Genetic diversity analysis of Camellia oleifera in Guangxi using SSR markers Genetic diversity and genetic structure of the northern margin populations of Hippophae neurocarpa Genetic diversity and relationship of Allium tchongchanense and A.wallichii based on AFLP analysis Screening of microsatellite loci by cross-species amplification and their use in Cycas fairylakea(Cycadaceae) Genetic diversity at chloroplast microsatellites(cpSSR)in Abies fanjingshanensis and A. yuanbaoshanensis Genetic diversity of five wild populations of Rhododendron calophytum in Qinling, China by ISSR analysis Genetic Diversity of Toona ciliata from Different Provenances Based on Sequence-Related Amplified Polymorphism (SRAP) Markers Genetic Diversity of Taiwania cryptomerioides Detected by ISSR Analysis Genetic Differentiation of Matsucoccus matsumurae from Three Geographic Populations in China ISSR Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Two Brown-Eared Pheasant (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) Populations Development and Application of EST-SSR Markers for Cunninghamia lanceolata and Taiwania cryptomerioides Genetic Diversity and Genetic Structure in Natural Populations of Castanopsis hystrix from Its Main Distribution in China Diversity and Seasonal Fluctuations of Culturable Endophytic Bacteria Isolated from Two Poplars Genetic Diversity of Natural and Planted Populations of Bretschneidera sinensis from Nanling Region SCoT analysis on genetic diversity among wild populations of Leonurus artemisia in Henan province A RAPD analysis of shoot cadmium accumulating characteristic and tolerance of vegetable cultivars from Brassica genus Genetic diversity of chinese pig breed in different ecological environment Effects of deforestation on the genetic structure of Castanopsis sclerophylla Genetic diversity in five scallop populations of the Japanese scallop(Patinopecten yessoensis The genetic diversity and phylogenetic differentiation analysis on two subspecies of Otis tarda Genetic diversity of germplasm resources of Chimonanthus praecox(L.)Link based on AFLP marker Genetic Diversity of Chinese Main Banana Cultivars (Musa spp.) andIntroduced Accessions from INIBAP Using Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) Genetic Diversity of Camellia changii Ye (Theaceae) Using ISSR Markers Genetic Diversity of Chewing Cane Germplasms Using RAPD and ISSR Markers The Study on RAPD Fingerprints of Narcissus in China and Europe Genetic Diversity and Virulence Variation of Rice Sheath Blight Strains (Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IA) from Guangdong Province ALLOZYME VARIATION IN POMELO [CITRUS GRANDIS(L.) OSBECK] Genetic Diversity and Relationships Among Species of Lonicera in Gansu Province Conservation Genetics of Pinus bungeana ——Evaluation and Conservation of Natural Populations‘ Genetic Diversity Study on Genetic Diversity of RAPD Mark for Natural Davidia involucrata Population GENETIC DIVERSITY OF PROTEIN IN ALCOHOL FOR PINUS MASSONIANA FROM NATURAL POPULATION RAPD Analysis and Construction of DNA Fingerprints in Five Flos lonicerae Lines Genetic Polymorphism of Ryegrass Cultivars Detected by RAPDs Genetic Diversity and Genetic Structure of Different Groups in Prunus persica Revealed by RAPD Analysis Genetic Diversity and Population Differentiation of Cephalotaxus mannii Hk.f.Populations DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF MOLECULAR MARKERS IN BOTANY REVIEW OF CURRENT RESEARCH OF THE WORLD CASTANEA SPECIES AND IMPORTANCE OF GERMPLASM CONSERVATION OF CHINA NATIVE CASTANEA SPECIES Effects of Improvement by Mass Selection on the Different Maize Synthetic Populations Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Tapping Elite Alleles for Plant Height in Drought-Tolerant Wheat Varieties Genetic Diversity of Tea Landraces Using SSR Markers Main Agronomic Traits of 390 Wheat-Rye Derivatives and GISH/FISH Identification of Their Outstanding Materials Genetic Diversity Within and Among Populations of Viola tenuicornis with Reference to Sampling Strategies Genetic Diversity and Clonal Structure of Hedysarum laeve in Mo Us Sandland Genetic Differentiation and Physiological Adaptation of Wild Soybean (Glycine soja) Populations Under Saline Conditions: Isozymatic and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Study Genetic diversity of Polygonum capitatum fromGuizhou populations by ISSR markers Analysis on Cistanche tubulosa that parasites on different Tamarixs by RAPD AFLP analysis of genetic diversity of Prunella Study on genetic diversity of Codonopsis tangshen by SRAP and ISSR markers RAPD analysis for genetic diversity of Fagopyrum cymosum Genetic Diversity of Germplasm Collection of Pomegranate in Xinjiang Using SRAP Markers Analysis on genetic diversity of different Salvia miltiorrhiza geographical populations in China AFLP analysis for genetic diversity of Ganoderma RAPD analysis for genetic relationship and diversity of three species of genus Tripterygium SRAP Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Paeonia ludlowii in Tibet Development of EST-SSR Markers and Genetic Diversity Analysis of the Second Cycle Elite Population in Larix kaempferi AFLP Analysis of Different Geographic Populations of the Gypsy Moth, Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) Genetic Diversity of Agronomic Traits and Association Analysis with SRAP Markers in Flue-Cured Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Varieties from Home and Abroad Diversity of SSR Marker in 175 Wheat Varieties from Huang-Huai Winter Wheat Region and Its Association with Plant Height and Yield Related Traits Relationships and Genetic Diversity of Colored-Grain Wheat Detected by SSR Markers Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Phenotypic Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa) Core Collection and Its Comprehensive Assessment Mining and Analyzing Genetic Diversity for Maize Rough Dwarf Disease Resistant Gerplasms and Its Application in Maize Breeding Development of Microsatellite Markers for Astragalus sinicus L. and Its Application for Variety Identification Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Major Sugar Beet Varieties from Three Regions of China with SRAP Markers Genetic Diversity and Relationship of Flax Germplasm as Revealed by AFLP Analysis Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Chinese Sorghum Landraces Using SSR Markers as Compared with Foreign Accessions SSR Analysis of Genetic Diversity and the Temporal Trends of Major Commercial Inbred Indica Rice Cultivars in South China in 1949–2005
Development and Evaluation of Peanut Germplasm with Resistance to Aspergillus flavus from Core Collection
Genetic Diversity in Naked Oatmeal(Avena nuda) Germplasm Revealed by AFLP Markers Genetic Diversity of Adzuki Bean Germplasm Resources Revealed by SSR Markers Genetic Diversity Analysis of Black Sesame(Sesamum indicum DC) Core Collection of China Using SRAP Markers Comparison of Genetic Diversity between In-situ Conserved and Non-conserved Oryza rufipogon Populations in China Optimization of SRAP-PCR reaction systems for Curcuma wenyujin Application of molecular identification techniques in Chinese materia medica Research on SRAP molecular markers in germplasm resources of Coix lacryma-jobi ISSR analysis on genetic diversities and phylogenetic relationships of Gynostemma pentaphyllun germplasm reseources Genetic diversity and population structure of Gynostemma pentaphyllun Genetic relationship of Gardenia jasminoides among plantations revealed by ISSR Genetic diversity in germplasm resources of Trigonella foenum-graecum based on biological characters DALP Analysis on genetic diversity of Sinopodophyllum hexandrum in Yunnan Province AFLP Analysis of genetic diversity of Leonurus japonicus germplasm resources

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