Litter cellulolytic enzyme activities in alpine timberline ecotone of western Sichuan Response of radial growth to climate change for Larix olgensis along an altitudinal gradient on the eastern slope of Changbai Mountain, Northeast China Distribution pattern of Rhododendron aganniphum var. schizopeplum population at the timberline of Sejila Mountains, Tibet of China. Spatial-temporal dynamics of an Abies fabri population near the alpine treeline in the Yajiageng area of Gongga Mountain, China Relationship of tree growth and climatic factors at treeline of Picea likiangensis var. balfouriana forest in Basu County, Xizang Leaf litter invertase activity in the early stage of litter decomposition in alpine timberline ecotone of western Sichuan, China Advances in formation mechanism of alpine timberline and associated physio-ecological characteristics of plants RESPONSES OF PHENOLOGY AND GROWTH OF BETULA UTILIS AND ABIES FAXONIANA IN SUBALPINE TIMBERLINE ECOTONE TO SIMULATED GLOBAL WARMING, WESTERN SICHUAN, CHINA Species-abundance relation of herb communities in subalpine timber-line ecotone of Wolong Natural Reserve,Sichuan Province,China Short-term gas exchange responses of Betula utilis to simulated global warming in a timberline ecotone, eastern Tibetan Plateau, China Boundary form effects of timberline ecotone on colonization of woody plants and timberline dynamics in Changbai Mountain The effect of climate warming on the structure characteristic of the timberline in Laotudingzi Mountain Three-dimensional Canopy Structure in The Timberline Ecotone Dominated by Abies faxoniana Structure and Dynamics of Abies fabri Population Near the Alpine Timberline in Hailuo Clough of Gongga Mountain SURVIVAL ANALYSIS OF ABIES FAXONIANA POPULATIONS NEAR TIMBERLINE ON THE UPPER MINJIANG RIVER Vegetation Landscape of the Alpine Timberline on Mt. Wutai, Shanxi Province The Application of Moving Split-Window Technique in Determining Ecotone: a Case Study of Abies faxoniana Timberline in Balang Mountain in Sichuan Province Variations of Chloroplast Pigments and Non-structural Carbohydrates of Sabina przewalskii along Altitude in Qilian Mountains Timberline Freezing damage in early spring induced by simulated global warming: a case study in Abies faxoniana The soil properties of the subalpine timberline ecotone and adjacent vegetations in Western Sichuan Litter decomposition of Rhododendron lapponicum in alpine timberline ecotone ECOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF A SABINA SALTUARIAPOPULATION AT TIMBERLINE ON THE SOUTH-FACING SLOPE OF BAIMA SNOW MOUNTAIN, SOUTHWEST CHINA Quantitative Property of Different Soil Bacterial Physiological Groups in Subalpine Timberline Ecotone and Adjacent Vegetations in Western Sichuan Vegetation and its relation with climate conditions near the timberline of Beitai,the Xiaowutai Mts., Northern China Ecological characteristics of Larix chinensis population near timberline on Taibai Mountain in China Spatial pattern analysis of a Rhododendron-Abies virginal forest near timberline on the eastern edge of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China Carbon Supply Status in the Betula ermanii in Changbai Mountain Relationships between decomposition rate of leaf litter and initial quality across the alpine timberline ecotone in Western Sichuan, China. Litter decomposition and lignocellulose enzyme activities of Actinothuidium hookeri and Cystopteris montana in alpine timberline ecotone of western Sichuan, China. Quantitative Analysis of the Larix chinensis Forest‘‘‘‘s Distribution at Qinling Mountains and the Character of the Alpine Timberline at Taibai Mountain The soil phosphorus forms under different vegetation types near timberline during non-growing season Characteristics of eco-climate at smith fir timberline in the Sergyemla Mountains, Southeast Tibetan Plateau Ecological characteristics of Abies georgei population at timberline on the north-facing slope of Baima Snow Mountain, Southwest China Characteristics of stable carbon isotope compositions of different life form species growing at the timberline in Sergyemla Mountain Smith fir population structure and dynamics in the timberline ectone of the Sejila Mountain, Tibet, China

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