Preliminary Studies on the Introduction of Leymus chinensis ‘Zhongke No.2’ in Ningxia A primary study on seed production of medicinal plant Sinopodophyllum hexandrum RNAi Vector Construction for Protein Disulfide Isomerase Gene and Seed Setting Characteristics in Offspring of Transgenic Rice under High Temperature Treatment STUDY OF THE NUMBER AND ALLELISM OF RESTORING GENES IN PHOTOPERIOD SENSITIVE GENIC MALE STERILE RICE The Study and Analysis of Apomixis in Eulaliopsis binata Wild Tobacco Pollen Viability,Stigma Receptivity and Reproductive Characteristics An Investigation of the Effects of Environmental Factors on the Flowering and Seed Setting of Mikania micrantha H.B.K (Compositae) Flowering phenology and reproductive features of artificial F1 hybrids between Miscanthus floridulus and M. sacchariflorus The Preliminary Research of Correlations between Stones Morphological Variation and Mean Seed Set of Davidia Investigation on the Factors Leading to Infertility in the Cross BetweenDendranthema lavandulifolium and D. grandif lorum ‘Jin ling Huangyu’ Investigation on the Factors Leading to Infertility in the Cross BetweenDendranthema lavandulifolium and D. grandif lorum ‘Jin ling Huangyu’ The Stigma Observation on Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica Beauv.) Male-sterile Line “81-16” with High Outcross Seed Setting Intergeneric cross-compatibility between Dendran-thema ×grandiflorum and Ajania pacifica and the seed sets of their F1 progenies in different conditions of backcross, selfing and open pollination Pollen Viability,Pistil Receptivity and Embryogenesis in the Cross between Dendranthema indicum and D.grandiflorum Study on Boron Nutrition and Seed Setting of Rapeseed Responses of Pollen Activity and Seed Setting of Rice to High Temperature of Heading Period Pollen and resource limitations to lifetime seed production in a wild population of the endangered plant Disanthus cercidifolius Maxim. var.longipes H.T.Chang(Hamamelidancae) Effects of corolla on reproductive fitness of Mirabilis jalapa Cytogenetic Studies on the Cross-progenies Between Chinese Spring-Agilops 2C Disomic Addition and Chinese Spring-Elytriga Disomic Addition Preliminary Study on Hybridization of Eremochloa ophiuroides (Munro.) Hack. Dynamic Changes of Endogenous Plant Hormones in Rice Grains in Different Parts of Panicle at Grain filling Stage Effects of KCl Stress on Physiology of Lilium Stigma and Seed Setting Pollen allelopathy of Stellera chamaejasme on pollen germination and seed set of main species in a High-frigid Meadow on the Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Flowering Characteristics and Fertility of Common Wild Rice in Danzhou, Hainan, China STUDIES ON SEED SETTING PERCENTAGE OF HYBRID RICE A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON INFLUENCE OF RARE-EARTH ON QUANTITY AND QUALITY OF POPULAR HYBRID SEED Reproductive Ecology Research on Populations of a Medicinal Plant (Lycium ruthenicum Murr.) from Xinjiang Reveals Factors Affecting Fruit Production Megasporogenesis and Female Gametophytes Development of Phyllostachys violascens Studies on Sexual Reproduction and Vegetative Propagation of Eleutherococcus senticosus (Araliaceae) Effects of Foliar Boron Application on the Yield and Quality of Alfalfa Seed A Study on the Properties of Autonomous Seed Setting and Embryology in Sorghum Apomictic Line 2083 Studies on Effects and Physiological Changes of the Hull on Grain-filling in Rice Study on Mating System of 3 Elymus spp. Determination of the wind pollination distances and flowering characteristics of Hippophae rhamnoides L.ssp. sinensis Rousi (Elaeagnaceae) Effects of Low Temperature Stress during Flowering Stage on Flowering and Seed Setting of Rice in Panxi Region, Sichuan Province Floral Numerical Variation and Seed Set in Natural Populations of Liriodendron chinense Identification of QTLs for Seed Setting Rate in Rice under Different Growing Environments Post-Anthesis Changes in concentrations of Polyamines in Superior and Inferior Apikelets and Their Relation with Grain Filling of Super Rice Quantitative Analysis on the Effects of High Temperature at Meiosis Stage on Seed-Setting Rate of Rice Florets Pollen and resource limitations to lifetime seed production in a wild population of Ceratoides arborescens Inheritance of Seed Setting Rate in Maize×Z.perennis Crosses Seed Shattering and Relevant Traits of Leymus chinensis Influences of Management Measures on the Seed Set and 1000-grain Weight of Ceratoides arborescens

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