Correlation analysis between induction of maize parthenogenesis haploid in vivo and intersperm nucleus distances in pollen tubes germinating in vitro of male parent THE PENTOSAN CONTENT AND ITS CORRELATION WITH OTHER CHARACTERS AMONG WINTER WHEAT VARIETIES IN NORTH CHINA Interspecific Correlations among Dominant Tree Species in the Coniferous and Broad-Leaved Mixed Forest Communities in Jiaohe, Jilin Province Analysis of interspecific associations among major tree species in three forest communities on the north slope of Changbai Mountain The correlation analysis between Populus Simonii ecophysiological indexes and environmental factors Application Prospect on Applying Nondestructive Testing Technology in Wood Property Breeding of Larix kaempferi INTER-SPECIFIC CORRELATIONS AMONG DOMINANT POPULATIONS OF TREE LAYER SPECIES IN EVERGREEN BROAD-LEAVED FOREST IN JIULIANSHAN MOUNTAIN OF SUBTROPICAL CHINA Comparative analysis of inter-specific association within the Stipa grandis-S. krylovii community in typical steppe of Inner Mongolia, China The effect of traveling on the interspecific correlation of dominant populations in Lishan subalpine meadow,Shanxi Province Morphological Diversity of Flower Lotus(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. ssp. nucifera) germplasms Effects of Different Grazing Intensities on the Distribution of Seriphidum transiliense Modular Biomass Species association and correlation between vertical layers in the Liquidambar formosana community in Tiantong region, Zhejiang Province Research on Apply ing the Pilodyn inWood PropertyBreeding of L a rix kaem pfe ri Community Composition and Interspecific Association Analysis of Kobresia capillifolia Grassland Spatial-temporal distribution of net primary productivity and its relationship with climate factors in Inner Mongolia from 2001 to 2010 The Differential Expression Characteristics of miR319 and Four Targets Response to Low Temperature Treatments in Two Cassava Varieties Genetic Diversity and Correlation Analysis of Botanical Characters in Xinjiang wild apple (Malus sieversii) Genetic Diversity and Correlation Analysis of Main Botany Characters in Watermelon Genetic Resources Development of FTIR fingerprint for identification of armand clematis stem (Chuanmutong) and related herbs Interspecific relationships of major species in Ammoden-dron argenteum communities of Takeermohuer Desert Studies of the Variation of Fruiting-cyme Characters of Nitraria tangutorum Plus Tree Genetic Variability and Interrelationships among Morphological and Agronomical Characteristics in Rhizome Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.ssp.nucifera) Germplasms A correlate analysis of UV absorption spectra of compound Danshen tablets from different manufactures A correlation analysis on landscape metrics Temperature sensitivity of soil respiration in relation to soil moisture in 11 communities of typical temperate steppe in Inner Mongolia STUDY ON FEASIBILITY OF EARLIER SELECTION OF MAIN WOOD CHARACTERISTICS IN LIRIODENDRON CHINENSE CORRELATIVITY BETWEEN GROWTH AND NUTRIENT CONTENTS IN FOLIAGE OF YOUNG CHINESE FIR PLANTATION Analysis on the relation between the structural characteristics of plant communities and the microclimate effects in Nanning City, China Ecological Species Groups of Wetland Vegetation on Lianbotan in Fen River, Shanxi RESEARCH ON THE PATTERN AND ASSOCIATIONS BETWEEN DOMINANTS OF THE VEGETATION IN MIAN MOUNTAIN, SHANXI PROVINCE Numerical analysis of interspecific relationships in communities of Larix chinensis in Qinling Mountain EARLY MATURING MUTANITS IN INDICA RICE AND THEIR TRAITS Genetic Analysis on Flowering and Boll Setting in Upland Cotton(Gossy pium hirsutum L.)  Ⅱ. The Genetic Behavior of Different Fruiting Sites Inter-Specific Correlations among Dominant Populations of Woody Syringa reticulata Communities in Wulu Mountain Nature Reserve, Shanxi Province of China Study on Efficiency of Two-Stage Cluster Sampling in Forest Inventory Optimization of bi-layer osmotic pump controlled release tablets of total flavonoids from Ginkgo Folium by central composite design-response surface methodology Relationship between growth potential of pine,population density of Monochamus alternatus and pathogenicity of Bursaphlenchus xyloophilus