Variation of phenolic compound contents of Magnolia officinalis at different levels Study on Variation and Inheritance of Phenolic Compound Concentrations in Magnolia officinalis of Different Seed Sources Analysis on chemical constituents of volatile oil in Magnolia officinalis var. biloba produced in Jinggangshan Identification of 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase and analysis on essential oil in Magnolia officinalis Callus induction and content variation of major active constituents of Magnolia officinalis subsp. biloba A New Variety of Magnolia officinalis Rehd. & Wils. Variation in Seed Characters of Magnolia officinalisfrom Different Locations Fingerprint of arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction (AP-PCR) for Magnolia officinalis Study on electrophoretogram of Magnolia officinalis seeds from different locations Characteristics and Environmental Interpretation of Seedling Regeneration in the Endangered Species Magnolia officinalis subsp. biloba Chemical constituents in leaves of Magnolia officinalis var. biloba Determination of Magnolol and Honokiol in 3 Sepecies of Houpo (Corter Magnoliae) of Different Ages by HPLC A Study on Bark Quality of Magnolia officinalis Wils. NrDNA ITS sequences analysis and genetic rela tionship identification of Magnolia officinalis from different geographical regions Effects of storage time on magnolol and honokoiol contentsin bark of Magnolia officinalis Effects of primary processing on quality of Cortex Magnolia Officinalis Population genetic study of Magnolia officinalis and Magnolia officinalis var. biloba Study on Growth Trait of Magnolia officinalis Seedlings and Provenance Selection Chemical constituents in fractions with vasoactive activity from leaves of Magnolia officinalis Variation in Traits of Magnolia officinalis Seedlings from Different Provenances and Their Principal Component Analysis Analysis on the Aroma Components of Different Flower Parts in Magnolia officinalis Wild and Cultivated Species A study on discrepancy of seedling growth of Magnolia officinalis provenances and selection of fine provenances Effects of tree ages and geographic area on quality of bark of Magnolia officinalis and M. officinalis var. biloba Seed germinating characteristics of endangered plant Magnolia officinalis Identification and bioinformatics analysis of genes associated with MVA pathway in Magnolia officinalis Screening target genes for bimolecular marking methods of Magnolia quality Distinguishing Magnolia officinalis from its imitation Ilex rotunda by UV spectrophotometry Chemical components in volatile oil of the cortex of Magnolia officinalis produced in Hubei Enshi Establishment of rapid propagation system of Magnolia officinalis subsp. biloba

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