Changes of eco-capacity and ecological sustainability in the north Tianshan Mountains region: taking Fukang county as a case of study Application of value engineering and innovative management of compound Chinese materia medica in industrialization DISCUSSION ON THE CONSTRUCTION AND INDUSTRIALIZATION OF SPACE-BREEDING LAND Several important scientific issues in the development of China’S eco-agriculture at the present time Agricultural resources superiority and characteristic agricultural industrialization in West China Management of eco-agricultural industrialization in China The countermeasures of developing safe agricultural products. Coordinated development tactics of agriculture and environment in ecological vulnerable region Study on policy mechanism of waste reutilization in process of Chinese materia medica industrialization Research and development of Chinese medicinal resources of elk and thoughts on its resources industrialization Research on preparation of arctigenin from Arctii Fructus Selection of models and technologies of waste reutilization of Chinese materia medica based on ecological effects Reconstructing and upgrading of Chinese eco-agriculture oriented to circular economy Study on in vitro fast-propagation and industrialization breeding techniques of triploid Chinese white poplar THE STUDIES ON TISSUE CULTURE AND THE PROCEDUE OF RAPID PROPAGATIONOF INDUSTRIALIZATION IN STRELITZIA REGINAE Tissue Culture and Industrialized Seedling Production of Cinnamomum camphora Trees with High Content of Borneo Camphor Industrialization of Medicinal Plant Tissue Culture Study on key technology in the industrialized production of Bacillus subtilis Bs-916,the rice sheath blight control agent Preliminary attempt in pursuit of industrialization of Chinese herbal extract The Development Tendency of the Industrialization and Culture Techniques of Eucommia ulmoides in China Application of value engineering and innovative management of compound Chinese materia medica in industrialization Preparation technology for hydrogel cataplasm of Chinese materia medica in industrialization Honey-steam processing technology of Ploygonatum odoratum by multi-index comprehensive evaluation Evaluate of international competitiveness of Chinese materia medica industrialization in China A DISCUSSION ON THE HISTORY AND PRESENT STATE OF UTILIZATION OF AMORPHOPHALLUS KONJAC AND ITS DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL IN SOUTHEAST ASIA Enhance technique researches on Glycyrrhiza industries, promote three-dimensional rural economic development in Three-north areas Strategic thought for sustainable agriculture development and industrialization in Northeast China Research practices of conversion efficiency of resources utilization model of castoff from Chinese material medica industrialization Policy recommendations based on SWOT analysis for agricultural industrialization of traditional Chinese medicinal materials——a case study of Uncariae Ramulus Cum Uncis from Jianhe county in Guizhou province Study on technology of aseptic sowing and rapid propagation of Demdrobium officinale Eco-agriculture Industrialization in China Taking the ways of combination of eco-agriculture with agricultural industrialization Analysis on ecological footpIlint and development strategy of clover blossom in westward of China The coupling mechanism and industrialization mode of ecological restoration in the weak semi arid mining area of Inner Mongolia A Research to the Industrialization of Straw-Based Panel Practice and inspiration in improving market competitive power of agricultural products in Jiangsu Province The industrialization of eco-agriculture HACCP quality control mode in pollution-free Chinese herbal medicine production Production of castoff from process in Chinese materia medica resources industrialization as well as resource utilization strategies and modes Establishment of non-aqueous biotransformation system and its application in castoff from Chinese materia medica industrilization

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