ANNONACEOUS ACETOGENINS FROM STEM OF GONIOTHALAMUS CHELIENSIS Studies in Annonaceae.XXXV. Phylogeny of the Guatteria-group and Related Genera The Chemical Constituents in the Stem of Goniothalamus griffithii A Study on Major Chemical Components of Unaria grandiflora Studies on Chemical Constituents in the Root of Desmos grandifolius (I) A-ring Formylated Flavonoids and Oxoaporphinoid Alkaloid from Dasymaschalon rostratum Merr. et Chun Comparative Anatomy on Leaves of the Annonaceae A New Type of Alkaloid from Goniothalamus cheliensis A New Anti-cancer Constituent of Goniothalamus chenensis The Chemical Constituents of Goniothalamus leiocarpus ACETOGENINS FROM SEED OF ANNONA MURICATA ANNONACEOUS ACETOGENINS FROM ANNONA GLABRA THE NEW FLAVONOID FROM FISSISTIGMA KWANGSIENSE STUDIES ON THE FLAVONOIDS FROM DESMOS CHINENSIS Advances in studies on chemical constituents and physiological activity of Goniothalamus (Bl.) Hook. f. et Thoms. Studies on alkaloids from Fissistigma oldhamii Pollen Morphology of Melodorum fruticosum Lour. Chemical constituents from seeds of Annona squamosa A new ent-eudesmane-type sesquiterpene from leaves of Polyalthia cheliensis STUDIES ON CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS FROM LEAVES OF GONIOTHALAMUS GRIFFITHII Floral Morphogenesis of Two Annonaceae Species Uvarilactam, a New Lactam from Uvaria microcarpa (Annonaceae) Newly Recorded Species of Annonaceae from Some Provinces in China LEAF EPIDERMAL STRUCTURE IN10SPECIES OF ANNONACEAE THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE ANNONACEAE Pollen Morphology of Three Selected Species from Annonaceae Three synonyms of Annonaceae in China Alkaloids and anthraquinones from branches and leaves of Uvaria kurzii Pollen Morphology of Four Selected Species in the Annonaceae The identity of Polyalthia pingpienensis P. T. Li(Annonaceae) Studies On Chemical Constituents of Seeds of Desmos chinensis Lour. Chemical Constituents from the Root of Desmos chinensis Studieson chemical constituents of Uvariaton kinensisvar. subglabra Progress in study of flavonoids from annonaceae and biological activities of these compounds Chemical constituents from seeds of Annona squamosa

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