Influence of Chaetomium globosmn ND35 fungus fertilizer on physiological characteristics of poplar in replanted soil. Seasonal dynamics of root respiration in poplar plantations at different developmental stages MEASUREMENT THE PHYSICAL-MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF POPLAR LUMBER BY PF RESIN TREATMENT CYTOLOGICAL STUDIES ON THE HOST-PATHOGEN RELATIONSHIP IN THE COURSE OF POPLAR LEAF INFECTION BY MELAMPSORA LARICI-POPULINA EFFECTS OF SECONDARY METABOLITES OF POPLAR TREES ON THE CARBOXYLESTERASE AND GLUTATHIONE-S-TRANSFERASE IN ANOPLOPHORA GLABRIPENNIS STUDIES ON OBTAINING TRIPLOIDS BY COLCHICINE TREATING FEMALE FLOWER BUDS OF WHITE POPLAR HUMIC SUBSTANCES CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MIXED PLANTATION OF POPLAR AND BLACK LOCUST IN SANDY SOIL STUDY ON MECHANISM OF POLLEN ABORTION IN CHINESE WHITE POPLAR (POPULUS TOMENTOSA CARR.) THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN WOOD PROPERTIES AND FOREST CULTURES IN PLANTATION POPLAR THE DISTRIBUTION AND SEASONAL CHANGE OF LEAF AREA IN POPLAR PLANTATIONS MANAGED IN DIFFERENT WAYS THE EFFECTS OF ACID RAIN ON POPULUS EURAMERICANA TREE RING WIDTH AND WOOD PROPERTIES STUDY ON THE HIGH-YIELD POPLAR CULTIVATING PATTERN IN MIDDLE-TEMPERATE ZONE PLANTATION A STUDY ON LIGHT UTILIZATION OF POPLAR-CROP INTERCROPPING SYSTEM MECHANISM OF VESICULAR ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI ENHANCED RESISTANCE OF POPLAR TO CANKER CROWN STRUCTURE OF POPLAR TREES IN INTENSIVE AND EXTENSIVE MANAGEMENT PLANTATIONS DETECTION AND IDENTIFICATION OF MOLECULAR MARKERS ASSOCIATED WITH QUANTITATIVE TRAITS OF LEAF IN POPLAR A MODELING APPROACH TO THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN PLANTATION POPLAR WOOD PROPERTIES AND QUALITIES OF VENEER AND PLYWOOD THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CROWN CHARACTERISTICS AND STEMWOOD GROWTH OF NEW POPLAR CLONES STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DAMAGE DEGREE OF ANOPLOPHORA GLABRIPENNIS (MOTSCH.) AND FOREST MANAGEMENT LEVEL AND PREDICTION EFFECTS OF FERTILIZATION IN THE DIFFERENT SITE TYPES OF SOIL FOR POPLAR TREE END-USE SELECTION OF PLANTATION POPLAR——SOLID WOOD OR LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER(LVL) THE ICE NUCLEATION ACTIVE BACTERIA ON POPLAR TREES AND THEIR EFFECTS IN THE COURSES OF CAUSING FREEZING INJURY AND INDUCING FUNGOUS CANKER MODELING WOOD PROPERTIES IN RELATION TO CAMBIUM AGE AND GROWTH RATE IN POPLAR PLANTATION FUSARIUM PROLIFERATUM (MATSUSHIMA) NIRENBERG ——A PATHOGEN CAUSING WETWOOD IN POPLAR TREES HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY (HPLC)ANALYSIS OF MoLECULAR SPECIES OF PHOSPHATIDYLGLYCERoL FRoM LEAVES OF GINKGO BILOBA,CHINESE FIR AND POPLAR ADVANCES IN MYCORRHIZAE RESEARCH ON POPLAR A STUDY ON THE SOIL MANAGEMENT MODEL FOR POPLAR PLANTATION IN HUAIBEI COAL MINE COLLAPSED AREA Extraction and 2-D Electrophoresis Analysis of Extracellular Proteins from NL895 Poplar Leaves and Stems MATHEMATICAL MODELS FOR ECONOMICAL GENETICS IN POPLAR——TECHNIQUE OF OPTIMUM SELECTION FOR MULTIPLE OBJECTIVES Expression Analysis of Class I Clp Gene Families in Poplar Effects of rhizosphere acidification on phosphorus efficiency in clones of poplar Evaluation of ecological services of Populus simonii forest on Heerqin sandy land Phosphorus transfer between mixed poplar and black locust seedlings Introduction and selection of new poplar clones in shelterbelts/windbreaks in northern Liaoning Biomass and nutrient accumulation of poplar plantation on beach land in Yangtse River in Anhui province Productivity and turnover of fine roots in poplar tree and grass roots Soil moisture affects energy allocation and diurnal evapotranspiration of a poplar plantation-an eddy-covariance-based study The survival and escape of Agrobacterium tumefaciens in triploid hybird lines of Chinese white poplar transformed with two insect-resistant genes Researches on the insect-resistant effect of transgenic hybrid poplar 741 with two insect-resistant genes Study on the Pathology of Poplar-canker Pathogen Interaction in China Study on the Anatomical Properties and Variation of Sand Covered Poplar Grown in the Beaches of Yangtze River Studies on Longitudinal Variation of Main Chemical Compositions in Chinese-fir and Poplar×euramaricana cv.I-72/58 Trees Study on Controlling 4 Species of Coleoptera by Injecting of Imidacloprid Insecticide Studies on Mycota on Bark of Three Species of Populus Study on Fertilization Technology of Fast-growing and High-yielding Poplar Plantation Ⅱ. After Manuring Experiment Water-saving Irrigation Experiment of Fast-growing and High-yielding Poplar Plantation Afforestation Technique fo Short-rotation Industrial Timber Poplar Plantation on the Edge of Tenggeli Desert in Ningxia Wood-decaying Fungi on Poplars in Northeastern China Study on Genetic Variation of Wood Properties in Three-generation Pedigree of Populus deltoids Marsh.×P.cathayana Rehd. Study on Inter-antagonism of Host Tree-inhabiting Bacterium Populations of Poplar Ice Nucleation Active(INA) Bacterial Canker The Yield and Biomass Structure of Plywood Forest of Poplar Clone I-69 A Study on the Poplar Increment with Different Cultivation Models and the Soil Microbiota and Enzyme Activity Seasonal dynamics of quantitative and morphological traits of poplar fine roots and their differences between successive rotation plantations. Environmental controls on water use efficiency of a poplar plantation under different soil water conditions Type Ⅲ secretion system is an essential pathogenic factor in poplar canker pathogen Lonsdalea quercina Influence of Water Supply on Wood Property of Populus deltoides A Study on Measuring the Resistance of the Plus Tree to the Canker of Poplar Study on the Selection of Poplar Resistance to Cryptorrhynchus lapathi Study on the Relationship between Changes of Water in Stem and Incidence of Canker Disease during the Early Stage of the Planted Poplars STUDIES ON THE RESPONSE OF INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCE (GENOTYPE) IN POPLAR HYBRIDIZATION ESTABLISHMENT OF SITE-INDEX TABLE FOR POPLAR IN LINYI REGION,SHANGDONG PROVINCE ESTABLISHMENT OF STAND DENSITY CONTROL DIAGRAM FOR POPLAR IN LINGYI PREFECTURE, SHANDONG PROVINCE BROKEN INCOMPATIBLE BARRIERS TO THE PRE-FERTILIZATION OF INTERSECTIONAL CROSSING IN POPLAR STUDIES ON THE NUCLEAR POLYHEDROSIS VIRUS OF THE POPLAR LOOPER (APOCHEIMA CINERARIUS) V.PREPARATION AND PRODUCT DETECTION OF ACINPV FORMULATION A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON NITRATE REDUCTASE ACTIVITY IN VIVO ATTENUATION OF FOUR SPECIES OF POPLAR SEEDLINGS PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF POPLAR DISEASES A STUDY ON STAND DENSITY AND ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF POPLAR PLANTATION IN LINYI PREFECTURE, SHANDONG PROVINCE A STUDY ON THE MEASUREMENT OF TRANSPIRATION RATE IN A POPLAR BY MEANS OF QUICK WEIGHING METHOD Study on the Division of Poplar Cultivation The Relation between Water Supply and Tree Growth of High-Yield Poplar Plantation in Dry Area Study on the Young-aged Wood of 13 Clones of White Poplar in Intensive Cultivation Study on the Genetic Variance of Wood Basic Density and Fiber Properties of Poplar Hybrids Studies on the Growth of Poplar Plantation of Different Spacings The Selection and Breeding of Super Poplar Clones as Fibre Timber Resistant to Batocera horsfieldi The Impacts of New Cultivation Patterns of Incorporating Poplar with Wheat on Wheat Yield and Quality K+ Accumulation in Poplar Roots Induced by Osmotic Stress Relationship between Crop Productivity and Ecological Factors in Poplar-Crop Intercropping Systems in Haihe Lowland Area Growth and Physiological Adaptability of Three Hybrid Poplars Planted in Different Saline-alkali Soil Analysis of Main Characteristic of White Poplar Hybrid 741 Transformed Two Insect-Resistant Genes Model for Maturation Age of Wood Property and Extend of Juvenile Wood Zone in Poplar Trunks