Genetic diversity analysis on plants in Fritillaria L. from Xinjiang based on ISSR cpDNA non-coding sequence analysis of Pinellia ternata and its related species Genetic diversity of Gastrodia elata based on SRAP analysis Genetic diversity of Anoectochilus roxburghii by DALP Analysis on SSR loci information in transcriptome of Panax vienamensis var. fuscidiscus and its polymorphism Genetic diversity analysis of germplasm of authentic Astragalus membranaceus in Inner Mongolia Genetic Diversity and Relationship of Hybrid Cymbidium Based on AFLP Marker RAPD Analysis of the Genetic Diversity in Chinese Tea Germplasm ISSR Analysis of Cultiva ted Auricularia auricula Evaluation of Application of SRAP on Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Cultivars of Allium fistulosum L. Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Cerasus by SSR Markers Genetic Diversity of Chrysanthemum Cultivars Revealed by AFLP Analysis Phylogenetic Relationship Between Ornamental and Wild Species of Malus in China 中国树莓属植物多样性及品种选育研究进展 Genetic Diversity of Tea 〔Camellia sinensis ( L. ) O. Kuntze〕Cultivars Revealed by AFLP Analysis Genetic Diversity Analysis of Wax Apple Germplasm by ISSR Markers Genetic Diversity of Malus toringoides ( Rehd. ) Hughes Based on AFLP Genetic Diversity and Paternity Analysis of a Seed Orchard in Pinus massoniana Allozyme Genetic Investigation on Robinia pseudoacacia ITS-rDNA Sequence Analysis of Colletotrichum in Woody Plants in Shaanxi Province Genetic Diversity of Platycladus orientalis Provenances Genetic Diversity and Mating System Analysis of Pinus massoniana in a Second-Generation Clonal Seed Orchard Genetic Diversity and Association Analysis of Agronomic Characteristics with SSR Markers in Hulless Barley Analysis on genetic diversity among wild Dipsacus asperoides by SCoT Studies on genetic diversity of three Tibetan herbs DNA-based identification of Gentiana robusta and related species Mating system and genetic diversity in a small population of perennial wild rice Oryza rufipogon Genetic diversity of different eco-geographical populations in Salvia miltiorrhiza revealed by ISSR Markers in Shandong, China Phenotypic and genetic diversity of cowpea rhizobia Genetic structure and differentiation of Psathyrostachys huashanica populations detected with RAPD markers Researches on the relationship between the morphological and genetic variations of Dipteronia dyeriana Henry (Aceraceae) Genetic variability and genetic structure in clonal population of Arundinella hirta ISSR identification of genetic diversity of Rehmannia glutinosa in Huai zone Analysis of genetic diversity and affinity relationships among 13 species of Dendrobium Sw. by RAPD ISSR Analysis on genetic diversity of Panax ginseng landraces Analysis on genetic diversity of Sarcandra glabra collected from eight provenance based on ISSR markers RAPD Analysis of genetic diversity of Notopterygium incisum in Sichuan Study on Genetic Diversity of Amygdalus persica Based on RAPD Markers The Allozyme Diversity in Manglietia patungensis Hu Allozyme Diversity and Population Differentiation in an Endangered Plant,Ammopiptanthus nanus(Leguminosae)

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