Influence of leaf size of plant on leaf transpiration and temperature in arid regions Apreliminary study of the northern planting boundary of rubber tree cultivation in China Patch dynamics and scale transition analysis of grassland in restoration succession Boundary form effects of timberline ecotone on colonization of woody plants and timberline dynamics in Changbai Mountain Identifying eco-geographical boundary using spatial wavelet transform REGIONAL WIND PROTECTION EFFECT AND EVALUATION MODEL OF AGRICULTURE AND ANIMALE HUSBANDRY WINDBREAK NETWORKS Landscape pattern analysis based on boundary characteristics A Fragmentation Study of Mountain Forest Landscape Based on Boundary Characteristics Spatial heterogeneity of soil moisture across a cropland-grassland mosaic:a case study for agro-pastural transition in north of China Study on Soil Moisture Interface of Cultivated Grassland-Cropland Landscape in Guizhou Province Study on Soil Available Nitrogen Boundaries of Farmland-grassland Mosaic in Agro-pastoral Transition of North China Vegetation Landscape of the Alpine Timberline on Mt. Wutai, Shanxi Province Structure of tea plantation‘s ecoboundary layer and its variation pattern Effects of Boundary Layer Conductance on Leaf Gas Exchange Fire Boundary Extracting Technique in Automatic Measurement of Rate of Spread of Forest Fire by Analyzing Series of Images The Mossflora of Mt. Jiuwan, Guangxi and Its Significance in Dividing the Boundary Line Between Tropical and Subtropical Regions in China (To be continued) Landscape responses to changes in water levels at Poyang Lake wetlands Analysis of landscape pattern and spatial evolution in the metropolitan urban-rural coupling regions: a case study of Wuxi City A New Algal Fossil from Early Cambrian in Qingzhen County, Guizhou Province, China Spatial heterogeneity of soil nutrients in the critical area of desertification in Southern Mu Us Sandy Land An Instrument for Auto Measuring the Width and Length of Wood Board The Electrical Analogy Analysis and Simulation Testing of the Relationship Between Net Photosynthetic Rate and Stomatal Conductance The Existence of Paleogene Sediments in East China Sea Basin by Palynological Evidence Temporal variety of boundary layer height over deep arid region and the relations with energy balance A review oftransboundary protected areas network establishment A comparison of selecting data points and fitting coefficients methods for estimating self-thinning boundary line Dynamics of ecosystem services value in Aksu River watershed in 1960-2008. Effect of agricultural land management right transfer on regional landscape: a case in Changping district, Beijing BASIC VIEWS ON GREAT WEST DEVELOPMENT AND SOME PROBLEMS IN VEGETATION CONSTRUCTION Spatial heterogeneity of moisture and temperature in soil across the cropland-grassland boundary in Guyuan of north agro-pastoral transition zone, China A review of ecotone: concepts, attributes, theories and research advances The regeneration of Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata: Acorn status, seedling pool and size structure Diverse boundaries between patches within the sandy landscape in Mu Us sandy land The Study on the Flora of the Tiantangzhai Mountains of the Dabie Mountains, Anhui Province Numerical simulation of interaction between forest ecosystem and atmosphere boundary layer Depth of edge influence on agriculture-forestry boundary in arid valley of upper reaches of Minjiang River,China Dynamics of forest landscape boundary at Changbai Mountain Spatial pattern of soil moisture and vegetation attributes along the critical area of desertification in Southern Mu Us Sandy Land Theoretical research on a model for predicting the shadow boundary of and individual conical crown on a slope Discussion and analysis on the geo-ecological boundary in Qinling Range The pattern analysis of landscape boundary network in the upper reaches of Minjiang River Spatio-temporal variations of CO2 concentration within the canopy in a temperate deciduous forest, Northeast China Selection of optimum quadrat size and number for estimating aboveground volume of cultivated cultivated Dipsacus asperoides Design and implementation of a landscape analysis system based on remote sensing data Indicative value of bryophytes on forest eco-boundary Structure of transpiration ecoboundary layer of organs of poplar seedlings Profile characteristics or near-surface layer in farmland windbreak network region THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF NORTH CHINA FLORA REGION AND EXPLANATION OF THE PRINCIPLE AND METHOD OF REGIONALIZATION A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE BORDER LINE OF THE FLORISTlC REGIONALIZATION IN THE LOESS PLATEAU OF NORTHERN SHAANXI A possible boundary line of the hebaceous plant flora in Gansu province Study on the relationship between landscape boundary and climatic change in Changbai Mountain Research on boundary definition and changes of wetland-dry grassland Comparative analysis of Lugu Lake watershed ecosystem function under different management authorities Transboundary protected areas as a means to biodiversity conservation Growth release determination and interpretation of Korean pine and Koyama spruce in Shengshan National Nature Reserve, Heilongjiang Province, China Forestland boundary dynamics based on an landscape accessibility analysis in Guangzhou, China Edge Influence of Soil Temperature on Cultivated Pasture-Farmland Boundary in Guizhou Province Changes in Reproductive Allocation after Expansion from the Glacial Refugium and Implications for the Distribution Range in the QinghaiTibet Plateau Native Herb, Gymnaconitum gymnandrum (Ranunculaceae) Simulation of the Physiological Responses of C3 Plant Leaves to Environmental Factors by a Model Which Combines Stomatal Conductance, Photosynthesis and Transpiration Boundary Auto-delineating of Forest Sub-compartment Based on Segmentation of SPOT5 Remote Sensing Imagery

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