EFFECTS OF ARSENIC TOXICITY ON CARBON AND NITROGEN METABOLISM AND THE YIELD AND QUALITY OF FLUE-CURED TOBACCO EFFECTS OF Pb POLLUTION ON PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS, QUALITY, AND YIELD OF TOBACCO LEAVES QUANTITATIVE CLASSIFICATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL INTERPRETATION OF FOREST TREE SPECIES IN HUNGOU, ZHONGTIAO MOUNTAIN ACCUMULATION DYNAMICS OF PROTEIN AND STARCH COMPONENTS IN GRAIN OF TWO WINTER WHEAT CULTIVARS WITH DIFFERENT CANOPY TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS DURING THE FILLING STAGE AN EFFECTIVE IN VITRO PROTOCOL FOR INCREASING MYCORRHIZAL FORMATION RATE OF CATHAYA ARGROPHYLLA ACCESSIBILITY ANALYSIS OF URBAN GREEN SPACE IN JINAN In vitro Shoot Rooting and Plantlet Transplanting of Tree Peonies Characterization and Phylogenetic Utility of Non-coding Chloroplast Regions trnL-trnF and accD-psaI in Pyrus Preliminary study on dynamic change of polysaccharide contents of Ganoderma-Epimedy fungal substance Dynamic variation of biomass and content of polysaccharide and alkaloid in protocorm like bodies from Dendrobium officinale at different light intensities and incubation time Antitumor activity of water-soluble polysaccharides from Codium fragile and its immunomodulation Protection of astragalus polysaccharide on lipopolysaccharide-induced cardiac myocytes hypertrophy of rats Dynamic change of dry matter accumulation and ralationship between artemisinin and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium in Artomisia annua Influence of continuous cropping on growth of Artemisia annua and bacterial communities in soil Research thoughts on tumor immune responses by polysaccharide of Chinese medicine via oral administration Determination of vaccarin in Vaccariae Semen by HPLC Effect of Weichang‘an pill on intestinal digestive ferment and the AQP4 concentration in proximal colon in IBS-D rats Studies on Polysaccharide of Cynomorium songaricum Rupr. Studies on Fat Soluble Constituents of the Leaves of Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb. Study on pretreatment conditions of organic acid to get xylooligosaccharide with bagasse The Translocation, Distribution and Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Crops-Soil System in the Eastern Suburbs of Beijing Studies on the Mangrove Ecosystem of Jiulongjiang River Estuary of Fujian V.——Accumulation and Biological Cycle of Chlorine in Kandelia candel Community Accumulation and Biological Cycle of K and Na Elements in Bruguiera sexangula Community Dynamic Modelling of Plant-Environment Interactions in a Vegetation System A Study of Chemical Contents in a Mixed Shrubland Near Baihuashan Mountain in Beijing Physiological Ecology Studies on Artemisia ordosica and Cynanchum komarovii in the Maowusu Sandland Study on Pattern and Successional Trend of Vegetation in Qinghai Lake Region DCA, CCA and DCCA Ordination Analysis of Salty Meadow Community in Hutubi, Xinjiang The Caloric Value of Main Plant Species at Dinghushan, Guangdong, China Dynamics of Associations Between Tree Species During 10 Years of Succession in a Secondary-growth Tropical Montane Rainforest at Jianfengling on Hainan Island, China Changes in the Roots of Alpine Grasses in Relation to Late Fall, Winter and Spring Freezing Tolerance Zinc Tolerance and Hyperaccumulation in a New Ecotype of Sedum alfredii Hance QUANTITATIVE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LEAF NITROGEN ACCUMULATION AND CANOPY REFLECTANCE SPECTRA IN RICE AND WHEAT AN EFFECTIVE WAY TO IMPROVE SOIL FERTILITY IN TRADITIONAL AGROFORESTRY: PLANTING ALNUS NEPALENSIS SEED POLYMORPHISM AND GERMINATION BEHAVIOR OF SALSOLA BRACCHITA,A DOMINANT DESERT ANNUAL INHABITING JUNGGAR BASIN OF XINJIANG, CHINA COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SEED GERMINATION, SEED SIZE AND THEIR RELATIONSHIPS IN MESAD AND SICCOCOLOUS PRELIMINARY STUDIES ON THE FLORAL BIOLOGY, BREEDING SYSTEM AND REPRODUCTIVE SUCCESS OF SINOJACKIA HUANGMEIENSIS, AN ENDANGERED PLANT IN A FRAGMENTED HABITAT IN HUBEI PROVINCE, CHINA SUMMER DISTRIBUTION OF PICOPHYTOPLANKTON IN THE NORTH YELLOW SEA Effects of salt stress on photosynthesis and ion accumulation patterns of Suaeda salsa under different habitats Nutrient accumulation and allocation of aboveground parts in Quercus acutissima plantations under two site conditions in Anhui, China Effect of accumulated temperature on seed germination—a case study of 12 Compositae species on the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China Characteristics of the soil seed banks and relationships with the vegetation in restored wetlands in Sanjiang Plain, northeast of China Community assembly during recovery of tropical lowland rain forest from abandoned shifting cultivation lands on Hainan Island, China Influence of Light on Growth Characteristics and PAP Gene Expression of Hairy Roots Induced from Phytolacca americana Transformation of Model Tobacco Variety WS38 with Antisense CCoAOMT cDNA of Boehmeria nivea Diversity of epiphytic orchids in fragmental limestone forests in Xishuangbanna, China Role of the alternative respiratory pathway in mediating the cell death induced by NaCl stress on tobacco suspension cells Dissolution, absorption and bioaccumulation in gastrointestinal tract of mercury in HgS-containing traditional medicines Cinnabar and Zuotai Thermotolerance of Chrysanthemum morifolium Induced by Heat Acclimation Callus Induction and Its Bioactive Ingredient Analysis of Echinacea purpurea Tissue Structure and Near-infrared Reflectivity and Their Affecting Factors of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves Transgenic Tobacco with Transferred the Gene (LeIRT2)of Tomato Iron Carrier Protein Through Agrobacterium Me-diation Comparison of Soil Desiccations in Natural and Acacia Forests in the Ziwuling Mountain of the Loess Plateau Virus-induced Gene Silencing in Tobacco Floral ontogeny of Rivina humilis (Phytolaccaceae) Effect of osmotic stress on K content of flue-cured tobacco Study on accumulating rule of primary fatty acids and proteins in flax seeds Study on transformation of Nicotiana tabacum with oxalate oxidase gene Analysis on the factor influencing secondary metabolite accumulation in plants Introduction of sweet-tasting protein thaumatin gene into tobacco through Agrobacterium-mediated system Primary study on vegetation succession of saline land in the bird island of Qinghai Lake Change of soil organic matter and water holding ability during vegetation succession in Ziwuling region Study on cold acclimation and freezing-tolerance mechanism of Aucuba japonica cv. Variegata The vegetation development in North Ziwulin forest region in last fifty years Cytochemistry of peroxidase in the interaction between wheat and stripe rust Study on N and K concentration and N and K balance in tobacco leaves Transfer of the powdery mildew resistant gene from T.dicoccoides into T.aestivum and its RAPD analysis Identification of cultured and natural Astragali Radix based on fingerprint of monosaccharides Study on the Effect of Natural Control on M. matsumurae and D. spectabilis Growth Effects of CO2 Concentration and Phosphorus on Maize and Soybean under Different Cropping Patterns Accumulation and Distribution of Cobalt in Rape and the Effects of Cobalt on the Photosynthesis of Rape Leaves Effects of Growth Regulators on Photosynthetic and Physiological Indices and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters of Pistacia chinensis Effect of Plant Growth Retardants on the Growth and Development of Potted Rose Preparation of Polyclonal Antibody of Allophycocyanin Protein in the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp.Strain PCC 6803 Accumulation Characteristics of Two Ecotypes Sonchus asper (L.) Hill. To Cd Extracting Methods of the Total RNA in the Petals of Lilium Flowers Characterization of polyphenol oxidase in tobacco leaves Studies on the aquatic vascular plant communities and ecological characteristics in Heihe valley STUDIES ON THESTRUCTURE,AFTERRIPENING AND CYTOCHEMISTRY OF SEEDS IN ELEUTHEROCOCCUS SENTICOSUS STUDY ON THE CULTURE OF DIFFERENT EXPLANTS OF MISCANTHUS SACCHARIFLORUS(MAXIM.)BENTH ET HOOK IN VITRO

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