Soybean leaf area index retrieval with UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) remote sensing imagery Effects of regulated deficit irrigation on accumulation and distribution of biomass and nitrogen, and yield of island cotton Effects of fertilization on photosynthetic characteristics and growth of Coffea arabica L. at juvenile stage under drought stress Effects of phosphorus application on changes in soil phosphorus under wheat/maize/soybean strip relay intercropping system Risk assessment in soil phosphorus environment of Guanxi pummelo orchard in Pinghe County, Fujian Province Cd uptake and accumulation of Brassica napus varieties with different seed glucosinolate characteristics Canonical correlations of light and temperature with yield and agronomic traits of semi-winter rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) sowed in spring Flowering phenology and fruiting characteristics of summer peanut under different planting systems Effect of continuous wheat and maize straw incorporation on soil nitrogen and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic (FTIR) characterization of soil organic matter Phosphorus solubilizing bacteria growth and effects on soil phosphorus adsorption-desorption characteristics in reclaimed soils Effects of low nitrogen stress on the physiological and morphological traits of roots of different low nitrogen tolerance maize varieties at seedling stage Effect of climate change on cotton growth period and yield in Kashgar City, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Parasitism and offspring fitness of Aphidius ervi Haliday in relation to its host Acyrthosphon pisum Harris at different stages Effects of permanent raised beds on soil salinity in oasis irrigation districts Effects of different rotational tillage patterns on soil physical properties and yield of winter wheat-spring maize rotation field in Weibei highland Effects of chemical regulation and P fertilization on P absorption and utilization in maize/peanut intercropping system Mechanism and application of germanium in plant growth Effect of urban expansion on non-agricultural habitats in farmland landscape: A case study of Shenbei New District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province Refining climate regionalization of cotton in the Northern Slope Economic Zone of Tianshan Mountain Use of integrated climatic index to determine high temperature damage to summer maize at florescence in the Huaibei Plain Application of different canopy resistance models in summer maize evapotranspiration simulation Effects of continuous UV-B stress on biological characteristics of green pea aphid 2,4-epibrassinolide protection aginest root growth inhibition and oxidative damage of Medicago sativa L. seedling under NaCl stress Research progress and prospect about exotic invasive species Phalaris minor Retz. Regulation and effect of 100% straw return on crop yield and environment Using remote sensing to analyze spatiotemporal variations in crop planting in the North China Plain Evaluation of the degree of land destruction in mining areas using improved fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method Effects of pesticides on antioxidant enzyme activities and related physiological indices on cucumber seedlings Principles and applications of information ratio adjustment of GGE biplot— A case study of cotton mega-environment investigation in the Yangtze River Valley Genotypic variation and environmental effects on yield, quality and agronomic traits of sweet potato Effects of long-term fertilization on spring season weed community in winter fallow paddy field in red soil area under double-rice cropping system Analysis of the dynamics and characteristics of grain filling in summer maize under waterlogging stress Effects of fertilization and straw incorporation on bacterial communities in lime concretion black soil Analysis of functional diversity of soil microbial communities under different cultivation patterns at different growth stages of maize Evaluation of the quality of soil fertility using entire-array-polygon indicator method Characteristics of soil organic carbon at 38°N ecological transect of Hebei Province Effects of curing methods on conversion rate of nicotine and TSNAs contents of tobacco Genetic divergence and analysis of the relationships between species of Mosla (Labiatae) Correction of karyotype of diploid Beesia calthifolia and discovery of a tetraploid cytotype Surface features of seeds in Thermopsis (Leguminosae) New synonymies of some species in the Hamamelidaceae New taxa of Impatiens L. (Balsaminaceae) from Zhejiang, China New material of Carex sect. Praelongae from China New taxa of Carex L. (Cyperaceae) from China (II) New taxa of Carex L. (Cyperaceae) from China Taxonomy of the fern genus Leptochilus Kaulf. (Polypodiaceae) Validation of some Chinese species of Ilex L. (Aquifoliaceae) Karyomorphology of four species in Ancylostemon, Briggsiopsis and Lysionotus (Gesneriaceae) Evolution of pollination system and characters of stigmas in Najadales New taxa of Berberis Linn.(Berberidaceae) from China New taxa of the Ranunculaceae from Xizang (Tibet), China Three genera and four species of Cephaloziaceae new to China A new species of the genus Polypodiodes Ching (Polypodiaceae) from China Scirpus monocephalus—A new species of the genus Scirpus Linn. (Cyperaceae) from Anhui, China A new species of Epimedium L. (Berberidaceae) from Hunan, China Two new species of the Begonia L.(Begoniaceae) from China A new species of Mahonia Mutt. (Berberidaceae) from Guangxi, China The identity of the genus Xizangia Hong(Scrophulariaceae) A new species of Helicteres Linn. (Sterculiaceae) Two new species of the genus Dendranthema (DC.) Des Moul. from China Two new species of the Lauraceae from Guangxi, China New plants of the Gesneriaceae from Guangxi of China(Ⅲ) Five newly-recorded species in the genus Nitzschia from China A new species of Pellionia Gaud.(Urticaceae) from Yunnan, China The Restoration of the Genus Cyclocodon ( Campanulaceae) and Its Evidence from Pollen and Seed-coat Two New Species of Compsopogon (Rhodophyta) from Shanxi and Guangxi, China A New Combination of Hamamelidaceae A New Species of the Genus Panicum L.(Poaceae) from Yunnan, China Two New Species of Doronicum Linn. (Compositae) from China A Pair of Vicarious Species of Hippeophyllum: H. sinicum (sp. nov.) from Gansu and H. pumilum from Taiwan A New Species of Bambusa from Guangxi, China A New Species of the Genus Agapetes (Vacciniaceae) from Guangxi, China Two New Species of Saussurea DC.(Compositae) from Xinjiang, China Study on the Fern Genus Polystichum Roth Sect. Lasiopolystichum Daigobo from China Synstemon deserticolus Y. Z. Zhao—A New Species of Brassicaceae from Nei Monggol Notes on Syringa meyeri Schneid. and Its Confused Species New Material of Carex Section Rhomboidales from China (2) A Taxonomic Study of Huperzia Bernh.(s. s.) Sect. Huperzia in China Yinpingmudan, the Wild Relative of the King of Flowers, Paeonia suffruticosa Andrews Does Actaea asiatica Have the Most Symmetric and Primitive Karyotype in the Ranunculaceae?

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