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Effects of total isoflavones of Pueraria DC. on bone mineral density and bone strength in ovariectomized rats
Inhibitory effect of Herba Epimedii extract on bone turn-over of ovar|ectomized rats
Clinical characteristics and medicinal analysis for osteoporosis based on real world
Ideas and methods of two-dimensional zebrafish model combined with chromatographic techniques in high-throughput screening of active anti-osteoporosis components of traditional Chinese medicines
Review on experiment of traditional Chinese medicine treating to osteoporosis
Study of the Antiosteoporosis Effects of Bushenqianggu Capsule
Effects of Qianggu Electuary on Ovariectomized Osteoporotic Rats
Effect of osteopractic total flavone on bone mineral density and bone histomorphometry in ovariectomized rats
Study the effects of flavonoids of Rhizoma Drynariae on gene level of rats without ovaries by technology of cDNA array
Laboratory study of effects of Yifuning soft capsules on postmenopausal osteoporosis
Cure effects of Jiangu Fufang on osteoporotic model induced by ovariectomy
Study on effect of combination of Epimedii Folium and Ligustri Lucidi Fructus on osteoporosis rats induced by retinoic acid
Effect of Calcium Ejiao Oral Liquid on Osteoporosis in Rat
Effects of Yifuning soft gelatin capsules on pathology and biomechanical indexes of ovariectomied ra
Therapeutic effect and mechanism of alcohol extract from
Epimedii Herba
on ovariectomy-induced osteoporosis in rats
Studies on New Trierpenoid Constituents from the Rhizoma of
Cimicifuga foetida
Quality evaluation on different specifications of Cervi Cornu Pantotrichum with its effect on ovariectomized osteoporosis model rats
Effect of total flavones of
Epimedium leptorrhizum
on osteoporosis in ovariectomized rats
Study on decoction‘s effect of different processed rhizomes of
Cibotium barometz
on retinoic acid induced male rats osteoporosis
Efficacy of compound Xiatianwu tablets in elderly patients with osteoporotic distal radius fractures
Skeletal Effect of Xianzhen gubao on Preventting Prednisone induced Osteoporosis in Male Rats
Material basis for anti-osteoporosis efficacy of
flavonoids based on their
in vivo
Effect of flavonoids
Araliae Echinocaulis
on osteoporosis induced by retinoic acid in rats
Comparative analysis on composition principles of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions for osteoporosis and osteoarthritis
Detection on effect of different processed
Cibotium barometz
on osteoblasts by CCK-8
Experimental study on effect of anhydroicaritin phytosomes in preventing and treating bone loss and enhancing bone quality in ovariectomized osteoporosis rats
Experimental Study on Antagonizing Action of Herba Epimedii on Side Effects Induced by Glucocorticoids
Effect of flavonoids in Araliae Echinocaulis Radicis et Cortex on osteoporosis induced by retinoic acid in rats
Effects of Migu tablet on bone mineral density, serum matrix metalloproteinase-2 level and bone metabolic markers in postmenopausal osteoporosis
Progress in anti-osteoporosis activity of traditional Chinese medicine and medicinal plants
Experimental study of the effects of puerarin on biological characters of osteoblasts
in vitro
Research progress on anti-osteoporotic active ingredients and pharmacological action mechanism of traditional Chinese kidney-tonifying and bone-strengthening drugs
Effect of naringin on osteoclast differentiation
Effect of tanshitone on prevention and treatment of retinoic acid induced osteoporosis in mice
Prevention and therapeutic effects of sika deer velvet collagen hydrolysateon osteoporosis in rats by retinoic acid
Research progress on effects and their mechanism of
Ligustri Lucidi Fructus
in treatment of osteoporosis
Absorption and metabolism of icariin in different osteoporosis rat models
Analytical method to evaluate chelating capacity of constituents in decoction of Chinese materia medica with free iron ions
Screening on antiosteoporotic active parts of
Epimedium koreanum
based on zebrafish model
cological effects of Gushudanagainst osteoporosis
The Influence of the Different Components of Nourishing Kidney Herbs on Osteoporosis Rats
Effects of water extract from
Ligustri Lucidi Fructus
on bone structure and metabolism in ovariectomized rats
Curative effect of Xianling Qianggu koufuye on postmenopausal osteoporosis
Research progress on treatment of osteoporosis using Chinese materia medica
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