RAPD polymorphisms and growth feature of different strains Skeletonema costatum The microbial population in an anaerobic baffled reactor for the treatment of dye wastewater Progresses in Study of Cross Protection Against Citrus tristeza virus Selection,Identification and Medium Optimization of a Phosphate-solubilizing Bacterium Comprehensive Evaluation and Cluster Analysis on Yield Characters of Main Released Jute Varieties(Strains) Based on Principal Components Measurement of Longitudinal Surface Growth Strains of Trees Using Strain Gauge and CIRAD-Foret Method Effects of alkalinity and pH on the survival, growth and neonate production of two strains of Moina mongolica Daday Molecular identification of Bacillus strains isolated from rhizosphere of Betula platyphylla in Qinghai Beishan timberland and its antagonistic activity analysis Comparison for activities of antioxidant enzymes in imidacloprid resistant-and susceptible symbiotic strains in rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) Preliminary Studies on Pollen Morphology of Fuji Sports Strains ISOLATION AND UTILIZATION OF MICROORGANISM STRAINS TO CONTROL WHEAT SCAB Genetic diversity and group consistency of breeding strains of Erigeron breviscapus determined by AFLP marker SENSIBILITY OF DIFFERENT WHEAT VARIETIES(STRAINS) TO Ar~+ IMPLANTATION Variation of virulent strains of Ralstonia solanacearum isolated from tomato Wood Physical and Mechanical Properties of American Black Walnut of Different Strains Interactions among Different Enzymes of Five Fungal Strains from Alpine Meadow Soil Effect of strains and parts on amino acids of Dendrobium officinale A COMPARISON STUDY OF 5 LEATIUS EDODES STIAINS Progresses in Study of Cross Protection Against Citrus tristeza virus Analysis of some quality characteristics in soybean mutants Determination of Polyphenol Contents in Different Perilla frutescens Strains with High Performance Liquid Chromatography The Nutrient Composition of New Giant Embryo Rice Strains Genetic diversity of 21 Fusarium strains in Section Martiella based on ISSR analysis. Application of Crop Grey Breeding Theory in New Ryegrass Strain Screening Preliminary Studies on Pollen Morphology of Fuji Sports Strains Evaluation of resistance to SMV of Soybean Cultivars from the north of Huang-Huai-Hai Cultural characteristics and pathogenicity of defoliating Veticillium dahliae strains in different cotton-producing provinces of China Influences of the biocontrol strain ANTI-8098A, Bacillus cereus on the growth competition between the virulent and avirulent strains of Ralstonia solanacearum Biomass Change of Middle Aged Forest of Qinghai Spruce along an Altitudinal Gradient on the North Slope of Qilian Mountains Inhibitory Effects of Two Biocontrol Fungous Strains on Poplar Canker Botryosphaeria dothdea Effects of food concentration on the duration of reproductive period and the formation of mictic female in different strains of freshwater rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus The compensatory growth following starvation and optimum food density in two strains of Moina mongolica Daday (Cladocera: Moinidae) Dynamic Analysis on Camptothecin Yields in Branches and Leaves from Different Strains of Camptotheca acuminata in Field Condition RAPD analysis of Cichorium intybu by space mutagenesis and high-yield strains’ selection Screening of the Diversity Mutat ional Strains of Converting D-xylose to Ethanol by 60Co-γ Irradiat ion and Its Fermentat ion Characterizat ion Reaserch Selection of lead-resistant strains of microorganisms from soil EFFECTS OF CALCIUM AND SALT STRESS ON TIPBURN AND NUTRITION DISTRIBUTION OF CHINESE CABBAGE STUDIES ON THE MAIN VECTOR POPULATIONS AND PREDOMINANT STRAINS OF BARLEY YELLOW DWARF VIRUS (BYDV) IN THE SPRING WHEAT AREA OF HEBEI PROVINCE Study On the Etiology of Pomegranate Canker Diseases A survey of microbial contamination for ten processed pieces of Chinese materia medica in Shanghai Identification Analysis of Eight Centipedegrass Materials by SRAP Molecular Markers Determination of parasitic fitness of T4 new strains of Puccinia strifformis f. sp.tritici to ‘Zhong 4’ ISOLATION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF RHIZOBIAL STRAINS FROM NODULES OF ALBIZIA FALCATARIA (L.) FOSBERG Screening High-producing Wanlongmycing Strains by Space Mutagensis Determination of pathogenic range of T4 new strains of Puccinia strifformis f. sp. tritici to “Zhong 4” Comparison on surface ultrastructure characteristic and drought resistance of different Trichosanthes kirilowii strains Dynamic accumulation regulation of curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxyeurcumin in three strains of Curcuma Longae Rhizome RP-HPLC-ELSD fingerprint of triterpenes in Poria RP-HPLC-ELSD fingerprint of triterpenes in Poria

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