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Cloning and Sequencing of rpoA Gene from Rice Chloroplast Genume
Changes in the Syntheses of DNA, RNA and Protein during Early Somatic Embrogenesis in Sainfoin(Onobrychis viciaefolia Sccp.)
Dynamics of Newly Synthesized RNA and Protein Diffusion from Germinating Pollen of Cfivia nobilis Cultured In Vitro
Effect of Devernalization on Soluble Protein Component in Winter Wheat Seedling and Subsequent Plant Developmental State
Studies on the Chemical Constituents of llligera Rhasiana C. B. Clarke
Fluorescence of Wheat with Incompletely Developed Chloroplast Membranes
Shoot type morphology and growth characteristics of winter wheat sown at different dates.
Coupling effects of partitioning alternative drip irrigation with plastic mulch and nitrogen fertilization on cotton dry matter accumulation and nitrogen use.
Role of mitochondrial alternative oxidase (AOX) pathway in photoprotection in
K-1 leaves.
Diurnal cycle of emission of volatile compounds from
Pinus massoniana
Pinus eliottii
Spatial characteristics and dynamic simulations of urban heat environment of cities in Pearl River Delta
Economic Benefit Analysis of 28-year-old
Mytilaria laosensis
Plantations in Daqingshan, Guangxi of China
Studies on Photosynthetic Characteristics of South-and North-typed
Populus deltoides
The Diurnal Variation and Influence Factors of VOC of
Platycladus orientalis
in Spring
Spatial Simulation of the Adaptability of
Monochamus alternatus
Hope in Yunnan Province
Research on Spatial Pattern of
Monochamus alternatus
‘s Occurrence Rate Based on Meteorological Factors
Host-selectivity of
Sclerodermus sichuanensis
Reared by
Monochamus alternatus
D iurna l Change of Photosynthetic Character istics and Response to L ightIntensity of P inus kesiya Royle ex Gordon var. langbianensis
Research on the Biocontrol ofM onocham us a lte rna tus Larvaeby B eauve ria bassiana with Severa l Synerg ists
Effects of alternate furrow irrigation on the biomass allocation and water use efficiency of alfalfa
The Study of Living and Inhabiting Tunnel of Monochamus alternatus
PWN Risk Assessment in Huangshan Scenic Area II.Monitoring of Nematode Carried by Pine Borer Beetles
Adult Eclosion of Monochamus alternatus
Cloning of ACC Oxidase Gene of Carnation and Construction of Its Plant Expression Vectors
The Latent Infection of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus and A New Transmission Way of PWN by Monochamus alternatus
A New pathogen to Control Pine Longhorned Beetle Monochamus alternatus
Effect of Spraying Fenitrithion on Controlling Monochamus alternatus in Forest
Study on Trapping Monochamus alternatus and Other Pine Boring Beetles with M
Liquid Attractant
A Method of Total RNA Isolation in Lotus Tissues
Cloning of Maize Starch Branching Enzyme Gene and Construction of RNA Interference Vector
A Method of Quickly Extracting Total RNA from Wheat Leaves
Photosynthetic and Transpiration Features of Turf Grasses under Drought
Roles of miRNA in Plant Development and Adaptabilities
Distribution of NO-3-N of maize rhizosphere in rhizosphere soil under style ofdifferent irrigation
Effects of vernalization temperature on flower bud differentiation and bolting of Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L.ssp.pekinensis)
A research on the photosynthetic characteristics of Jinguan,Molios and Strimoson apple (Malus pumila Mill.)
Cyanide-resistantalternative pathway was involved in the compatibleinteraction between potato tuber (Salonum tuberosum L.) and softrot bacteria (Erwinia carotovora pv.Carotovora)
Characteristics of various repeated DNA sequences in higher plants
Tracking character evolution and biogeographic history through time in Cornaceae - Does choice of methods matter?
Comparative morphology of leaf epidermis in Parnassia (Parnassiaceae) from China
Characters of stigma in three Aquilegia species
Pollen morphology of the Loranthaceae from China
Three new species of Aspidistra Ker-Gawl. (Liliaceae) from Guangxi, China
Correction: chromosome number of Ranunculus ternatus Thunb. from Jiujiang New Park, Jiangxi
The Application of Sequence Analysis of rDNA Fragment to the Systematic Study of the Subfamily Cyrtandroideae (Gesneriaceae)
Pollen Morphology of Asarum in China
The photosynthetic carbon fixation characteristics of common tree species in northern Zhejiang
Antagonistic interactive effects of exogenous calcium ions and parasitic
Cuscuta australis
on the morphology and structure of
Alternanthera philoxeroides
Temporal-spatial characteristics of soil respiration in Chinese boreal forest ecosystem
Stock difference of
Coelomactra antiquata
based on nuclear (ITS2) and mitochondrial (16S rRNA) DNA sequence and secondary structure
Biological characteristics and habitat requirements of
Parnassius imperator
(Lepidoptera: Parnassidae)
Selected body temperature and thermal tolerance of tadpoles of two frog species (
Fejervarya limnocharis
Microhyla ornata
) acclimated under different thermal conditions
An inventory of BVOC emissions for a subtropical urban-rural complex: Greater Taizhou Area
Behavioural time budgets and diurnal rhythms of the female Tibetan gazelles in the Kekexili National Nature Reserve
Diurnal variations of the greenhouse gases emission and their optimal observation duration under different tillage systems
The evaluation system of strength of winterness in wheat
Expression Studies of Rice APC/C Co-activator CDH1 Homologue OsCCS52B during Cell Cycle
Plant Development and microRNA
Physiological Characteristics and Water Use Efficiency of Apple Seedlings with Partial Rootzone Alternate Drip Irrigation
Phylogenetic Relationships of Three Species of Nostoc Based on 16s rRNA Gene
Molecular Regulatory Mechanisms of Vernalization in Wheat
The Progress of RNA Interference Technique in Plant
Analysis of the Families of Cenozoic Spermatophytic Flora in Hainan Island
Transformation of PRSV-CP dsRNA Gene into Papaya by Pollen-tube Pathway Technique
Degradation of Pollen RNA in Japanese Pear Style in Vitro
Summarization of
Resources from Yunnan Province
Effects of Alternative Half Root Drying on Accumulation of Several OrganicOsmolytes in‘Okubo’Peach Leaves
Identification of the pathogen causing Alternaria leaf spot on blueberry in Yunnan
Detection of viruses infecting
Wisteria sinensis
by deep sequencing and assembly of small RNA
Preliminary analysis on the role of an EF-hand binding protein gene
in wheat leaves challenged with
Puccinia striiformis
f. sp.
Identificaion of three amino acid sites from
Potato virus A
HC-Pro invovlved in suppression of RNA silencing
Effect of vuculic acid produced by
Nimbya alternantherae
on photosynthesis of alligatorweed leaf
Study on the Use of Attractant to Control Monochamus alternatus
Genetic Analysis for Eleven Parent Incomplete Diallel of Chinese Fir
The Biological Characteristics and Ornamental Value of
Ormosia pinnata
Studies on the Inhibition of Prothiofos to Acetylcholinesterase and Its Toxicity and Field Effect to
Setora postornata
Detection of the Paternal Mitochondrial Inheritance in Cucumis
A New Ornamental Kale Cultivar‘Fenyu’
Detection of the Paternal Mitochondrial Inheritance in Cucumis