Analysis of genetic diversity of chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis) natural secondary forest populations and correlation with theirs habitat ecological factors Morphological characteristics and microsatellite DNA genetic diversity of Nigeria African honey bee, Anhui Apis mellifera and theirs hybrid generationⅡ Genetic variation among populations of the endangered Sinocalycanthus chinensis based on morphological traits and ISSR profiles Genetic Diversity of Longan in Guangxi Assessed by AFLP Markers Genetic Diversity of Phenolic Compounds in Malus sieversii Genetic Diversity of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Germplasm by SSR Genetic Diversity of Crataegus pinnatifida Bge. as Evaluated by ISSR and SSR Markers ISSR Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Medically Important Lycium ruthenicum Xinjiang Clonal Structure and Genetic Diversity of Natural Syringa pinnatifolia var.alanshanica Assessed by ISSR Gene Flow Dynamics of ex-situ Conservation Populations in Two Endangered Isoetes Species:Genetic Implications for Reintroduction,Conservation and Management Genetic Background of Morphological Variation in Macromitrium cavaleriei Card. & Thér.Based on RAPD SSR-based Genetic Diversity of Jatropha curcas Germplasm in China Allozymic Variation and Genetic Relationship among Gastrodia elata Forms,a Medicinal Plant in China Genetic Diversity of Ground Cover Plant Potentilla anserina L. Analysis on the Population Genetic Diversity of an Endangered Plant (Elaeagnus mollis) by SSR Markers ISSR Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Endanged Plant Pseudotsuga gaussenii Flous Allozyme-based Genetic Diversity of Dipteronia dyeriana in China Optimization of ISSR-PCR Reaction System in a Rare Medicinal Plant Rhodobryum ontariense(Bryaceae) Genetic Diversity Analysis by SSR of Summer Sowing Soybean in Hubei Establishment of FISH-AFLP System in Larix chinensis SRAP Analysis of genetic diversity about germplasm in Salvia miltiorrhiza from different sources Genetic diversity of Liriope muscari using SRAP markers Analysis of genetic diversity for wolfberry germplasms by AFLP technology ISSR analysis on genetic diversity in Amomi Fructus Genetic diversity in cultivated populations of Dendrobium officinale Esteras isoenzymes analysis of different germplasm materials of Ilex kudingcha Analysis of genetic relationships among species of Lycoris Herb. by AFLP markers Genetic diversity of Lonicera macranthoides geographical populations revealed by SRAP makers Polymorphism analysis of endangered Notopterygium incisum and endemic species based on cpDNA trnT-trnL sequences Genetic diversity of Chuanmingshen violaceum by SRAP markers RAPD analysis for genetic diversity of Chrysanthemum morifolium Genetic Diversity and Genetic Structure of Siberian Apricot Populations in the Yan Mountains Genetic Diversity of Davidia involucrata Populations Detected by Using ISSR Markers Analysis of Genetic Diversity of the Rare and Endangered Species Cibotium barometz by SRAP Markers Genetic Diversities and Phylogenetic Relationships of Bougainvillea Germplasm Resources Based on RAPD and ISSR Markers Assessment of genetic diversity of aromatic rice(Oryza sativa)from Guangxi and South Asia by using SSR markers Studies on quality variance and genetic diversity of Gentianae Macrophyllae Radix from different habitats in Shaanxi Province ISSR Analysis on genetic diveristy of Fagopyrum cymosum collected from eight wild populations AFLP Analysis on genetic diversity of germplasm resource in Dryopteris fragrans Genetic diversity of Artemisia annua in natural populations of China revealed by SRAP marker Study on genetic diversity of Cynanchum otophyllum in Yunnan by AFLP Analysis on genetic relationship of plants in Curculigo Gaertn. from China by RAPD Genetic diversity of Liriope muscari using SRAP markers Analysis of genetic diversity for wolfberry germplasms by AFLP technology Screening and Evaluation of 23 High Polymorphism SSR Markers in Cucumber Transferability of EST-SSR Markers on Bentgrasses and Its Application Analysis of Genetic Diversity Among Natural Hybrid Progenies of Camellia sinensis‘Huangshanzhong’ Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Relationship of Yellow Flesh Peach by SSR Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Relationship of Yellow Flesh Peach by SSR Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Bacillus mucilaginosus Determined by Inter-simple sequence repeats Markers Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Population Structure in Medicago Germplasm by SSR Markers The Research Progress of Caragana Species during the 21st Century Genetic Diversity and Relationship of Hemarthria Compressa Clones from Southwest China Revealed by ISAP Markers Fingerprint Constructing and Genetic Diversity Analyzing of Sorghum Sudanense and Sorghum bicolor × Sorghum sudanense with SSR Markers RAPD Analysis of Tree Peony Cultivars
Studies on the Genetic Diversity and Relationship of Longan Cultivars by AFLP
Analysis Genetic Diversity Analysis of Neo-tuberosum by RAPD Makers in Potato Conservation Genetics of an Endemic Plant, Anemoclema glaucifolium, in the Jinsha River Valley AFLP analysis on genetic diversity of Sarcandra glabra in Guangxi region AFLP analysis on genetic diversity of Sarcandra glabra in Guangxi region Analysis on genetic diversity and genetic structure among three typesof Coptis chinensis by ISSR ISSR analysis on diversity and genetic relationship in germplasm resources of wild Polygonatum odoratum from different habitats ISSR analysis on diversity and genetic relationship in germplasm resources of wild Po1ygonatum odoratum from different habitats ISSR analysis on genetic diversity for germplasm resources of Premna fulva in Zhuang medicine ISSR analysis on genetic diversity for germplasm resources of Premna fulva in Zhuang medicine ISSR analysis on genetic diversity of endophytic fungi of Huperzia crispata Curative effect of Juanbi Tongdu Decoction with neurolysis by small-needle knife and fumigation by Chinese materia medica on ankylosing spondylitis Genetic diversity of Rehmannia glutinosa germplasms Genetic diversity analysis of natural groups of Lilium sargentiae by SRAP markers AFLP analysis of genetic diversity of Alpinia officinarum Study on population genetic variation of Dendrobium nobile in Yunnan by DALP Genetic diversity and group consistency of breeding strains of Erigeron breviscapus determined by AFLP marker Genetic Diversity of Wild Actinidia eriantha Germplasm Based on Fruit Traits and SSR Markers Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Development of Fingerprinting Key Among Accessions of Kernel-using Apricot Using SRAP Markers Genetic Diversity of Wild Actinidia eriantha Germplasm Based on Fruit Traits and SSR Markers Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Development of Fingerprinting Key Among Accessions of Kernel-using Apricot Using SRAP Markers Genetic Relatives Analysis of 41 Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum Cultivars by ISSR Markers Identification and Genetic Diversity of Reciprocal Hybrids in Longan (Dimocarpus longan)by SSR Genetic Relationship of Stone-used Ginkgo biloba Cultivars Based on AFLP Markers Genetic Diversity of the Endangered Handeliodendron bodinieri in Guangxi Province by ISSR and SRAP Analysis

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