Stress Tolerance of Poplar Ⅰ-72 Plantation for Domestic Wastewater Chemical Constituents of Essentia lO il from Bark of Ten Species of Populus The comparative studies on biochemical and physiological properties of Speeded-growth poplar and Lombardy poplar Using Leaf Sections to Identify Different Salt Tolerance Potential of Poplar Plants Effect of NaCl Stress on Growth, Cell Ultrastructure and Ion Homeostasis in Poplar Seedlings Differential transcriptome analysis between Populus and its synthesized allotriploids driven by second-division restitution The influence of poplar-crop intercropping on crop nutrient compositions Transpiration responses of a poplar plantation to the environmental conditions on a floodplain in Northern China Responses of Poplar (Populus×euramericana cv. Effects of Municipal Sewage Sludge on Photosynthetic Characteristics in Poplar Seedlings Expression Profile of Poplar Leaves Infected by Marssonina brunnea f. sp. brunnea Effects of Exogenous Phenolic Acids on Root Physiologic Characteristics and Morphologic Development of Poplar Hydroponic Cuttings Investigation on Microflora of Poplar Plantations in Beijing Comparison of Carbon Storage and Distribution in Different Poplar-Crop Intercropping Patterns Biological Control of Batocera horsfieldi (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)by Releasing Its Parasitoid Dastarcus helophoroides (Coleoptera: Bothrideridae) Effects of Cadmium Stress on Absorption and Distribution of Mineral Nutrients in Poplar Plants A New Poplar Variety ‘Lulin-2‘ for Plywood and Pulpwood Study on the Photochroma of Coated Veneer by Water-Borne Clear Prints Life Table of Population of Target Insect in the Stands of Transgenic Hybrid Poplar 741 A New Poplar Variety ‘Lulin-1’ for Plywood and Pulpwood The Karyptype Analysis of Triploid Poplar Sorption-Desorption of Two Phenolic Acids in Poplar Rhizosphere Soil in Continuous Cropping Plantation Distribution Pattern of Growth Strain of Eccentric Growth Poplar107 Clone Tree (Populus ×euramericana cv.‘Neva’) Expression Pattern ofPtCBF5, a CBF Homologue Gene Encoding Transcription Activator in Populus tomentosa Formation and Anatomical Characteristics of Tension Wood in Stem of Poplar I-107 Seedlings(Populus × euramericana cv. “74/76”) Inducted by Artifical Inclination Dynamic Changes of Active Oxygen and Related Enzymes of the Host in Interaction between the Poplar and Melampsora larici-populina Growth and Microbial Community Characteristics in the Rhizosphere of Poplar in Respond to Pentachlorophenol Stress Elite Poplar Varieties Populus deltoides‘Lux’ × (P. deltoides‘Shanhaiguan’× P. simonii)‘Zhaiguan Ⅰ’and P. deltoides ‘Lux’ ×(P. deltoides ‘Shanhaiguan’ × P. simonii)‘Zhaiguan Ⅱ’ Variation of Temperature inside the Mats for Wood-Based Panels by High-Frequency Hot Pressing Process Identification of Poplar Varieties by SSR Markers Using Capillary Electrophoresis with Fluorescence Detection Relationship between Secondary metabolites of Poplar and Enzymatic Activity of Saperda populnea