Residue characteristics of HCHs and DDTs in greenhouse soils in Dianchi Lake Distract Antagonistic effect of multifunctional actinomycete strain Act12 on soil-borne pathogenic fungi and its identification Effect of INA bacteria on pulp cell ultrastructure of young loquat fruit Selectivity of Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) on different host vegetables Influence of crop rotation on tobacco bacterial wilt number and pothogenesy Change characteristics and regional differences in organic matter and total nitrogen contents in topsoil under restored vegetation Characteristics of plant niche under different restoration measures in Ili desert grassland of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Effect of La(NO3)3 on seedling growth and physiological characteristics of ryegrass under NaCl stress Endogenous hormone content in relation to thickening of carrot fleshy root during summer season in plateau region Application of molecular marker techniques in rye research A review on environmental effects and control criteria of biosolid agricultural application Advances in nitrogen footprint research Review of researches on soil aggregate and soil organic carbon Analysis of potentials of greenhouse gas emissions reduction and soil carbon sequestration in organic agriculture Effect of high voltage wire electromagnetic field intensity on Large Aperture Scintillometer (LAS) observation Ecosystem services of wheat-maize cropland systems in the North China Plain Spatio-temporal dynamics and optimal development scale of cotton industry in Xinjiang Evaluation of the rainfall effectiveness for reclaim of saline soil by subsurface pipe drainage system in coastal saline regions of Hebei Province Comparative advantages of Large Aperture Scintillometer and Eddy Covariance instrument for measuring evapotranspiration in irrigated farmlands Characteristics and effects of climate warming on winter wheat/summer maize cropping system in recent 50 years in the piedmont of Mount Taihang Effects of climate change and agricultural technology improvement on evapotranspiration and crop yield Analysis of published research papers based on experimental data from Luancheng Agro-Ecosystem Experimental Station of Chinese Academy of Sciences Demonstration practices and effects of new agro-technologies developed at Luancheng Agro-Ecosystem Experimental Station of Chinese Academy of Sciences over the last 30 years Enhancement of wheat distant hybridization germplasm Nitrogen flux and its manipulation in the cropland ecosystem of the North China Plain Effect of conservation tillage on soil quality in the piedmont plain of Mount Taihang Enzymological regulation of soil nutrient cycle in the piedmont region of North China Plain Ammonia volatilization and control mechanisms in the piedmont of North China Plain Soil nitrate leaching and control methods in the piedmont of North China Plain Effect of plant film-forming anti-transpirant on transpiration efficiency of winter wheat flag-leaf Effects of deficit irrigation on physio-ecological indices of winter wheat Interactions between evolution of farming systems and environment for agricultural production in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain during the historic period Resistance of Chinese wheat landraces and relatives at seedling stage to powdery mildew Identification of germplasm with enriched micronutrients of wild emmer and progeny of wild emmer × common wheat Screening and evaluating low nitrogen tolerant wheat genotype at seedling stage Operation and demonstration of precision planting in Luancheng County Changes and driving forces of land use/cover and landscape patterns in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region Evaluation of cropland productivity in the Hebei Plain via graded multi-year MODIS-NDVI data Diagnosis of the state of N in wheat via digital image processing technique Estimation of regional evapotranspiration over the Hebei Plain using geostationary satellite data Change in farmland soil fertility and nutrient management strategy in the piedmont of Mount Taihang, North China Plain Effect of soil factors on quality and style of flue-cured tobacco in Qujing District, Yunnan Province Influence of exogenous N resource on triploid Populus tomentosa leaf decomposition Effect of fertilization on photosynthetic characteristics of wheat flag leaf Effect of fertilization on yield, net income and soil environment in Qingdao protected vegetable production systems Effect of microbial organic fertilizer on seedling growth, yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco Effects of nitrogen on metabolism and dry matter accumulation of flue-cured tobacco before and after topping Effect of Zn and P supply on grain Zn bioavailability in wheat Path analysis of summer maize agronomic traits and yield in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain Analysis of high and stable yield characteristics of "Kn199" winter wheat cultivar Development of "Kn199" new winter wheat variety and its cultivation in China Comparative study on yield and economic benefits of rape under different planting and mulching patterns Soil evaporation under sole cropping and intercropping systems and the main driving factors Characteristics of soil organic carbon and nitrogen distributed in different density fractions of mollisols under long-term continuous cropping and natural restoration Effect of tillage pattern on soil greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4 and N2O) fluxes in semi-arid temperate regions Effects of soil amendments on rhizosphere microbial number, soil enzyme activity and yield of continuous cropped American ginseng Temperature and relative humidity during air-curing and their effects on burley tobacco quality in different curing barns Effect of heavy metal Cu on compost materials property and oxidoreductase activity during pig waste composting Effects of environmental materials on maize growth and soil remediation of Pb and Cd contaminated soils Response of Vicia faba growth and soil enzyme activity to low molecular polyethylene added in soil Analysis of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria population in apple rhizosphere soils Effect of Ageratina adenophora (Spreng.) and Flaveria bidentis (Linn.) invasion on soil microbial community and Oryza sativa L. growth New Material of Desmidiales from China The Origin of the Traditional Chinese Medicine, “Mudanpi”—A New Variety of Paeonia Abies fansipanensis —A New Species of the Genus Abies from Vietnam A New Species of Citrus (Rutaceae) from China A Study on the Synstematics of the Genus Lepisorus (Poiypodiaceae) Numerical Taxonomic Studies of Hemerocallis (Liliaceae) from China A Study on Origin and Evolution of Cordaitaceae in Late Paleozoic A New Species of Polygonum from Liaodong, China A New Species and a New Variety of the Zingiberaceae from China Micromorphological Characters of Seed Coats of Chinese Najadaceae and Their Systematic Significance A Study on Karyotypes and Geographical Distribution of Ostericum (Umbelliferae) in China Davalliaceae of China On Geographical Distribution of Achnatherum Beauv. (Gramineae) On Phylogeny of the Taxaceae from Morphology of Seedlings Phylogenetic Analysis of the Family Taxodiaceae Studies on the Karyotypes and the Cytogeography of Cupressus (Cupressaceae) New Taxa of the Genus Euglena (Euglenophyta) from Hubei, China New Taxa of the Genera Phacus and Lepocinclis in Euglenophyta from China

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