Characteristics of DNA adsorption on different sizes red soil colloidal particles. Studies of soil embryological characteristics of the Salvia miltiorrhiza of Zhongjiang Effects of oxalate on acid phosphatase adsorption and its activity on soil colloids and minerals Effect of acetic acid on adsorption of acid phosphatase by some soil colloids and clay minerals Effect of low molecular weight organic acids on Pb2+ adsorption and desorption by constant charge soil colloids Immunity Coloidal Gold Localization of Calmodulin in Cucumber Young LeafCells Immunity Coloidal Gold Localization of Calmodulin in Cucumber Young LeafCells Sustained-release solid dispersion of tripterin carried by colloidal silia dioxide Advancement of colloidal gold chromatographic technique in screening of ochratoxin A Effect of different organic materials on specific surface areaand charge property of black soil colloid FTIR and XPS Analysis of the Process of Electroless Nickel Plating Birch Veneer STUDIES ON THE CONTROL OF THE OSTER WEEVIL (CRYPTORRHYNCHUS LAPATHI L.)BY USING BENZOYLPHENOL UREA NO.3 DEVELOPMENT OF A RAPID COLLOIDAL GOLD TEST STRIP FOR DETECTING FLUOROQUINOLONES RESIDUES Factors affecting activation and transference of soil colloidal phosphorus and related analysis technologies. Development of immunochromatographic colloid gold strip for rapid detection of cucumber angular leaf spot Compared with colloidal silica and porous silica as baicalin solid dispersion carrier Factors that affected nitrogen fixation by the addition of phosphorus, iron, and colloids in the surface water of the Beibu Gulf in spring, 2007 Effects of colloids with different origin and size on the growth of photosynthetic bacteria Preparation and Primary Application of Enterobacter sakazakii Colloidal Gold Test Strip STRUCTURES AND MORPHOLOGY OF OF RESIN INTRODUCTION OF COLLOIDAL THEORY AND IT‘S PROGRESS OF UF RESIN Immuno-gold Localization of IAA in the Leaf Cells of Vicia faba Study on sustained release preparations of Epimedium component In Vitro Effect of Stylar S-RNase of Pear on the Calmodulin Localization of Pollen Tube 赤潮水体中胶体物质对赤潮异弯藻(Heterosigma akashiwo)和中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)生长的影响 Effect of two typical soil colloids on the bioavailability of cadmium to ryegrass Establishment of small molecular monoclonal antibody technology platform in Chinese materia medica Subcellular Localization and Mass Spectrum Identification of the Protein Related to Paulownia Witches‘ Broom Phytoplasma Infection Development of Specific Monoclonal Antibodies and Colloidal Gold Test Strips for Zeranol Solidifying of ginkgo flavones phospholipid complex using colloidal silica Optimization of inclusion process of mixed volatile oil of forsythia oil and peppermint oil by colloid mill method