE SANDY SOIL EFFECT OF NITROGEN ON THE HIGH PRODUCTION OF WINTER WHEAT EFFECT OF SILICON NITROGEN SUPERPHOSPHATE GRANULATED FERTILIZER ON N AND P ASSIMILATION IN RICE STUDIES ON NITROGEN UPTAKE AND UTILIZATION BY RAPE (Brassica napus L.) UNDER DIFFERENT SOWING DATES Effects of regular soil fungicides and fertilizers on strain T23 of Trichoderma viride Use of the ‘3414’ fertilization design to determine optimal fertilization rates for Rheum tanguticum Effects of water and fertilizer on growth and photosynthetic pigments of Puelia sinense Nutrition effects on growth and endogenous hormones in kentucky bluegrass Partial replacement of chemical fertilizer by compound microbial inoculant and potential for promoting growth of intercropped Zea mays and Pisum sativum The Effectiveness of Two Types of Slow-release Fertilizer on Perennial Ryegrass Turf Effect of Sucrose Concentration on the Growth of Oncidium Explants in Vitrounder CO2 Enrichment Absorption and Partition of Different Nitrogen Forms in Strawberry Effect of Organic Fertilizer and Mineral Fertilizer on the Tuber Yield of Curcuma longa L. Effects of long-term nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium fertilizer applications on maize yield and soil fertility Effects of fertilizer-N application for double early rice on the yield,nitrogen use efficiency and soil nitrogen content of double late rice Effect of different nitrogen rates on yield and quality parameters of high grade yellow seed hybrid rape