Identification hybrid wheat and their three parent lines using seed gliadins and seedling isozymes The progress of study on wheat seed storage proteins VERIFICATION OF THE GENETIC VARIATION INDUCED BY INTRODUCTION OF EXOGENOUS DNA INTO WHEAT BY USING ELECTROPHORETIC PATTERNS ANALYSIS OF SEED GLIADINS Variation Analysis of Seed Storage Proteins among Advanced Aegilops tauschii×Secale cereale Amphiploids Analysis of Gliadin Gene expression in Wheat-Wheatgrass Alien Addition Lines Establishment of 6VS Telocentric Lines of Haynaldia villosa Resistant to Powdery Mildew Induced by Immature Embryo Culture Study on Physiological and Biochemical Characterization in Progenies of Selection of NaCl-tolerant Wheat Mutant by in vitro Comparison of the Effect of Different Extractants on Hordein and Gliadin Extraction by A-PAGE Genetic Variation at Gli-1 and Gli-2 loci in Wheat Cultivars from Shandong Province Genetic Diversity of Gli-1, Gli-2 and Glu-1 Alleles in Sichuan Wheat Landraces Population Genetics Diversity of Gliadin of Pinus thunbergii from Fuqing Gliadin Genetic Diversity Analysis of 119 Wheat Germplasms Cloning, Prokaryotic Expression and in vitro Functional Analysis of α-Gliadin Genes from Dasypyrum villosum HERITABLE SOMACLONAL VARIATION IN GLIADIN PROTEINS OF WHEAT Genetic variation analysis of gliadin from wild germplasm of Psathyrostachys juncea Genetic diversity of Gliadin in worldwide germplasm collections of Elymus sibiricus Seed Purity Identification of Hybrid Wheat ‘XZ1‘ VARIATION OF HMW-CS AND GLIADIN INDUCED BY LOW ENERGY N~+ IMPLANTATION IN COMMON WHEAT SEEDS ANALYSIS OF WHEAT TRANSLOCATION LINES BY ELECTROPHORESIS VARIATIONS AND SELECTION OF WHEAT MUTANT RESISTANT TO SCAB IDENTIFICATION OF WHEAT PROTEINS BY ELECTROPHORESIS Gliadin and Glutenin Variation in Seeds of Somaclones of Triticum aestivum Biochemical analysis of salt tolerant cell line and their progeny of wheat STUDIES ON GLIADINS OF VARIETIES OF THE WHEAT PROGENTES OBTAINED BY INTRODUCING DNA OF AGROPYRON ELONGATUM Cloning and Sequence Analysis of α/β-gliadin Genes from Common Wheat Variety Xiaoyan 54 Cloning, Prokaryotic Expression, and Functional Testing of a γ-Gliadin Gene from Wheat Cultivar Shaan 253 Cloning, Chromosomal Location, and Evolutionary Analysis of α-gliadin Genes from Aegilops tauschii and Common Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Gene Cloning and Sequence Analysis of γ-Gliadin Genes from Wheat Cultivar Shann 253 STUDY ON VARIATION OF SELECTED PROGENY BY SPACE INDUCED MUTATION IN SPRING WHEAT Preliminary Construction and Application of GIiadin Fingerprints Database of Chinese Wheat Germplasm Studies on Capillary Electrophoresis Separation of Wheat Gl iadins and Its Use in Varietal Identification Detection on evolvement and present situation of genetic diversity of spring wheat cultivars planted in Gansu and Qinghai provinces by gliadin markers Gliadin Genetic Diversity in Artificially Synthesized Hexaploid Wheat Isolation and Sequence Analysis of α-gliadin Genes from Dasypyrum breviaristatum Genetic Diversity of Gli-1,Gli-2 and Glu-1 Alleles Among Chinese Endemic Wheats 反相高效液相色谱技术分析种子醇溶蛋白鉴定小麦品种 Gliadin Composition and Their Effects on Quality Properties in Spring Wheat Study of Gliadin Variation in Wheat Cultivars Genetic diversity of gliadin in some American wheat germplasms and their effect on quality properties Cloning and Sequence Analysis of α-gliadin Gene from Aegilops tauschii×Secale cereale Amphiploids

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