The correlations of the different host plants with preference level,life duration and survival rate of Spodoptera litura Fabricius Prediction of the natural population dynamics of Spodoptera litura Fabricius Effects of six plant secondary metabolites on activities of detoxification enzymes in Spodoptera litura Bio-activity of propiconazole against larvae and cells of Spodoptera litura Effects of Zhongmiansuo 45 and Zhongmiansuo 41 on experimental population of Spodoptera litura Effects of dietary nickel on the energy reserves in the hemolymph of different developmental stages of Spodoptera litura Fabricius Effect of Brassica chinensis intercropping with Glycine max or Colocasia esculenta on Spodoptera litura and natural enemy predatory diversity in protected vegetable fields STUDIES ON THE BIOLOGICAL SUPPRESSION OF COMMON CUTWORM SPODOPTERA UTURA FABRICIUS Effect of temperature on the development,survival and fecundity of Spodoptera litura Fabricius Study on life parameters in natural population of Spodoptera litura (Fabrieius) Effectiveness of natural enemies on Spodoptera litura Influence of host age on the epizootic of nuclear polyhedrosis virus of Spodoptera litura Bioactivity of azadirachtin and its field efficiency against Spodoptera litura Niches of Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) and Helicoverpa assulta (Guenée) in tobacco plants Effect of temperature and food on Spodoptera litura population Effect of compound contamination of arsenate and perchlorate on food utilization of Spodoptera litura Inhibition effects of ethyl acetate extracts of Momordica charantia leaves on the experimental population of Spodoptera litura Interaction of enzyme inhibitors with insecticides on Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) and Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) Cytotoxicity of lvbingquejuzhi and its derivative to Spodoptera litura cells Effects of different factors on traps with sex pheromone of Spodoptera litura Effects of capsaicin on proliferation and apoptosis of Spodoptera litura cells Selection for indoxacarb resistance in Spodoptera litura and investigation on cross-resistance in the selected population Allelopathic potential of tomato volatiles induced by Spodoptera litura feeding PRELIMINARY STUDY ON INSECTICIDAL CONSITIIJENTS OF RHODODEN DRON MOLLE FLOWERSAND THEIR BIOACTIVITY AGAINST SPODOPTERA LITURA STUDY ON THE SCREENING METHOD FOR OPTIMAL SYNERGETIC RATIO OF COMBINED PESTICIDES Effects of lead stress on the growth and reproduction of Spodoptera litura Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Resistance mechanisms of Spodoptera litura to indoxacarb EFFECTS OF SINPV ON THE INCREASE OF EXPERIMENTAL POPULATION OF COMMOM CUTWORM SPODOPTERA LITURA FABRICIUS Epizootic dynamics of Spodoptera litura nuclear polyhedrosi virus Effect of interference factors on predations of Oxyopes sertatus (L.) Koch (Araneae:Oxyopidae) and Harpactor fuscipes (F.) (Hemiptera:Reduviidae) on Spodoptera litura (F.) Life table of natural population of Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) on tobacco and taro Effects of high or low temperature treatment on development, survival, and cold tolerance of cotton leafworm, Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) Diurnal rhythm of reproductive behavior of cotton leafworm Spodoptera litura (Fabricius)(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)feeding on different hosts

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