BVOCs EMITTED FROM PLANTS OF TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMSAND THEIR ECOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS Research trend on regulating effect of laser pretreatment on plant growth Effects of clonal integration on growth of Alternanthera philoxeroides under simulated acid rain and herbivory Allelopathy under environmental stress and its induced mechanism Phenylalanin Ammonia-lyase Activity,Total Phenolics and Flavonoids Contents in Flowers,Leaves,Hulls Research progress on the effects of soil freeze-thaw on plant physiology and ecology Quantitative assessment of stress of economic development to environment using ecological stress index Distribution and absorption of silicon in plant and its role in plant disease resistance under environmental stress Can terrestrial plants emit methane under aerobic conditions? DTX31 Gene Expression in Arabidopsis Research Advances about MAPK Pathways in Plants Physiological Role of Cyclic Electron Flow in Higher Plants Analyzing the molecular mechanism of crop allelopathy by using differential proteomics Comparative Investigation on Plasmolemma Properties of Different Reed Ecotypes in Hexi Corridor Ecological effect of photorespiration of plants under environmental stress Effects of delayed sowing-date on yield components of Thladiantha setispina Advances on Research of Plant Peroxidases EFFECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL STRESSES ON CELASTROL CONTENTS IN TRIPTERYGIUM WILFORDII Adaptation of higher plants to environmental stressesland stress signal trans-duction Relationship between environmental stresses and proline in plant Plasma Membrane H+-ATPase and Environmental Stress Secondary metabolites accumulating and geoherbs formation under enviromental stress Problems needed attention on plant allelopathy research Phytogenic isoprene and its ecological significance Ear shape of corn and its relations to grain yield under stress. Assessment of marine environmental stress based on the integrated biomarker response index model: A case study in west coast of Guangxi. Review of current progress in the metabolomics for plant response to abiotic stress Advances and prospects in plant symmetric and asymmetric competition Long-term pattern of diatom community structure changes in response to multiple environmental stressors at Datun Lake, Southeast Yunnan, China. Glutathione metabolism and environmental stresses in plants Spatial pattern responses of Achnatherum splendens to environmental stress in different density levels Research Progress in the Mechanism for Drought and High Temperature to Affect Plant Photosynthesis The Plant Mitogen-activated Protein (MAP) Kinase Relationship of epigenetic and Dao-di herbs Effect of environmental stress on non-structural carbohydrates reserves and transfer in seagrasses MAP Kinase Cascades Responding to Environmental Stress in Plants Anatomical structure and ecological adaptability of two kinds of halophytes(Haloxylon ammondendron Chenopodiaceae and Tamarix ramosissima THE APPLICATION OF CHLOROPHYLL FLUORESCENCE TECHNIQUE IN THE STUDY OF RESPONSES OF PLANTS TO ENVIRONMENTAL STRESSES Study on regionalization of eco-environmental stress process in China Cloning and Expression Analysis of MaMDH in Banana under Environmental Stress Effects of Different Stress Treatments on Chlorophyll a Fluorescence in Detached Leaves of Castanopsis hystrix

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