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Remote sensing inversion of soil moisture in Hebei Plain based on ATI and TVDI models
Comparison of different straw cycling modes in farmland ecosystems in Chengdu Plain based on emergy theory
Evaluation of ecological footprint of straw resources utilization based on emergy theory: A case study of typical rice-wheat rotation region in Chengdu Plain
Impact of climate change on the division of jujube planting zones in Xinjiang
Evaluation and regionalization of maize vulnerability to drought disaster in Western Jilin Province based on CERES-Maize model
Evaluation of the reasonability of site selection for High Quality Capital Farmland Construction Project based on set pair analysis
Differences and relationships between farmland productivity and farmland natural quality
Vertical infiltration characteristics of reclaimed farmland soils with Yellow River sediment fill
Population biological characteristics and yield of early rice of throwing transplanting under seedling-increase and nitrogen-reduction measures
Effects of configuration mode of crop-mulberry system in purple arid hillside field on SMBC and SMBN in the Three Gorges Reservoir
Estimation of regional evapotranspiration over the Hufu Plain using STME and MODIS data
Catchment-based landscape patterns and divisions in mountain areas: A case study of Qixia City in Shandong Province
Assessment of the impact of Grain for Green project on farmers‘ livelihood in the Loess Plateau
Dynamics of cropland resources value in fragile ecological zones of the loess hilly-gully region: A case study of Shanghuang Experiment Area
A marginal model-based study of the ultimate influence of China‘s urbanization evolution on cropland
O emission characteristics and mitigation methods in South Loess Plateau under rain-fed winter wheat conditions
Effects of fertilizer application regimes on soil N
O emissions in the croplands of purple soil in the Sichuan Basin during wheat season
Effects of nitrogen and sulfur interaction on their accumulation, translocation and use efficiency in winter wheat
Anti-transpirant studies and applications in agriculture
Comprehensive research on the state of agricultural drought in five main grain producing areas in China
Modeling crop evapotranspiration using remotely sensed vegetation data: A case study of winter wheat in the North China Plain
Assessment on capacities of ecosystem monitoring, research and management in Africa
A soil erosion model built on Machine Learning Theory
Using GGE biplot and comprehensive selection index to investigate mega-environments of cotton cultivar
Influence of spatial heterogeneity of climatic and socio-economic factors on soil organic matter-A case study of the central Heilongjiang Province, China
Soil aggregate stability and erodibility under forest vegetation in the Loess Plateau using the Le Bissonnais method
Analysis of differentially expressed proteins in
Perilla frutescens
(L.) Britt. leaves under cadmium stress
Effects of transgenic
soybean on nitrogen transformation in saline-alkaline soil
Indexes screening and comprehensive evaluation of low nitrogen tolerance of hybrid maize cultivars at seedling stage
Cassava nutritive characteristics of NPK and effect of fertilizer application
Effects of application of organic fertilizer under different planting densities on dry matter production and yield formation of summer maize
Research progress on the effects of land consolidation on ecosystem services
Advances in the effects of bisphenol A on plants
The Application of Marginal Utility and the Development of High-yield,High-quality and High-benefit Agriculture
Utilization of Plant Potentialities to Enhance the Bio-efficiency of Phosphorus in Soil
Patterns and Tactics for Agro-economic Development in ECOTONE--A Case Study from Panxi Region in Sichuan Province
Influence Factors to Agricultural Technical Innovation in China
The probe of the Ten-years Eco-agricultural Practice in Jilin Province
Nutrient Contents in Paulownia and Soil and Their Effects on Witches‘Broom
Position and Functions of Anaerobic Digestion in Eco-agriculture
Corn Starch Gel and Plant Tissue Culture I. Effects of Corn Starch Gel Medium on Differentiation and Growth of Malus Zumi and M26
Potential Productivity of Light and Heat Resources and Its Utilization in Winter Wheat Field
Features of Rural Garden Economy and Tactics for Its Development
A Report on Eco-agricultural Development in Xining City
Establishing Forest Environmental Resource Industry to Promote the Sustainable Development of Forestry
Application of Farming System Approach to Researches on Sustainable Farming System Development
Combination of Subsistence with Development:Rising of the Agroforestry
Sustainable Agriculture is an Effective Way of Improving Rural Economy and Protecting Ecological Balance
The Influences of CO
Concentration Doubling on Growth and Development,Yield Formation and Germination Percentage of Winter Wheat
Population Supporting Capacity of Land(PSCL) in Dabie Mountainous Region in Hubei Province
Effects of Cultivation Techniques for High-yield and High-benefit Growing of Foxtail Millet
A Review of Certain Problems in Intercropping Research
An Approach Confirming The Representative Regions of an Agroecological Experimental Station--A Case Study from Changwu Agroecological Exprimental station
Discussion of Problems in Agro-eco-system Assessment
Limitation Factors to the Yield of Winter Wheat Growing on Non-irrigated Land in Heilonggang Area
Modelling the Biomass Dynamics of Alpine Meadow
Effects of System Factors on Productivity of Key Agricultural Elements
Development and Prospect of Land Resource Economics in China
Energy Flow in the Agroecosystem of Farming-Livestock-Fruit
Study on Rational Land Use for Comprehensive Agro-development--A Case Study from Jixian County,Shanxi Province
The Effects of Microgeomorphology on Soil Formation and Agricultural Utilization in Modern Yellow River Delta
Material-flow Structure and Nitrogen-recycling Efficiency of Kangji Ecological Farm
Microclimate in the Downland Region of Taihang Mountains and the Construction of Artifical Vegetation
Ecological Functions of Diversified Farmland landscape
Evaluation of the Functions of a Compound Agroecosystem
The Obstacles in the Current Agricultural Development
Macroscopic Features of Nitrogen Transformation and Cycling in the Agroecosystem in China and It‘s Implications to Ecological Agriculture
The Quantitative Features of A Typical Agroecosystem and the Strategies for its Sustainable Development in the High Production Area in Taihang Piedmont
Effects of Applying Molybdenum to Soybean and Intercropped Maize on the Increase of Nitiogen and Yield
The Allocation Structure of an Eco-agricultural Resource-saving Model
Correlative Analysis of the Relationship of the Comprehensive Exploitation the Rural Energy Resources and the Development of the Rural Economy in Huabei Plain
Morphological and Phylogenetic Analysis of
Karlodinium veneficum
Isolated from the East China Sea in China
Photosynthetic response to different irradiances of undergrowth plants in tree-herb plantation
Fluorescence kinetics of different ecotypes of allelopathic wheat varieties at heading stage
Characteristics of sink-source-flow in “II Youhang No. 1” and “II Youhang No. 2” super hybrid rice
Effect of irrigation on nitrogen uptake and translocation in summer maize
A dynamic knowledge model for fertilization management in processing tomato
Effect of combined application of microbial inoculum and fertilizer on white clover growth in reclaimed mine soil
Impact of controlled-release compound fertilizer on flue-cured tobacco leaf antioxidant system
Elimination effects of riparian vegetation buffer zones on surface water nitrogen and phosphorus in Shenyang suburbs
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