Effect of Extracellular Calmodulin on the Cytosolic Ca2+ Concentration in Lily Pollen Grains Effect of calmodulin antagonist W7 on antioxidant systems of roots of cucumber seedlings under hypoxia stress The Relationship Between the Change of Calmodulin Content and Ethylene Biosynthesis of Carnation Flower During Its Senescence Relevant Effects of Ethylene and Ga2+ on Germination of Lettuce Seeds Molecular Cloning of A Calmodulin Gene and Identification of Its Pseudogene in Catharanthus roseus The Effect of Calmodulin Antagonist and Calcium on Chilling Resistance ofEggplant Seedling Efects of GA3,Ca2+ on Anthocyanin and Phenylalanine Amonia Lyase in Stem of Anthurium andraeanum Effect of Calcium-Calmodulin on the Thermotolerance Induced by Salicylic Acid in Young Grape Seedlings and Associated with Antioxidant System Effect of Calcium-Calmodulin on the Thermotolerance Induced by Salicylic Acid in Young Grape Seedlings and Associated with Antioxidant System Involvement of Ca2+-CaM signal system in heat shock signal transduction EFFECTS OF Ca2+ ON PHOTOREDUCTION ACTIVITY OF ISOLATED CHLOROPLASTS AND RELATIONS TO CALMODULIN Regulation effects of intracellular and extracellular Ca2+ on biosynthesis of rosmarinic acid induced by salicylic acid in young seedlings of Salvia miltiorrhiza Effects of calcium on content of calmodulin, activity of Ca2 +-ATPase and their gene expressions in apple (Malus pumila Mill.) fruits Growth, Gas Exchange, Abscisic Acid, and Calmodulin Response to Salt Stress in Three Poplars The Effects of the Calmodulin lnhibitors on the Phytochrome Controlled Rotation of Mougeotia Chloroplast Preliminary Study of Action Mechanism of Tomatine Toxicity to Helicoverpa armigera Secretion of Calmodulin in Transgenic SCaM-GFP Tobacco Distribution of Membrane-bound Calcium and Activited Calmodulin in Isolated Zygotes and Young Embryos of Triticum aestivum Study on Arabidopsis thaliana Calmodulin binding Protein Responding to Multiple Stresses STUDIES ON THE CHANGES OF CALCIUM AND CAM DURING FLOWER DIFFERENTIATION OF PEAR Plant Growth, Nitrate Content and Ca Signaling in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Roots under Different Nitrate Supply The Effects of Nitrogen and Zinc Nutrition on Nucleic Acid and Calmodulin during the Growth and Development of Curd in Broccoli ( Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Planch) Effects of Al3+ on Ca2+-ATPase Activity on Chloroplasts of Rice and Relation to Calmodulin MASS PREPARATION OF PLANT CALMODULIN FROM MAIZE GERM Ca2+-Calmodulin is Involved in Betacyanin Accumulation Induced by Dark in C3 Halophyte Suaeda salsa Changes of Calmodulin Distribution in the Embryo Sac of Oryza sativa Before and After Fertilization: an Immunogold Electron Microscope Study RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HAUSTORIAL FORMATION OF CUSCUTA JAPONICA INDUCED BY EXOGENOUS CYTOKININ AND CALMODULIN EFFECTS OF IAA AND CALCLUM AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP ON THE ELONGATION OF HYPOCOTYL SEGMENTS OF MUNG BEAN CHANGES IN THE CALMODULIN LEVEL AND EFFECTS OF GA_3 AND ABA ON CALMODULIN LEVEL DURING THE GERMINATION OF CORN SEEDS The relationship between ABA and intracellular Ca~(2+)/CaM messenger system Effects of Calcium and Calmodulin Antagonist W7 on Antioxidant Systems of Roots of Alfalfa Roots under PEG Stress Experimental study on relationship between pungent-hot herb property express and calmodulin Using Isolated Embryo Sacs and Early Proembryos for Localization of Calmodulin mRNA Before and After Fertilization in Nicotiana Extracellular Calmodulin Stimulates the Transplasma Membrane Redox Reaction of Root Protoplasts in Zea mays Evidences for Regulation of the Inward K+ channels by CDPK in Vicia faba Guard Cells In situ Localization of Calmodulin mRNA and Protein in the Developing Anthers and Pistils in Rice Calmodulin and the Regulation of Succinate Dehydrogenase Activity in the Mitochondria of Zea mays PROPERTY OF Ca~(2+)-ATPase AND CONTENT OF CALMODULIN FROM KORSHINSK PEASHRUB LEAF AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH DROUGHT RESISTANCE The Effects of Nitrogen and Zinc Nutrition on Nucleic Acid and Calmodulin during the Growth and Development of Curd in Broccoli ( Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Planch) Cloning,Expression and Bioinformatics Analysis of IQM5.2 from Arabidopsis Cloning of Calmodulin Gene of Pea (Pisum sativum) by PCR and Comparison of Its Coding Sequences in Different Speices Short Communication Involvement of Calcium-calmodulin in the Expression of hsp26 Gene in Wheat The Effects of Silicon on Signal Substances of Anthracnose-Defense Response in Flowering Chinese Cabbage The Effects of Silicon on Signal Substances of Anthracnose-Defense Response in Flowering Chinese Cabbage The Effect of Calmodulin Antagonist and Calcium on Chilling Resistance ofEggplant Seedling In Vitro Effect of Stylar S-RNase of Pear on the Calmodulin Localization of Pollen Tube INVOLVEMENT OF CALCIUM AND CALMODULIN IN THE REGULATION OF DEOUGHT RESISTANCE IN ZEA MAYS SEEDLINGS Endogenous Hormone Regulation with Exogenous Calcium under Salt Stress in Strawberry Cloning of BhNHX Gene from Betula halophila and Its Co-expressional Regulation with CaM Gene under Different Stresses Cloning and Expression Analysis of Calmodulin Gene in Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L. Cloning and Expression Analysis of Calmodulin Gene in Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L. The Variation of Style Auto-fluorescence after Calmodulin Treatment on Self- and Cross-pollination in Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai. The Variation of Style Auto-fluorescence after Calmodulin Treatment on Self- and Cross-pollination in Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai. Research of PKS2 Interaction with CAM4 in Arabidopsis thailana Effects of Mutations in IQ Motif of AtIQM1 on Its Calmodulin Binding Immunohistochemical Localization of Calmodulin Kinase in Maize THE EFFECTS OF CALMODUL IN ANTAGONIST ON THE ACTIVITIES OF NITROGEN ASSIMILATION ENZYMES AND THE ACCUMUL ATION OF DRY MATTER IN WHEAT SEEDL INGS Comparative Studies on Immunoreactivity of Antibodies Against Plant and Animal Calmodulin CHANGES IN CONTENT OF CALMODULIN IN IAA-AND 6-BA-INDUCED SWELLING OF PROTOPLASTS FROM HYPOCOTYL IN ETIOLATED MUNG BEAN SEEDLINGS Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Citrus Calmodulin cDNA Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Citrus Calmodulin cDNA Ultra-Structural Changes of the Vascular Bundles and CaM Immuno-Gold Localization at Phloem Cells among Different Positional Rachillae within a Rice Panicle Purification of Maize Cytosolic 70 kD Stress Protein: a Calmodulin-binding Protein in Plants Research Progress in Plant IQ Motif-containing Calmodulin-binding Proteins THE CYTOCHEMICAL CHANGES OF IN VIVO AND IN VITRO DEVELOPED UNFERTILIZED CENTRAL CELLS IN NICOTIANA TABACUM Clone and Expression Analysis of Calmodulin-Like Protein Gene OpCML13 from Olimarabidopsis pumila of Xinjiang

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