The Xeromorphic and Saline Morphic Structure of Leaves and Assimilating Branches in Ten Chenopodiacea Species in Xinjiang The Endangering Causes and Preserving Strategies for Cathaya argyrophylla, a Plant Endemic to Physio-ecological Study on the Seed Germination and Seeding Growth in Four Legume Tree Species under Elevated CO2 Concentration Tree Population Mortality, Recruitment and Growth During a 15-Year Period of Secondary Succession in Tropical Montane Rainforests at Jianfengling, Hainan Island, China Fifteen-Year Changes of Tree Layer in Secondary Castanopsis Schima Humid Evergreen Broad Leaved Forest in Central Subtropics of Western China Fifteen-year Changes of Tree Layer in Secondary Castanopsis-schima Humid Evergreen Broad- Biomass and Dynamics of Soil Environment During the Early Stage of Vegetation Restoration in a Degraded Dry-hot Mountain Area of Nanjian, Yunnan Dynamics of Associations Between Tree Species During 10 Years of Succession in a Secondary-growth Tropical Montane Rainforest at Jianfengling on Hainan Island, China Effects of Fragmentation on the Structure Species Composition and Diversity of Tropical Rainforest in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan A Preliminary Study of the Influence of Simulated Greenhouse Effect on a Kobresia humilis Meadow Photosynthetic Characteristics of a Semi-arid Sandy Grassland Community in Inner Mongolia Litterfall Response to Human Impacts in a Dinghushan Pine Forest The Study of Edge-effect of Davidia involucrata Nitrogen Status With Ftir Photosynthetic Induction in Seedlings of Six Tropical Rainforest Tree Species Composition and Diversity of the Weed Community in Transgenic Bt Cotton (Four Bollgard Strains) Fields EFFECTS OF SOIL NITROGEN LEVELS ON MORPHOLOGY, BIOMASS ALLOCATION AND PHOTOSYNTHESIS IN AGERATINA ADENOPHORA AND CHROMOLEANA ODORATA BIOLOGICAL STRATEGIES IN CONTROLLING OR MITIGATING MARINE HARMFUL ALGAL BLOOMS (HABS) SPECIES-CLIMATE RELATIONSHIPS OF 10 DESERT PLANT SPECIES AND THEIR ESTIMATED POTENTIAL DISTRIBUTION RANGE IN THE ARID LANDS OF NORTHWESTERN CHINA DEFINING PLANT FUNCTIONAL TYPES IN CHINA FOR GLOBAL CHANGE STUDIES APPARENT REFLECTANCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS IN VEGETATION REMOTE SENSING THE EFFECT OF PHOSPHORUS DEFICIENCY STRESS ON ACTIVITIES OF ACID PHOSPHATASE IN DIFFERENT CLONES OF CHINESE FIR A REVIEW ON METHODS FOR MEASURING COMMUNITY STRUCTURAL COMPLEXITY REVIEW OF ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH ON IN-STREAM WOOD COMPARISON OF THE PHOSPHORUS CHARACTERISTICS OF DIFFERENT CHINESE FIR CLONES DIFFERENT CHARACTERISTICS OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS IN STEMS AND LEAVES OF MIKANIA MICRANTH EFFECTS OF NITROGEN FORMS ON ENDOGENOUS PLANT HORMONES CONTENT IN DIFFERENT ORGANS OF WHEAT AFTER ANTHESIS QUANTITATIVE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LEAF NITROGEN ACCUMULATION AND CANOPY REFLECTANCE SPECTRA IN RICE AND WHEAT POINT PATTERN ANALYSIS OF ARTEMISIA ORDOSICA POPULATION IN THE MU US SANDY LAND GRASSLAND BIOMASS OF COMMUNITIES ALONG GRADIENTS OF THE INNER MONGOLIA GRASSLAND TRANSECT AN EFFECTIVE WAY TO IMPROVE SOIL FERTILITY IN TRADITIONAL AGROFORESTRY: PLANTING ALNUS NEPALENSIS NEUTRAL THEORY IN COMMUNITY ECOLOGY EFFECT OF EXOGENOUS SPERMIDINE ON POLYAMINE CONTENT AND ANTIOXIDANT ENZYME ACTIVITIES IN ROOTS OF CUCUMBER SEEDLINGS UNDER ROOT_ZONE HYPOXIA STRESS EFFECT OF ROOT_ZONE HYPOXIA STRESS ON GROWTH AND RESPIRATORY METABOLISM PATHWAY OF MUSKMELON SEEDLING ROOTS SOIL RESPIRATION IN A TROPICAL SEASONAL RAIN FOREST AND RUBBER PLANTATION IN XISHUANGBANNA, YUNNAN, SW CHINA NITRIFICATION AND DENITRIFICATION IN SUBALPINE CONIFEROUS FORESTS OF DIFFERENT RESTORATION STAGES IN WESTERN SICHUAN, CHINA COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SEED GERMINATION, SEED SIZE AND THEIR RELATIONSHIPS IN MESAD AND SICCOCOLOUS REVIEW OF ADVANCES IN ECOLOGY OF SEED MASS COMPARISON OF NEW AND SEVERAL CLASSICAL MODELS OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS IN RESPONSE TO IRRADIANCE POPULATION STRUCTURE AND SPATIAL ANALYSIS OF BETULA ALBO-SINENSIS AT TAIBAI MOUNTAIN, NORTHWESTERN CHINA INFLUENCE OF TYPHOON DAMREY ON THE TROPICAL MONTANE RAIN FOREST COMMUNITY IN JIANFENGLING, HAINAN ISLAND, CHINA BIOMASS AND PRODUCTIVITY OF A TREE FERN ECOSYSTEM IN CHINA EFFECTS OF NITROGEN ADDITION ON NET NITROGEN MINERALIZATION IN LEYMUS CHINENSIS GRASSLAND, INNER MONGOLIA, CHINA EFFECTS OF NATURAL FIRE DISTURBANCE ON STRUCTURE OF TREE SPECIES IN KANAS TOURISM DISTRICT, XINJIANG, CHINA PLANT DISTRIBUTION IN FRESHWATER LAKESHORE: RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF SPECIES POOL LIMITATION VS. NICHE LIMITATION PATTERN ANALYSIS OF INTER-SPECIFIC RELATIONSHIPS IN FOUR ARID COMMUNITIES IN SAND LAKE, NINGXIA HUI AUTONOMOUS REGION, CHINA CARBON STOCK AND ITS ALLOCATION IN FIVE FOREST ECOSYSTEMS IN THE SUBALPINE CONIFEROUS FOREST ZONE OF WESTERN SICHUAN PROVINCE, SOUTHWEST CHINA Rhizospheric soil of seedlings of Elaeagnus mollis colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Nutrient accumulation and allocation of aboveground parts in Quercus acutissima plantations under two site conditions in Anhui, China Adaptive regulation in reproductive strategy of two bunchgrasses under mowing disturbance in Inner Mongolia grassland Spatial patterns of Castanopsis eyrei and Schima superba in mid-subtropical broadleaved evergreen forest in Gutianshan National Reserve, China Responses of the spatial-temporal distribution of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) roots and yield to different ratios of nitrogen sources Temporal and spatial patterns of soil respiration in subtropical forests of eastern China Seed dormancy release and soil seed bank of three arid desert plants under burial conditions Spatial difference and regularity of seed dispersal of Ulmus macrocarpa in Horqin Sandy Land, China Relationship of quality formation and ultrastructure of cotyledon cells in two quality types of peanut Effects of spacing interval of wide bed planting on canopy characteristics and yield in winter wheat Microbial community diversity in the rhizosphere of wetland plants examined by phospholipid fatty acid and polymerase chain reaction denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis Contribution of fine root to soil nutrient heterogeneity at two sides of the bamboo and broadleaved forest interface An evaluation of the afforestation outcome of six tree species in more than 40 years in Mengshan Mountain, Shandong Province, China Physiological responses to drought stress and the emission of induced volatile organic compounds in Rosmarinus officinalis Antioxidant defense and photosynthesis for non-indigenous mangrove species Sonneratia apetala and Laguncularia racemosa under NaCl stress Influence of leaf size of plant on leaf transpiration and temperature in arid regions Community assembly during recovery of tropical lowland rain forest from abandoned shifting cultivation lands on Hainan Island, China Biomass allocation and leaf stoichiometric characteristics in four desert herbaceous plants during different growth periods in the Gurbantünggüt Desert, China Assembly patterns of plant functional traits in alpine meadow under disturbances by mowing and fertilization Review on research of leaf economics spectrum Responses of photosynthetic characteristics to low temperature stress and recovery treatment in cotton seedling leaves Effects of extracellular ATP on the characteristics of photochemical reaction in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) leaves under different light intensities Analysis of soil respiration and components in Castanopsis carlesii and Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations Root architecture and ecological adaptation strategies in three shelterbelt plant species in the southern Taklimakan Desert Effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on root exudates and phosphorus efficiency in Pinus massoniana families under low phosphorus stress Relationships between plant stoichiometry and biomass in an arid-hot valley, Southwest China Effects of forest gap size on litter recalcitrant components of two tree species in Pinus massoniana plantations Leaf carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry at different growth stages in dominant tree species of a monsoon broad-leaved evergreen forest in Pu’er, Yunnan Province, China Responses of the functional traits in Cleistogenes squarrosa to nitrogen addition and drought Relationship between leaf traits of Melica przewalskyi and slope aspects in alpine grassland of Qilian Mountains, China Changes in log quality at different decay stages in an alpine forest Pollination ecology of alpine herb Meconopsis integrifolia at different altitudes A review of research on responses of leaf traits to climate change Photosynthesis Inhibition of Two Varieties of Quercus aliena in Salt Stress Content of Wheat Seedling Pigment Protein Complexes at Different Nitrogen Level

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