Variant Scaling Relationship for Mass-Density Across Tree-Dominated Communities Community characteristics of rare trees at Dalaoling of Three Gorge reservoir area in western Hubei Province Storage dynamics of fallen trees in Korean pine broad-leaved forest Role of nitrogen-fixing trees in mixed forest Ⅱ. Seasonal variation patterns of N and P contents in leaves of nitrogen-fixing trees Internal and external nutrient transfers in foliage of some north deciduous trees Ⅰ Changes of nutrient concentrations and contents The structure of insect communities and the ecological characteri-stics of the functional groups in syconia of three fig trees species in Xishuangbanna,China STUDY ON CLADISTIC RELATIONSHIP OF THE TRUE CITRUS SPECIES MEASURING LEAF AREA IN PEAR TREE USING REGRESSION EQUATION METHOD Progress in the Selection of Plant Near Isogenic Lines and Its Application in the Genetic Improvement of Forest Trees Ornamental Tree Sources and Their Diversity and Economic Value in Baishilazi National Nature Reserve Changes in Leaf Calorific Value in Main Chinese Forests and Its Influencing Factors Geostatistical analysis on the spatial distribution of Batocera lineolata (Coleoptera:Cerambycidae) populations in different types of ash tree forests Decay and nutrient release in Vulpia myuros grasses, a species suitable for soil conservation in temperate zone orchards A METHOD OF SPACE DISTRIBUTION INFORMATION NETWORK FOR PREDICTING SUITBILITY OF TREE SPECIES IN LARGE AREAS STUDIES ON THE AMINO-ACID COMPOSITION AMONG 46 KINDS OF FOLIAGE Comparison of the eco-physiological characteristics between seedlings of lianas and trees under two light irridiances Analysis on the change of the original Metasequoia glyptostroboides population and its environment in Lichuan Hubei from 1948 to 2003 Effects of elevated CO2 concentration and nitrogen deposition on the biomass accumulation and allocation in south subtropical main native tree species and their mixed communities. Fifty years of character compatibility concepts at work A Survey of Freezing Harm of Precious Trees in South China A Review on Growth Modelling and Visualization for Virtual Trees Fine Root Morphology and Biomass Characteristics at Preliminary Stage of Gap Border Trees of Reformed Low Beneficial Cupressus funebris Forests Temporal and spatial variation of seedfall in a broad-leaved evergreen forest in Gutianshan Nature Reserve of Zhejiang Province, China Effects of elevated CO2 concentration and N deposition on leaf element contents of major native tree species in southern subtropical China Patterns of dust retention by five common tree species for urban greening in Aksu City, Northwest China Responses of leaf unfolding and flowering to climate change in 12 tropical evergreen broadleaf tree species in Jianfengling, Hainan Island Relationships between xylem structure and embolism vulnerability in six species of drought tolerance trees Effects of density and feed supplement on layer production and yolk cholesterol under grazing conditions A REVIEW OF THE STUDIES ON DEVELOPMENTAL PHASES OF TREES AND ITS APPLICATION FOR HEVEA BRASILIENSIS BREEDING Leaf Structures and Relationship with SO2-absorption Capacity of 13 Ornamental Trees A Study on the Relationship between Amino Acid Content of Host Trees and Kerria lacca Studies on the Characteristics of Gap Border Trees in the Subalpine Coniferous Forest in Western Sichuan Suitable Individual Growth Environment for the Young Trees of Pinus koraiensis under Natural Secondary Forest Studies on the Photosynthesis and Physiological Adaptability of Medicinal Plants in Tree-Medicinal Plant Intercropping System Integrated Evaluation of Soil Chemical and Biochemical Fertility under Different Vegetations Molecular Evolution and Phylogeny of Stone Fruit Trees Based onSequences of the Internal Transcribed Spacers(ITS)of Nuclear RibosomalDNA Co-speciation of Figs and Fig Wasps A PHENOLOGICAL STUDY ON MAIN TREE SPECIES OF MONTANE HUMID EVERGREEN BROAD LEAVED FOREST IN AILAO MOUNTAINS Factor Analysis and Comprehensive Assessment of Phenotypic Selection of Officinal Neem Superior Trees Application of Floral Induction Mechanism in Forest Breeding An Improved System of Two-dimensional Electrophoresis for the Tung Tree Seed Protein Separation Criteria for Selecting Superior Trees of Paraserianthes falcataria Analysis of Sex Ratios and Spatial Distribution of Dioecious Fraxinus mandshurica Damage Rate of Residual Trees Caused by Chainsaw Felling in the Selective Cutting Operations During Winter in A Conifer-Broadleaved Forest Propagation Velocity of Stress Wave and Ultrasonic Wave Transmitting on Indefectible Cross Section of Standing Trees A Novel Method of Softwood Recognition Efect of foliage top-dressing of potassium on the photosynthetic rate of apple trees Nocturnal sap flow of four urban greening tree species in Dalian, Liaoning Province, China Regeneration Dynamics of Young Pinus thunbergii and Its Influencing Factors in the Coastal Protection Forests in Northern Shandong Peninsula Effects of GSH on AsA-GSH Circulation Metabolism in Chloroplasts of Young Loquat Fruits Under Low Temperature Stress Structure Characteristics of Street Trees in Meizhou City Relations between Seedlings‘ Photosynthetic Characteristics and Their Drought Tolerance under Water Stress in Rocky Desertification Area Influence of the Spatial Structure of tress,etc. on the Young Trees of Pinus koraiensis under Natural Secondary Forest Influence of Community Structural Characteristics of Natural Secondary Forest on the Growth of the Young Trees of Pinus koraiensis The Photosynthesis and Water Use Efficiency of Eight Garden Tree Species Study on the Network System of Favored Trees for Suitable LandBased on Spatial Information Techniques A Study on Transpiration of Some Tree Species Planted in Hot and Arid Valley of Jinsha River Shelter Function Analysis on Anjibaicha Growth in the Model of Tea Plant Intercropping with Trees Resources and Distribution of VAM Fungus Communities in Eucalyptus Forest in Southern China Research advance in effect of elevated CO2 on eco-physiology of trees Studies on Plant Resources and Rare Protected Plants of Beilun Ningbo City The leaf litter decomposition of four native broad-leaved tree species in South China Caloric values and carbon contents of dominant trees in Xiaoxinganling forest region Study on Visual Simulation Technology of Cunninghamia lanceolataMorphological Characters Analysis of Frost Resistance of Paulownia Young Plantationunder Different Management Measures Study on Criterion for Selecting Betula alnoides Superior Trees Analysis on Distribution Pattern Characteristics of Standing Dead Trees in Larix gmelinii Overcutting Forest Ana lysis on So il Physic-chem ica l Properties of Na tura l Forest10 Years after High Inten sity Cutting The effects of nutrient solution injected on the morphology and physiology of apple trees and quality of the fruit Performance Analysis for the Domestic TDP Sensor forM easuring Sap Flow in Trees Maximum Dust Retention of Main Greening Trees in Arid Land Oasis Cities, Northwest China Initial Effects of Crop Trees Growth after Crop Tree Release on Pinus massoniana Plantation Studies on Free Radical Scavenging Activities of Extracts from Leaves of Some Subtropical Oil Trees The Effects of Night Chilling on Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Seedlings of Two Tropical Rain Forest Tree Species Influence of the Selective Intensity on Spatial Structure of Mid-subtropical Natural Mixed Stand of Conifer and Broad-leaved Trees STUDY ON MOLECULAR GENETIC VARIATION OF SUPERIOR TREES IN CHINESE FIR(CUNNINGHAMIA LANCEOLATA(LAMB.)HOOK. USE OF BAIT TREES FOR THE CONTROL OF APRIONA GERMARI HOPE STUDY ON STAND PRODUCTIVITY AND SOIL FERTILITY UNDER THE MANAGEMENT PATTERN OF PLANTING CHINESE FIR WITH KEEPING BROAD-LEAVED TREES INTERRELATION BETWEEN CARBOXYLESTERASE AND GLUTATHIONE-S-TRANSFERASE IN APRIONA GERMARI LARVAE AND SECONDARY METABOLITES OF POPLAR TREES EFFECTS OF THE MIXED ON ROOT GROWTH AND DISTRIBUTION OF FRAXINUS MANDSHURICA AND LARIX GMELINII

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