A review of ecological effects of remnant trees in degraded forest ecosystems after severe disturbances Trends of the International Plant Root Exudates Studies based on Bibliometrical Analysis Photosynthetic Acclimation of Erythrophleum guineense and Dalbergia odorifera to Winter Low Temperature in a Marginal Tropical Area Distribution Pattern of Species Richness for Wild Fruit Trees in Xinjiang Based on Species Distribution Modeling Investigation on the Frozen Snow Damage of Main Afforestation Tree Species in Hubei Province Assessment of the feasibility of cultivated fruit trees using station freezing index Prospect on the greening town with fruit trees in Jiangxi Province Spatial variability of forest soil total nitrogen of different soil layers Effects of Auto-exhaust Pollution on Four Native Ornamental Trees: Stomatal and Photosynthetic Responses THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN APRIONA SWAINSONI AND ITS HOST TREES THE STUDY ON DECAY OF DEAD BRANCHES AND LEAVES ON LIVING TREES TAKEN FROM CROWN INTO LITTER ENVIRONMENT IN A CHINESE FIR PLANTATION,COMPARED WITH DECAY IN CANOPY EFFECTS OF SECONDARY METABOLITES OF POPLAR TREES ON THE CARBOXYLESTERASE AND GLUTATHIONE-S-TRANSFERASE IN ANOPLOPHORA GLABRIPENNIS VARIATION OF WOOD PROPERTIES WITHIN AND BETWEEN CAMPHOR TREE PLANTATION AND THEIR PREDICTING MODELS A MODELING APPROACH TO THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN PLANTATION POPLAR WOOD PROPERTIES AND QUALITIES OF VENEER AND PLYWOOD THE ICE NUCLEATION ACTIVE BACTERIA ON POPLAR TREES AND THEIR EFFECTS IN THE COURSES OF CAUSING FREEZING INJURY AND INDUCING FUNGOUS CANKER VARIATlON OF MECHANlCAL PROPERTIES AND WOOD DENSITY WITHIN TREES OF CHINESE-FIR A REVIEW OF TECHNIQUES FOR GENETIC TRANSFORMATION IN FOREST TREE BREEDING PRELIMINARY STUDIES ON RADIAL VARIATION PATTERNS OF WOOD PROPERTIES WITHIN TREES Ⅰ. ON THE SYSTEMATIC STUDIES OF THE RADIAL VARIATION PATTERNS OF WOOD PROPERTIES WITHIN TREES Tannins Dynamic of 15 Tropical Trees and Shrubs RESEARCH ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL INDEX OF DROUGHTENDURANCE FOR SEVERAL SPECIES OF NEEDLE-LEAVES AND BROAD-LEAVES TREES STUDIES ON THE FIRE-RESISTANCE OF 37 SPECIES OF CONIFEROUS AND BROADLEAF TREES AND IT‘S APPRAISAL REVIEW ON THE ARCHITECTURE OF TROPICAL TREES RESEARCH AND APPLICATION OF TREE VEGETATIVE ORGANS TO TREE CLASSIFICATION A LIST OF THE TROPICAL TREES BELOGING TO MAJOR ARCHITECTURAL MODELS IN THE ARBORETUM IN JIANFENGLING,HAINAN ISLAND Effects of moderate high-temperature stress on photosynthesis in saplings of the three dominant tree species of subtropical forest Impact of elevated O3 on eco-physiology of trees Taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships among the genera of the True Citrus Fruit Trees Group (Aurantioideae, Rutaceae) based on AFLP markers Composition and seasonal dynamics of litter falls in a broad-leaved Korean pine(Pinus koraiensis) mixed forest in Changbai Mountains, Northeast China. The edge effects on tree-liana relationship in a secondary natural forest in Bawangling Nature Reserve, Hainan Island, China Rewiews on methods of measuring geometric chracteristics of forest gaps involving gap size, gap shape, and the height of canopy trees surrounding the gap 应用~(59)Fe示踪法研究苹果树对铁盐的吸收和运转 缺水条件下苹果幼树叶片~(14)C-同化产物的输出和分配 Advances on Whole Genome Sequencing in Fruit Trees Advances in the Studies on Salt Tolerance of Fruit Trees Molecular Evolution and Phylogeny of Stone Fruit Trees Based onSequences of the Internal Transcribed Spacers(ITS)of Nuclear RibosomalDNA Comparison of annual returned carbon content of litters and annual carbon emission of the rubber trees of different ages The potential for phytoremediation of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) CULTIVATION TECHNIQUES OF GMELINA ARBOREA Influence of Biochemical humic Acid on the Physiological and Biochemical Index of Apple Tree Infected with Physalospora piricola Risk Assessment and Safety Management of the Genetic Engineered Trees Application of Pollen Morphology in the Genetic Origin and Phylogenic Relationship of Stone Fruit Trees Leaf Photosynthetic and Anatomic Acclimation of Four Tropical Rainforest Tree Species to Different Growth Light Conditions Alleviation of urea peroxide to waterlogging damage in young peach trees STUDY ON CHANGES OF EITHER CHLORINE CONTENT OR MEMBRANE PERMEABILITY OF LEAVES WITH SEASONS AND HARDINESS OF TREES The Radial Distribution of Xylem Sap Flow Velocity in Trunks of Pear Trees

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