STUDY ON RESISTANCE OF THREE COTTON SPECIES TO MAIN COTTON DISEASES Air Pollution Monitoring by Plants and Plant Resistance STUDIES ON DELTAMETHRIN RESISTANCE BREEDING AND ITS RESISTANT MECHANISM OF DIAMOND BACK MOTH THE EFFECTS OF MIXTURES OF PHOXIM (OR DIMETHOATE) AND FENVALERATE ON RESISTANT EVOLUTION IN GREEN PEACH APHIDS Risk assessment and molecular mechanism of the resistance of Magnaporthe oryzae from rice to SYP-1620 ANATOMICAL STUDIES ON THE DROUGHT RESISTANT VARIETIES IN MAIZE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CN-RESISTANT RESPIRATION AND CLIMACTERIC OF FRUIT IN APPLE THE DEVELOPMENT OF FIRE-RESISTANCE FOREST BELTS RESEARCH STUDIES ON FIRE RESISTANT TREE SPECIES OF DAGUI MOUNTAINS,GUANGXI ZHUANG AUTONOMOUS REGION Analysis on Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics between Male Sterile and Fertile Plants of Genic Male Sterile AB Line in Chinese Cabbage Analysis on Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics between Male Sterile and Fertile Plants of Genic Male Sterile AB Line in Chinese Cabbage ‘Jianghuangzhuang 1’一A New Dehiscent-fruit-resistant Strain of ‘Jinsixiaozao’Jujube A New Tomato Hybrid‘Huafan 11’Resistant to Tomato yellow leaf curl
Comprehensive Evaluation on Drought Resistance of Early Fruiting Walnut Cultivars A New Heat-resistant Spinach Cultivar‘Hubo 1’ A New Male Sterility Savoy Hybrid‘Huiwu 11’ Cloning and Analysis of Glutamine SynthaseⅡ Precursor in Triticum aestivum L. Effects of Planting Density on Characters of Culm and Culm Lodging Resistant Index in Winter Wheat High-Yielding Cultural Approach for the Transgenic Hybrids of Bollworm Resistant Cotton by Transplanting Patterns Analysis on Lower Canopy Temperature and Physiological Characteristics of Drought-resistant Wheat Resistance to Brown Planthopper in Progenies of GNA Transgenic Rice Research status and prospect of resistant gene engineering in medicinal plant Reproductive Ecology of Armeniaca sibirica with Cold Resistant in Inner Mongolia Detection of virulence to Yr26 and pathogenicity to Chinese commercial winter wheat cultivars at seedling stage Genetic analysis and mapping of a stripe rust resistance gene YrSph derived from Triticum sphaerococcum Perc. Auxin Response Factor,GmARF10,Positively Regulates Leaf Senescence Processes in Glycine max Study of Alfalfa Germplasm Resistance to Alfalfa Rust

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