Studies on the Shrinkage Properties of Chinese Fir and I-72 Poplar Plantation Wood Soil Productivity Maintenance Technique of Poplar Plantation under Continuous Cropping A New Insect resistant Poplar Variety `Zhonghuai2‘ A New Insect Resistant Transgenic Poplar Variety Populus × euramericana cv. ‘Robusta 94‘ A New Poplar Red Foliar Variety ‘Zhonghong’ Leave Gas Exchange Characteristics of Sprout Seedlings of Two PoplarSpecies in the Irtysh River Basin,Xinjiang On Shade Tolerance of 741 Poplar An Elite Variety of Populus deltoides ‘Chuangxin’ Inhibitory Effects of Two Biocontrol Fungous Strains on Poplar Canker Botryosphaeria dothdea The Fast-Growing and Salt-Alkali Tolerant Poplar Elite Variety of Populus simonii×P.euphratica‘Liaohu 1’ Isolation and Identification of Bio-control Microorganisms in Soil to Poplar Canker Morphological and Anatomical Traits of Poplar Fine Roots in Successive Rotation Plantations Rapid Wood Liquefaction with Phenol by Microwave Heating and Product Characterization Factors Influencing the Heat Shock Flowering of HSP ∷ FT Transgenic Poplar An Elite Variety of Populus deltoides ‘Nanyang’ Effects of Bt Nanlin 895 Poplar on the Metabolic Enzymes of Scarce Chocolate Tip, Clostera anachoreta Biomass Production and Carbon Sequestration in Poplar-Crop Agroforestry Ecosystems in Eastern Henan Plain Resistance of R-94 Bt-transgenic Poplar to Hegesidemus habrus(Heteroptera:Tingidae) and Two Leaf-miner Species EFFECT OF SALT STRESS ON PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND GROWTH OF FOUR TREE SPECIES SEEDLINGS THE POPLAR INTERCROPPING WITH CROPS IMPROVING ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT IN THE FARMLAND Crown characteristics and spatial distribution of leaves of new poplar clones Plasmodesmal Dynamics in Both Woody Poplar and Herbaceous Winter Wheat Under Controlled Short Day and in Field Winter Period The dynamics of light use efficiency at a poplar plantation in Beijing Effect of Different LED Light Qualities on Bt Toxic Protein Content and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Transgenic Poplar Leaves Physiolog ica l and Biochem ica l Changes of PoplarInfected by Ice Nuclea tion Active Bacter ia l Canker D isea se ( Ⅱ) Fractal Analysis of Rooting Characteristics of Poplar Cuttings Studies on Influence of Poplar Canker and Pine Wood Nematode on the Electrical Indexes of Tree Stem Effect of Transgenic Poplars on the Activities of Detoxification Enzymes in Micromelalopha troglodyta Larvae Role of Cell Wall Degrading Enzymes in Interaction of Poplar and Melampsora laricipopulina Relationship between Plant Hormone Level Excreted by Ectomycorrhizal Fungi and Growth of NL-895 Poplar Effects of Infection with Botryosphaeria dothidea on Cell Membrane Permeability, Soluble Sugar and MDA Content in Poplar Calli Insect Resistance Selectivity of Transgenic Hybrid Poplar 741 Conservation and Application of the Genetic Resource of Native Poplars in Southwest China Microbial Activity and Degradation of Atrazine in Poplar RhizosphereDuring the Soil Phytoremediation Cloning and Characterization of PeMYBL1, an R2R3 MYB Gene from Poplar Relationship Between Canker Outbreak and Individual Crown Structure of Populus bolleana Forest in Qingtongxia Influences of Soil Flooding on Ultrastructure and Photosynthetic Capacity of Leaves of One-year Old Seedlings of Two Poplar Clones Relationships between Growth Strain and Anatomical Characters and Shrinkage Properties in Poplar Clone 107(Populus×euramericana cv.‘Neva’) Tree Research on methods for extracting change information of the fast-growing poplar in Dongting Lake Carbon storage of poplar plantations in upper and middle reaches of Huangpu River, Shanghai Effects of exogenous nitric oxide on drought-resistance of poplar Effects of salinity stress on poplars seedling growth and soil enzyme activity Effects of exogenous nitric oxide on photosynthetic characteristics of poplar leaves under water stress Effects of 6-BA and AsA on photosynthesis photoinhibition of attached poplar leaves under osmotic stress of root Influence of temperature on insect-resistance of transgenic hybrid poplar 741. Nitrogen cycling and its dynamic feature in fine roots of poplar trees and herbs Isolation, screening and identification of the endogenous microorganisms antagonizing poplar canker ASSESSMENT OF THE CONTROL EFFECTS AND EFFECTIVE RADH OF FOUR KINDS OF TRAPS FORCOTTON BOLLWORM IN COTTON FIELDS USE OF BAIT TREES FOR THE CONTROL OF APRIONA GERMARI HOPE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE COMPOSITIONS OF FATTY ACIDS AND PHOSPHOLIPIDS IN MEMBRANE LIPID AND THE CHILLING-RESISTANCE OF POPLAR A STUDY ON REGULARITY OF THE CHANGE OF FIBER LENGTH OF WOOD IN POPLAR SHELTERBELTS AND ITS APPLICATION IN SHELTERBELT MANAGEMENT STUDIES ON THE WILLOW OYSTER SCALE LEPIOSAPHES SALICINA BORCHS A STUDY OF THE ECTOMYCORRHIZA OF POPLAR GENETIC VARIATION IN GROWTH AND WOOD PROPERTIES AND MULTIPLE-TRAITS SELECTION OF POPLAR CLONES COMPARATIVE EXPERIMENT ON ADAPTABILITY OF SEVERAL INDIGENOUS POPLARS IN INNER MONGOLIA COMPARISON OF THE NET PHOTOSYNTHESIS RATE OF FOUR POPLAR CLONES AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY REGIMES THE CHEMICAL STRUCTURES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MWLs OF CHINESE FIR (CUNNINGHAMIA LANCEOLATA) AND POPLAR “SANBEI” NO.1 (POPULUS NIGRA×P.SIMONII) WOOD SELECTION AND INSECT RESISTANCE OF TRANSGENIC HYBRID POPLAR 741 CARRYING TWO INSECT-RESISTANT GENES THE DISTRIBUTION OF PHOTOSYNTHETIC RADIATION IN THE CANOPY OF POPLAR PLANTATION INTERRELATION BETWEEN CARBOXYLESTERASE AND GLUTATHIONE-S-TRANSFERASE IN APRIONA GERMARI LARVAE AND SECONDARY METABOLITES OF POPLAR TREES HISTOPATHOLOGY STUDIES ON INTERACTION OF POPLARS AND LEAF RUST WITH DIFFERENT COMPATIBILITIES STUDIES ON KEY TECHNIQUES FOR CULTURING FINE LARGE TIMBER OF POPLAR IN FLOOD LAND THE STUDY ON SHADING EFFECT UNDER POPLAR-CROP INTERCROPPING SYSTEM INDEX ANALYSIS ON COMPREHENSIVE JUDGEMENT OF DROUGHT RESISTANCE ABILITY OF WHITE POPLAR HYBRID CLONES Promoting Effects of the Total Alkaloids of Sophora alopecuroides on Tree Growth Poplar-Crop Interplantation:a Case Study for Its Ecological Benefits, Site Productivity and Economics Study on Fine-Root Nutrient Dynamics in the Mixed Plantation of Poplar and Black Locust Internal and external nutrient cyclings of poplar tree Ⅱ. Transferring and cycling of nutrients in and out of the tree before and after leaf fallen Poplar canker caused by Phomopsis sp Internal and external nutrient cyclings ot poplar tree Ⅰ. Changes of nutrient storage in different parts of poplar tree before and after leaf fallen Study on poplar canker caused by Botryodiplodia populea ZKZhong: biological characteristics of pathogen, pattern of disease incidence and fungicide selection A review on the eco-physiological study of poplars in oasis and its prospect Influence of soil waterlogging on growth and physiological properties of poplar and willow seedlings Decomposition of leaf litter in pure and mixed stands of poplar and black locust Relationship between photo-inhibition of photosynthesis and reactive oxygen species in leaves of poplars suffering root osmotic stress Effects of afforested poplar plantations on the stock and distribution of C, N, P at Keerqin Sandy Lands Fine root production and turnover of poplar plantation in the Lhasa river valley, Tibet Autonomous Region Amount, composition and seasonal dynamics of litterfall in Poplar-Crop agroforestry ecosystems in Henan Eastern Plain Dynamics of soil alkali-salinity and growth of poplar saplings after krilium-addition in heavy soda saline-alkali soil in field Effect of slow filtering eco-treatment with different hydraulic loading rates of domestic wastewater on soil and poplar growth