Study on the Niche and Competition of Populations in Man-natural Mixed Forest of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Broadleaf Trees ABOVE- AND BELOW-GROUND COMPETITION BETWEEN SEEDLINGS OF LIANAS AND TREES UNDER TWO LIGHT IRRADIANCES STEM RESPIRATION RATES OF DOMINANT TREE SPECIES IN A TROPICAL SEASONAL RAIN FOREST IN XISHUANGBANNA, YUNNAN, SOUTHWEST CHINA SENSITIVITY OF CONIFEROUS TREES TO ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AT DIFFERENT SCALES IN THE SMALL XING’AN MOUNTAINS, CHINA The hydraulic acclimation of old and dwarf Populus simonii trees growing on sandy soil in northern Shaanxi Province, China Optimal sampling positions for evaluating humidity increase and temperature reduction function of landscape trees Tissue Distribution of 6 Kinds of Transport Heavy Metal Pollutants in Platanus hispanica Leaves and Annual Branches Effect of Community Structure Regulation on Upper-Layer Broad-Leaved Trees in a Mixed Forest of Planted Korean Pine and Naturally-regenerated Broad-Leaved Trees Research Progress in Gene Cloning in Forest Trees Radial Variation in Sap Flux Density as a Function of Sapwood Thickness in Two Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus urophylla) Plantations Soft-ridged bench terrace design in hilly loess region Biomass and yield of Betula platyphylla population in Mila Mount of Tibet The growth of canopy trees and gap dynamics of the Korean-pine forests Leaf structural characteristics of 8 evergreen-broad trees and their adaptation to light Application of Pollen Morphology in the Genetic Origin and Phylogenic Relationship of Stone Fruit Trees Investigation on the Resources of Chinese Gallnuts in Shanyang County, Shaanxi Province Tropical Wild Fruit Germplasm in Xishuangbanna Correlations of Anthocyanins and Chlorophyll in Peach Leaves Correlations of Anthocyanins and Chlorophyll in Peach Leaves Physiological Effects of Elevated CO2 on Loquat Trees (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.)under Water Stress Ozone uptake at the canopy level in Robinia pseudoacacia in Beijing based on sap flow measurements Morphological structure of leaves and dust-retaining capability of common street trees in Guangzhou Municipality Physiological responses of four golden-leaf trees to SO2 stress An inventory of BVOC emissions for a subtropical urban-rural complex: Greater Taizhou Area Analysis of nrDNA ITS Sequences in Ipomoea batatas and its Relative Wild Species Studies on Bird-Feed Trees at Green Belts of Beijing Urban Area Leaf Water Use Efficiency and Its Relationship with Hydraulic Characteristics in Eight Dominant Trees and Shrubs in Loess Hilly Area during Vegetation Succession Identification and Bioinformatics Prediction of Putative microRNAs in Prunus Genus Correlation between the Growth of Dominant Trees and Surface Soil Physiochemical Properties of Conifer and Broad-Leaved Mixed Forest at Different Succession Stages DNA Barcoding of Subtropical Forest Trees——A Study from Ailao Mountains Nature Reserve, Yunnan, China Artificial cultivation modes for Dendrobium officinale Tree Population Mortality, Recruitment and Growth During a 15-Year Period of Secondary Succession in Tropical Montane Rainforests at Jianfengling, Hainan Island, China STUDIES ON INDUCED MUTATION IN MAITREES(Prunus mume Sieb et.Zucc)THROUGH IRRADIATION Effects of human disturbance on spatial distribution pattern of main population of evergreen broadleaf trees Variations of nutrient contents and its numerical classification among nitrogen-fixing and non-nitrogen-fixing tree species of north deciduous trees EFFECTS OF FORESTATION BY KEEPING BROADLEAF TREES IN PLANTING CUNNINGHAMIA LANCEOLATA UV-B Screening of the Leaves of Five Tree Species Grown under Full Sunlight Spatial Distribution Pattern and Sampling Technique of Batocera lineolata(Coleoptera:Cerambycidae) Population in Ash Trees Tissue Culture Technique of Acacia mangium Elite Trees Relationship Between Vigour of Seeds and Age of Old Platycladus orientalis Wood Identification Based on Feature Fusion of PCA and FisherTrees Studies on the shade-endurance capacity of Glycyrrhiza uralensis The Nutrient Contents of Six Fig Species and Its Evaluation as Woody Vegetables Discussing issues about establishing vegetation on Loess Plateau according to the law of community Advance in Studies on Genetic Variation of Lignin Content in Tree Species Study on the Change of Soil Temperature in Peach tea Artificial Compound System and Tea Ecosystem Mangrove Plants’Adaptive Ability to Habitat and Their Horizontal Distribution in Qinglan Harbour, Hainan Island CALCULATION AND APPLICATION OF INTERSPECIFIC ASSOCIATION OF BROAD-LEAVED TREES IN THE NORTH FUJIAN Allelopathic effects of tree-leaf litter on the germination and seedling phase of wheat in inter-planted systems of trees (fruits trees) and grain crops Relationship between retention PM2.5 and leaf surface AFM character of six greening trees during autumn in Beijing West Mountain. Enzymatic activity during phytoremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon impacted soil Driving forces analysis of urban expansion based on boosted regression trees and Logistic regression Effect of Heavy Metal Stress on Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Five Evergreen Broad-leaved Trees Effects of silicon application on apple Intermal bark necrosis induced by high content of manganese Application of iron fertilizer by use high-pressure trunk-injection to remedy the iron deficiency chlorosis in apple trees and its mechanism Advances in the Studies on Salt Tolerance of Fruit Trees Conflicting gene trees and phylogenomics Studies on dynamic change of total ginkgolic acids in Ginkgo biloba leaves of different aged trees and different collecting seasons Research on Architecture of Dominant Trees in Hainan Recovery and its Quantitative Expression of the Planted Young trees of Pinus koraiensis under Natural Secondary Forest Preliminary Studies on Molecular Genetic of 11 Strain Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi from 5 Tree Species Variation of Sap Flow among Individual Trees and Scaling Up for Estimationof Transpiration of Larix principis rupprechtii Stand Diversity of Ground Dwelling Beetles (Coleoptera) in Larix principis rupprechtii Forest with Different Stages of Reforestation in Pangquangou National Nature Reserve Biomass and Nutrient Content of Forest Litter in Natural Forestof Different Intensity Harvesting after Ten Years Characteristics of photosynthesis and photosynthetic carbon fixation capacity of five mangrovetree species in Zhanjiang City The soil dried layers under apple trees planation near Xi‘an City Responses of the urban roadside trees to traffic environment Soil NH4+/NO3- nitrogen characteristics in primary forests and the adaptability of some coniferous species Accumulation Capacity of Nanjing 14 Virescence Tree Species to Heavy Metal Pollutants of the Atmosphere A RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SOME FRUIT TREES AND SOIL WATER CONTENTS IN MINQIN DESERT AREA Study on the Relationship between Chromosome Numbers and Nodulation of 18 Species of Leguminous Trees Inspection of Growth Quality for Urban Trees Water Balance Measurement of Multiple-Trees: Method and Application Study on Scaling-Up Method for Stand Water Consumption of Quercus variabilis Water Conservation Forest RESEARCH ON THE TECHNIQUE OF DRIP IRRIGATION UNDER FILM FORCASH-TREES PLANTED IN FISH-SCALE PITS ON LOESS SLOPE-LAND Physiological Effects of Elevated CO2 on Loquat Trees (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.)under Water Stress SEASONAL CHANGES OF FUNCTIONAL PHLOEM OF SOME DECIDUOUS TREES ON HAINAN ISLAND Preliminary study on seedling and afforestation of rare and endangered trees in karst region of Southwest Guangxi Effect of treating with earthworm and iron on iron nutrition of apple roots Research of model plants and native woody ornamental plants in Yaoluoping Natural Reserve

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