Applications of T-DNA Tagging in Gene Cloning and Functional Analysis of Plants A multiplex polymerase chain reaction method for rapid detection of foreign genes in transgenic birch (Betula platyphylla) A simple, flexible and high-throughput cloning system for plant genome editing via CRISPR-Cas system A STUDY ON GENETIC TRANSFORMATION OF Rl T-DNA OF AGROBACTERIUM RHIZOGENES TO GYPSOPHILA PANICULATA ANALYSIS OF RESTRICTION ENZYMES OF CHLOROPLAST DNA IN TOMATO VARIETIES WHICH HAVE DIFFEERENT RESISTANCE TO TOBBACCO MOSSIC VIRUS INFECTION OF TRANSFORMED Ri T DNA CARROT ROOTS BY GIGASPORA MARGARITA PROTOPLAST CULTURE AND CELL CULTURE FROM Ti T-DNA TRANSFORMED LINES OF HELIANTHUS ANNUUS L. Construction of RNAi Two-T-DNA Plant Expression Vector of β-Gal Gene and A Preliminary Study on the Genetic Transformation of Carica Papaya L. Generating Marker-free Transgenic Chrysanthemum by Agrobacterium Mediated Transformation with Twin T-DNA Binary Vectors A New Delayed Growth Mutant by T-DNA Insertion in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Molecular characterization of the flanking gene of T-DNA insertional, pathogenicity-defective Colletotrichum gloeosporioides mutant strain 1869 DIIVERGENCE OF Ri T-DNA TRANSFORMATS OF CABBAGE A genetic of transformation of Magnaporthe grisea by Agrobacterium tumefaciens Optimization in Rice Transformation System and Regeneration of Transgenic Plants with os-miR398 Gene Genetic Analysis of a Multi-tiller Mutation by T-DNA Insertion in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Generating Marker-free Transgenic Chrysanthemum by Agrobacterium Mediated Transformation with Twin T-DNA Binary Vectors Establishing a Gene Trap System Mediated by T-DNA(GUS) in Rice Effort and Contribution of T-DNA Insertion Mutant Library for Rice Functional Genomics Research in China: Review and Perspective The alteration in the architecture of a T-DNA insertion rice mutant osmtd1 is caused by up-regulation of MicroRNA156f DTX31 Gene Expression in Arabidopsis Phenotypical and Structural Characterization of the Arabidopsis Mutant Involved in Shoot Apical Meristem Construction of T-DNA Activation Tagging for Populus Functional Genomics ATMYB123 and ATKOR1 Genes Involve in the Development of Roots in Arabidopsis thaliana Isolation of Gene in Rice Using Promoter Trap System Study and Use of the Ri Plasmids of Agrobacterium rhizogenes IDENTIFICATION OF HOMOZYGOUS MUTANT LINES OF GENES INVOLVED IN DNA DAMAGE REPAIR IN RICE Application of T-DNA insertion mutation in the plant nutrition research: A review Optimization of Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Cryptococcus neoformans vps41 Δ and Construction of a Insertional mutagenesis Library A Convenient Method for Screening Genes Related to Fertilization and Embryogenesis in Arabidopsis T-DNA Integration Category and Mechanism in Rice Genome A Non-canonical Transferred DNA Insertion at the BRI1 Locus in Arabidopsis thaliana Analysis of T-DNA Flanking Sequences and Event Specific Detection of Transgenic Alfalfa with Gene BADH GENETIC TRANSFORMATION OF Beauveria bassiana USING Agrobacterium tumefaciens-MEDIATED TRANSFORMATION AND MUTANTS SCREENING WITH SPECIAL TRAITS Dense-Panicle-Related Gene Cloning from Rice Mutant A989 and Transgenic Plant Analysis Recent Progress in Model Grass Brachypodium distachyon (Poaceae) Nonhost Interaction of Phytophthora sojae and Arabidopsis thaliana and Genetic Analysis of a Susceptible Mutant

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