两种亚致死剂量的农药对亚洲玉米螟化学通讯系统的干扰作用 Studies on numerical characteristics of insect community structure of five stored export agricultural products 粉纹夜蛾离体细胞对Bt CrylAc毒素的抗性发展及其交互抗性 Screening of new combinations of resistant hybrid cotton to insect pests and evaluation of heterosis Influence of API-transgenic cotton plants on growth and midgut proteases activity to Helicoverpa armigera larvae Chemical identification and field tests of sex pheromone of beet armyworm Spodoptera exigua Biology of maize rough dwarf virus and the strategies for improvement of maize resistant varieties The pest consultation information sever of subtropical fruit trees Effect of herbicide on the infection on Veronica persica by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Effects of deltamethrin on chemical communication of male Asian corn borer to sex pheromone under sublethal dosage Realized heritabilities of resistance to fenpropathrin and abamectin in Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boiduval) EXPERT SYSTEM FOR SAFE APPLICATION OF INSECTICIDES TO CONTROL INSECT PESTS IN RICE FIELD STUDIES ON THE APPLICATIONS OF SOME ENTOMOPATHOGENIC NEMATODES AGAINST LICHI YPONOMEUTID COMORITIS ALB1CAPILLA MORIUTI EFFECTS OF Bt (BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS)TRANSGVNIC COTTON ON THE DYNAMICS OF PEST POPULATION AND THEIR ENEMIES REGENERATION OF TRANSGENIC CUCUMS MEW AND ITS RESISTANCE TO VIRUS DISEASES RESISTANCE OF WHEAT VARIETIES TO WHEAT SPINDLE STREAK MOSAIC DISEASE THE CHANGES OF THE RESPIRATORY RATE AND NUTRITION UTILIZATION EFFICIENCY OF HELICOVERPA ARMGERA (HUBNER) INFECTED BY BEAUVERIA BASSIANA FIELD RESISTANCE EVALUATIONS OF BT TRANSGENIC COTTON GK SERIES TO COTTON BOLLWORM ORCHARD-ORIENTED DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR PEST CONTROL ON APPLE AND PEAR RESEARCH ADVANCES ON CROP BREEDING FOR RESISTANCE TO PLANT-PARASITIC NEMATODES BY TRANSGENIC METHODS INCIDENCE FACTORS OF KERNEL SMUT OF RICE AND ITS CONTROLLING THRESHOLD UPTAKE, DISTRIBUTION OF ~(14)C-TRIADIMEFON IN WHEAT SEEDLING AND THE RELATED INTERFERING FACTORS STUDIES ON CHEMICAL CONTRTOL TECHNIQUE OF WHEAT SHARP EYESPOT STUDIES ON ECOLOGICAL CONTROL OF VIRUS DISEASES ON WEIQING RADISH INTEGRATED CONTROL PROGRAM OF CITRUS HUANGLONGBIN DISEASE STUDY ON THE CONTROL TECHNOLOGY OF RICE BACTERIAL LEAF BLIGHT (XANTHOMONAS ORYZAE) CURRENT SITUATION OF THE IDENTIFICATION, SELECTION, AND APPLICATION OF RESISTANT COTTON CULTIVAR AGAINST COTTON INSECT PESTS IN CHINA BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY AND CONTROL TECHNIQUES OF IMIDACLOPRID AGAINST RHOPALOSIPHUM PADI(L. ) THE EFFECTS OF IMIDACLOPRID AND BUPROFEZIN ON POPULATION MULTIPLICATION OF TRICHOGRAMMA JAPONICVM, EGG PARASITE OF RICE BORER THE EFFECT OF SALICYLIC ACID ON RESISTANCE TO BACTERIAL LEAF BRIGHT IN HYBRID RICE STUDIES ON BIONOMICS OF PSAMMOTETTIX STRIATUS (L. ) RESPONSES OF THE TONOPLAST ATPase IN THE ROOTS OF PLANTAGO MARITIMA L. TO NaCl STRESS TRANSMTTING TISSUE AND POLLEN TUBE GROWTH IN LIRIODENDRON L. AN ANATOMICAL STUDY ON XEROMORPHIC STRUCTURES OF THE PSAMMOPHYTES IN XINJIANG STUDY ON GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION AND FLORA CHARACTERISTIC OF SUBFAMILIES ALSINOIDEAE AND PARONYCHIOIDEAE IN XINJIANG STUDY ON COMPARATIVE ANATOMY OF REGENERATIVE PLANTLETS OBTAINED IN TISSUE CULTURE OF GOSSYPIUM HIRSUTUM L. 八倍体小偃麦与普通小麦杂交后代花药培养的研究 The Fine Scale Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Physical Properties in a Primary Tropical Montane Rainforest of Jianfengling, Hainan Island, China Effect of Salt Stress on Osmotic Adjustment Substances in Plants Variations of Soil Nitrogen and Microbial Biomass Carbon and Nitrogen of Quercus aquifolioides Forest at Different Attitudes in Balangshan, Sichuan Isolation and Expression of APETALA2 Transcription Factor Gene in Betula platyphylla Growing Responses of Four Exotic Alder Seedling under Different Nitrogen Concentrations Screening in vitro of Antagonistic Streptomyces against the Black Rot Disease (Alternaria tenuissima) of Zanhuang Jujube Fruit and Optimization of Fermentation Conditions Effect of Different Nitrogen Forms on Root Growth and Dynamic Kinetics Characteristics for Citrus sinensis×Poncirus trifoliata The Impact of Labor Transfer Level on Input and Output of Household Forestland-Based Production——Empirical Analysis Based on 1178 Households in Jiangxi Province EFFECTS OF DINITROANILINE IN INDUCING COTTON RESISTANCE TO FVSARIVM WILT COMPENSATION OF PHOTOSYNTHETIC ASSIMILATOR IN RICE LEAVES FOR INFECTION WITH XANTHOMONAS CAM PEST RIS PV. ORYZAE THE SYNTHESIZED ECOLOGICAL EFFECT OF RICE DENSITY AND NITROGEN FERTILIZER ON THE OCCURRENCE OF MAIN RICE PESTS ON THE SEASONAL POPULATION DYNAMICS OF MELONAND ORIENTAL-FRUIT FLIES AND PUMPKIN FLYIN GUANGZHOU AREA OCCURRENCE AND CONTROL OF TOBACCO WEATHER FLECK THE FLUORESCENCE SPECTRA AND PHYSIOLOGIC CHARACTER OF CHLOROPLASTS IN TOBACCO LEAF AFTER TMV INFECTION STUDY ON THE INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT OF CITRUS CANKER STUDIES ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE SUSCEPTIBILITY OF WHEAT VARIETIES TO STRIPE RUST(PUCCINIA STRIIFORMIS WEST)AND THE CONTROL EFFECT OF TRIADIMEFON THE FUZZY IDENTIFICATION FOR FORECASTING THE POPULATION DYNAMICS OF CROP PESTS Effects of La(NO3)3 on Plant Growth and Leaf Photosynthetic Physiology of Ryegrass(Lolium pernne L.) Seedlings under Alkaline Stress Inhibitory Effect of Algae Growth and HPLC Analysis of Allelochemicals from Stephania tetrandra Antimicrobial Activity of Nitellopsis obtusa(Charophyta) and Optimization of Extraction Conditions Study on the Germination and Plant Regeneration of Lolium perenne Effects of Extracts from Root of Rheum tanguticum on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Triticum aestivum and Elymus nutans Adaptive Cluster Sampling Technique for Desert Vegetation Based on Fractal Theory Effect of Nitric Oxide(NO)Fumigation on the Photosynthesis of Garlic Sprouts Extraction and Analysis of Secondary Metabolites in Poplar Phloem Extraction and GC-MS Analysis of Volatile Oil from the Peel of Early Maturing Gold Pomelo Purification and Identification of Populus ussuriensis Genomic DNA Leaf Epidermal Feature of Astragalus L. Subgenus Pogonophace Bunge(Leguminosae) from China and Its Systematic Significance Morphological Difference of Arabidopsis thaliana Ethylene Mutants Affected by Drought Stress Optimization on the Extractive Technique of Starch Phosphorylase in Lily Bulb Physiological Responses of Iris to NaHCO3 Stress Floral Organogenesis of Kmeria septentrionalis(Magnoliaceae) Floral Organogenesis of Triglochin maritimum Linn.(Juncaginaceae) The Development on Leaves’ Trichomes of Elaeagnus mollis Diels SEM Observation on the Pollen Grains of Ten Species in Impatiens L. (Balsaminaceae) Primary Study of the Photosynthetic Characteristics of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Strain 849 under Salty Stress Comparative Studies on the Anatomical Structures of Leave of 3 Species in Saussurea Response of seed germination of Rhododendron fortunei to drought stress Morphological and RAPD genetic differentiation of Stipa krylovii in middle and eastern Inner Mongolia steppe Expression rice cytosol fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 and explore its regulation function in photosynthesis The emergence of macrospore and the formation of female gametophyte in Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Studies on chromorsome and polyploidy induction method of Lily L/A hybrid “Fangio” Comparative expression analysis of Crlea gene in Catharanthus roseus under drought stress by real-time quantitative PCR