A REVIEW OF RESPONSES OF LITTER DECOMPOSITION IN TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS TO GLOBAL WARMING A Histological Study on Somatic Embryogenesis of Soybean Cultured in vitro Studies and Preparations of Fufang Danshen Granules Bencaological Studies on Fuxiong (Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort. cv. fvxiorg) Herbalogical Studies on Rou Congrong(Herba Cistanchis) Requirements of FDA for preclinical toxicological studies on preparation of phytomedicine in US Pharmacognostical Studies on Medicinal plant Caryopteris in Qiang Nationality District A Review on the Research of Genulne Traditional Chinese Drugs Comparison of Pharmacological Studies on Ootheca Mantidis Comprative studies of the Ecological Agriculture Between China and the Western countries Experimental studies on antitussive,expectorant and antiasthmatic effects of extract from Citrus grandis var. tomentosa New simple method to detect uronic acids in polysaccharides Placing our Hypotheses and Results in Time and Space(in English) TAXONOMIC STUDIES ON POPULUS L.IN SOUTHWESTERN CHINA(Ⅱ) TAXONOMIC STUDIES ON POPULUS L. IN SOUTHWESTERN CHINA (Ⅰ) Some Problems in References on Floristic Studies in China STUDIES ON THE INTRODUCTION CULTIVATION OF GENUS PARISL. I.A PRELIMINARY REP0RT ON SEXUAL PR0PAGATI0N 0F PARIS POLYPHYLLA VAR. YUNNANENSIS Advance in studies on effective components in wheat bran and their pharmacological activities Pharmacognostical Studies on the Medicinal Parts of Panax quinquefolius L. Pharmacognostical Studies on the Chinese Drug Baibu, Radix Stemona and Its Allied Drugs Ⅰ. Some Bencaological Studies on Baibu Studies on Nourishing Yin Action of the Prepared Rhizoma Rehmanniae Anomalous Frame of Vessels in the Roots of Aconitum spp. Ultrastructural Studies of Vegetative Cells on Jaoa bullata (Jao) Fan Advances in the Study of the Systematics of Ophiopogoneae in Asparagaceae Research progress on effects of traditional Chinese medicines on proliferation, apoptosis and differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells Pharmacognostic Identification of Stem of Samllleaf Jointfir (Gnetum parvifolium) A Simple Method for Preserving Live Toad in Winter Microscopic Identification of the Powder of Roots of Genus AdenophoraⅠ. The Roots of Sect.Basiphylae and Sect.Pachydiscus Textual studies on Xanthium sibiricum in ancient Chinese medicinal literatures Recent advances on chitosan applicated in pharmaceutical studies Textual studies of TCM Gaoben (Ligusticum L.) habitually prescribing in Yunnan Province Advance in studies on pharmacological activity of coptisine hydrochloride Advance in studies on pharmacological activities of chelerythrine Anticancer effects of various fractions extracted from Dioscorea bulbifera on mice bearing HepA Advances in studies on biology and chemical constituents in Radix Pseudos tellariae Effect of Naoshuantong capsule on change of SSQOL index in patients with ischemic stroke in six mouths follow-up Herbological Studies of Fenshu and Yanshu (Two Kinds of Mouse) Herbalogical Studies on the Processing of the Fruits of Croton Tiglium L. Prescription of Jingdan Yimin for treatment of metabolic syndrome Microscopic Identification of the Powder of Roots of Genus Adenophora Ⅱ.The Roots of Sect. Remotiflorae and Sect. Adenophora Advances in the Study of the Systematics of Ophiopogoneae in Asparagaceae Advance in studies of Panax notoginseng saponins on pharmacological mechanism of nervous system disease Advances in studies on aryltetralin lactone lignans Advances in research of pharmacological effects and formulation studies of linalool Application of Genome-wide Association Studies in Rice Genetics and Breeding Studies on Histology and Essential Oil of Chinese Drug Sharen and Its Adulterants in Amomum Bencaological Studies on Curcuma Species Morphological Studies on Chinese Drug Sharen and It‘s Adulterants in Amomum Herbal Studies on the Plants of Schisandraceae

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