Response of alfalfa and smooth brome to nitrogen fertilizer in monoculture and mixed grasslands Effects of straw returning and nitrogen fertilizer application on root secretion and nitrogen utilization of rice Effects of different slow/controlled release nitrogen fertilizer on tall fescue turf growth and nitrogen volatilization Effects of fertilizing on the manilagrass growth and physiological characteristics Effect of N, P, K combinations fertilizion on the cultivation quality of Glycyrrhiza uralensis seedlings Analysis of the nitrogen uptake and utilization efficiency and N fertilizer residual effect in the wheat-maize-soybean and wheat-maize-sweet potato relay strip intercropping Effects of bio-organic fertilizer on neutral aroma component content in flue-cured tobacco in east of Gansu Province and its mechanisms Analysis of cooperation effect of water and fertilizer on wheat and pea in dryland based on APSIM model Effects of Chaetomium globosum ND35 Fungal Fertilizer on Continuous Cropping Soil Microorganism and Malus hupehensis Seedling Biomass Effects of Chaetomium globosum ND35 Fungal Fertilizer on Continuous Cropping Soil Microorganism and Malus hupehensis Seedling Biomass Effects of Seedling Growth and Nutrient Uptake of Cucumber with Different Rates of Controlled Release Fertilizer Site-specific Nitrogen Management Increases Fertilizer-nitrogen Use Efficiency in Rice The Dynamics of Crop Yields under Different Fertilization Systems in Drab Fluvo-aquic Soil Effects of Different Types of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Nitrogen Accumulation, Translocation and Nitrogen Fertilizer Utilization in Summer Maize Effect of Cake Fertilizer on the Pigments Degradation and Related Enzyme Activities in Flue-cured Tobacco Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Yield of Rice under Different Soil Conditions Suitable nitrogen fertilization mode for high yield and quality and high N use efficiency in high density direct-sown rapeseed(Brassica napus L.) Effects of fertilization and density on soluble sugar and protein and nitrate reductase of hybrid foxtail millet A STUDY ON APPLICATION EFFECT OF FERTILIZER IN MASSON PINE YOUNG STAND Effects of Phosphorus Fertilizer on the Growth and Seed Yield of Alfalfa Nutrient Release Characteristics of Four Slow and Controlled Release Nitrogen Fertilizer in Different Environmental Conditions Sweet Sorghum Cultivation Techniques Effects of Variable Water and Nutrient Regimes on Nutrients of Alfalfa Influence of Applying Slow Release Nitrogen Fertilizers in Autumn on Cold Resistant Turf-type Bluegrass(Poa pratensis L.) Effects of Different Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates on Nitrogen Absorption by Ryegrass(Lolium muliiflorum) under Salt Stress Effects of Mixed Application of Both Fast-release Fertilizer and Slow-release Fertilizer on Kentucky Bluegrass in Summer Effect of Associative Nitrogen-fixing Biofertilizer Produced with Different Carriers on Growth and Nitrogen Fixing Ability of Hordeum vulgare var. nudum Hook.f. Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Characteristics of Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel.Individual Plant and Population The Effects of Split-nitrogen Application in Spring on Seed Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Russian Wildrye Relationship between the Contents of N.P.K and Water Supply and Fertilizer in Summer Soybean Studies on the Trends of Nutrient Uptake and Effect of Fertilizer Application on Soybean QUANTITATIVE STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF NITROGENOUS FERTILIZER ON THE INFECTION CYCLE OF RICE LEAF BLAST EFFECT OF FERTILIZER APPLICATION ON THE OCCURRENCE AND DAMAGE OF WEED IN WHEAT FIELD CONTRIBUTION OF FERTILIZERS TO YIELD INCREASE AND ITS EFFECT ON SOIL ORGANIC MATTER THE CHANGES OF CROP YIELD AND SOIL FERTILITY WITH LONG-TERM FERTILIZER APPLICATION Effect of nitrogen application and rice cultivars on forms of potassium in different purple paddy soils Changes of soil nutrient contents and input of nutrients in arable of China Mechanism of iron fertilizer by root-inserted to correcting chlorosis of fruit Effect of humic bio-active fertilizer on winter wheat and soil microbial activity Effects of different extract conditions on water dissolution rate of coated controlled/slowed-release fertilizer Effects of coated-compound fertilizer on the growth and nutrition characteristics of double cropping rice (Oryza sativa L.) The using conditions and developing directions of Chinese phosphorous fertilizer Effects of single basal application of controlled-release fertilizer on root activity and nutrient absorption of rice(Oryza Satava L.) Effects of different planting densities and fertilizer levels on quality traits of high-oil soybean Effects of original zymolytic conditions on nitrogen loss of brewer‘s spent grains-based bio-organic fertilizer Effects of different models of applying nitrogen fertilizer on yield and quality of tomato and soil fertility in greenhouse Effect of different furrow irrigation patterns on cotton nitrogen absorption and nitrogen fertilizer use Effect of long-term application of organic fertilizer on Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn and Cd in soil and brown rice Effects of co-situs application of polymer-coated fertilizers on grain yield, root distribution and soil residual Nmin in summer maize Effects of combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizers on soil nitrogen availability and movement under water and fertilizer saving management in cucumbertomato double cropping system Biomass Responses to a Simulated Global Warming By Changing of Elevation and Fertilizer addition in Upland Grassland A fertilizer practice improving the ecological impact of nitrogen in paddy field "Three Materials" tramsformation and eco-agriculture Transferring and cycling of organic and inorganic nitrogen in micro-agroecosystem Relationship between contents in "Qinyou2" rape and population dynamics of Myzus persicae Effects of controlled release fertilizers on N2O emission from paddy field STUDIES ON ABSORPTION AND UTILIZATION OF N AND P IN COMPOUND FERTILIZERS BY RICE USING TRACER TECHNIQUE OF ~(15)N AND ~(32)P THE MECHANISM OF INCREASING RICE OUTPUT BY APPLYING FERILIZERS TO WHOLE ARABLE LAYER THE TRANSFORMATION OF UREA AND THE FATE OF FERTILIZER NITROGEN IN FLUVO-AQUIC SOIL-WINTER WHEAT SYSTEM IN FLOODED PLAIN OF HUANGHE RIVER EFFICIENCY OF NITROGEN IN NP COMPOUND ( MIXED ) FERTILIZERS TRANSFER AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE ASSIMILATIVE PRODUCTS IN Panax ginseng AT DIFFERENT GROWING STAGE 始穗期施氮钾肥对水稻~(14)C-同化物运转、分配及产量的影响 EFFECT OF ORGANIC AND INORGANIC FERTILIZER APPLIEDTOGETHER ON N AND P ABSORPTION AND SOIL FERTILITY 应用~(15)N研究春小麦对硝酸磷肥及尿素普通过磷酸钙氮素的利用 EFFECT OF DISTRIBUTION MODES OF NITROGENOUS FERTILIZER ON WHEAT AND PEANUT YIELDS AND THE NITROGENOUS FERTILIZER UTILIZATION RATIO UNDER THE WHEAT PEANUT CROPPING SYSTEM RESPONSE OF MAIZE TO REDUCED UREA APPLICATION COMBINED WITH COMPOUND NITROGEN FERTILIZER SYNERGISTS Effects of Transplanting Time and Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Yield, Market Value and N Uptake of Flue-cured Tobacco by using 15N Tracing Technique EFFECT OF MICROBIAL FERTILIZER ON YIELD AND NITROGEN USE EFFICIENCY IN RICE CROP YIELD AND WATER USE EFFICIENCY UNDER LONG-TERM FERTILIZATION
Relationships between Spectral Reflectance and Pigment or Nitrogen Concentrations in Leaves of Padus virginiana‘Schubert’ Effects of Nutrients and Acidity on Tannin Production of Casuarina equisetifolia Seedling Branchlets Roles of Fermented Bark Medium and Krilium in Improving Saline-Alkali Soil Effects of Straw-Returning Instead of Chemical Potassium Application on Oil Accumulation in Cottonseed Embryo in Wheat-Cotton Rotation System Genetic Analysis of Yield and Physiological Traits in Elite Parent Jing 411 and Its Derivatives under Two Fertilization Environments Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Planting Density on Yield Loss Percentage of Mechanical Harvesting in Rapeseed Effects of Water Management and Slow/Controlled Release Nitrogen Fertilizers on Biomass, Nitrogen Accumulation, Translocation, and Distribution in Rice Effects of Postponed Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield and Physiological Characteristics of Flag Leaf in Wheat under Post-Anthesis Heat Stress Effects of Nutrient Expert Recommend Fertilization on Yield and Fertilizer Efficiency of Summer Maize in Fluvo-Aquic Soil Effects of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Boron Fertilizers on Winter Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.) Direct-sown in the Yangtze River Basin